5th March 2016, 11:17 AM
Previous five years solved ICAR NET Plant Pathology papers
Respected Sir,
I need the five years previous solved question papers of ICAR NET for the subject Plant Pathology, please go for the prompt action for me. My email id: ratansubbapp@gmail.com Thanking you With regards Ratan |
24th February 2018, 09:53 PM
Respected Sir/Mam, In my last ten years the need for an ICAR net article paper, related to plant pathology, please provide me.
My email id:mandalsusanta1994@gmail.com Thanking you Susanta |
7th March 2018, 09:45 PM
Respected sir, I need five years questions papers previous year solved questions papers of ICAR net for the subject specialized entomology,please go for the prompt action for me.
My Email Id:swapnasharma126@gmail.com Thanking you Swapna |
21st November 2018, 11:47 PM
Respected Sir, I need the five years previous solved question papers of ICAR NET for the subject Plant Pathology, please go for the prompt action for me.
My email id: arvind25rheo@gmail.com Thanking you With regards ARVIND |
12th March 2019, 11:56 PM
Re: previous five years solved ICAR NET plant pathology pàpers
Respected sir, I want previous 10 years solved quesòtion papers for the subject plant pathology. Please provide me My mail id : dineshbajoriya1978@gmail.com |
16th October 2019, 12:32 PM
Respected Sir, I need the five years previous solved question papers of ICAR NET for the subject Plant Pathology, please go for the prompt action for me.
My email id: pujjoshi474@gmail.com Thanking you With regards Pooja Joshi |