22nd July 2019, 03:10 PM
How many rounds are there in UST Global Kochi Associate Software Developer interview?
Respected Sir, I am interested to join and become an Associate Software Developer in UST Global Kochi. For this, I am preparing for the interview. So, I would like to know about the rounds which will come in the interview for this post in UST Global?
25th July 2019, 09:27 AM
Number of rounds available in UST Global Kochi Associate Software Developer recruitment:
The detailed information about the selection process of this UST Global Kochi Associate Software Developer recruitment is given below. Name of the Company - UST Global Name of the Job Position - Associate Software Developer >> Selection process consists of 4 number of rounds totally as far as my best knowledge is concerned. >> The selection process consists of, @ Aptitude Test @ Programming Test @ Technical Interview @ HR Interview |
25th July 2019, 12:40 PM
There is 3 rounds interview in UST Global Kochi for the post of Associate Software Developer interview :-
1)Online Aptitude test 2)Technical Interview 3)HR Interview For more information visit on https://www.ust-global.com/ |