8th April 2019, 02:47 PM
Job description of Linux Administrator in TCS, Bengaluru?
Dear friends, can anyone of you kindly let me know about the job description in TCS, Bengaluru for the post of Linux Administrator? I want to secure this position in this company. Please let me know about the job description asap.
13th April 2019, 06:59 PM
Job Description of Linux Administrator in TCS, Bangalore recruitment:
The detailed job description of this Linux Administrator in TCS, Bangalore recruitment is given below. Name of the Company - Tata Consultancy Services Name of the Job Position - Linux Administrator <> As a Linux Administrator, you are required to involve in System Monitoring which includes, Fault Monitoring, Performance monitoring, Analyzing the system logs, proactive monitoring, Maintaining the system logs, identifying the potential issues..etc., <> You are required to monitor the redhat linux servers and ensure its availability in all the environments, Prod Replica, Pre Prod, PROD..etc., <> You are required to make sure that Hardware is running on Latest version of Redhat Linux..etc., Click here for official website |