31st August 2019, 06:41 PM
Selection procedure of General Electric Bangalore Digital Technology Intern Interview?
Can anyone of you kindly let me know what is the process for selection in General Electric Bangalore for the post of Digital Technology Intern? I am interested to attend an interview with this company for this post so I need to know about the selection procedure.
17th September 2019, 11:00 AM
The selection process of General Electric Bangalore Digital Technology Intern Interview consists of 3 rounds. These rounds are as follows:
1)Written Exam 2)Technical Interview(Elimination) 3)HR Interview These Documents are required for General Electric Bangalore Digital Technology Intern Interview :- 1. Passport Size Candidate's Photos (06 Copies) 2. Photo copy of Secondary School Certificate Marks Sheet and proof of date of birth. 3. Photo copy of Higher Secondary School Certificate Marks Sheet. 4. Photo copy of Graduation Marks Sheet 5. Photo copy of PAN and Aadhar Card of candidates (Compulsory) 6. Updated Resume For more information visit on (https://www.ge.com/) |
23rd September 2019, 10:00 AM
Selection procedure of General Electric Bangalore Digital Technology Intern Interview as follows :Multiple rounds are there and you will have to clear all.
-Written test for general abilities check with analytical skills. -Technical test for working knowledge. -HR interview. |