12th April 2010, 10:22 PM
Model Question paper of Entrance Exam. of M.Tech (Nano Technology)
I require model question paper of entrance examination for M.Tech in NanoTechnology .
13th April 2010, 11:31 AM
you can download the Model Question paper of Entrance Exam. of M.Tech (Nano Technology) from the following sites :-
www.pdfqueen.com/.../model-question-paper...mtech-entrance-exam/9/ questionpaper.in/EntranceExam30-VITMEE.aspx www.successcds.net/Entrance-Exam/Punjab-University-OCET-Admissions.php |
14th April 2010, 12:32 AM
hi friend,
you can get it from the following websites questionpaper.in/EntranceExam30-VITMEE.aspx www.pdfqueen.com/.../model-question-paper...mtech-entrance-exam/9 o k all the best |
14th April 2010, 10:16 PM
Model Question paper of Entrance Exam. of M.Tech (Nano Technology) can be download from the following link:-
www.pdfqueen.com/.../msc-nano-technology-entrance-test-question-paper/ www.courses2day.com/.../srmeee-old-question-paper-for-sale.html www.pdfqueen.com/.../model-question-paper...mtech-entrance-exam/9/ |
15th April 2010, 02:47 AM
you should purchase the gk publishers book for gate,
it has got all the previous years question papers and also some very good questions for practice all the best |
15th April 2010, 06:34 PM
for applying for masters degree you may get the course by applying for different exams like there is a premier exam held on all India basis fro masters degree......GATE.... if you need question papers for the gate exams then you can get them in the following link :- http://www.gateexam.co.cc/2010/01/nanotechnology-past-present-and-future.html if you want question papers for specific universities giving m.tech then you can get them in the following link :- 1.for amu :- www.pdfqueen.com/pdf/am/amu-entrance-papers-for-m.tech/ 2.for jntu :- http://www.toodoc.com/jntu-m-tech-previous-question-papers-ebook.html 3.for delhi university - http://onlineteachers.co.in/archives/admission-to-delhi-university-mtech-nanoscience-and-nanotechnology/ best of luck |
15th April 2010, 07:16 PM
you can get form the following site www.pdfqueen.com/.../msc-nano-technology-entrance-test-question-paper download-book.net/m-tech-in-pulp-and-paper-technology-pdf.html www.manit.ac.in/downloads/syllabus/.../mtech/1st%20Semester.pdf |
15th April 2010, 10:18 PM
you can get the question papers for gate exam at gatementor.com
also you can get the papers at gateforum.com and also in arihanth publications book all the best |
13th May 2010, 01:31 AM
Dear friend
Go to the www.successcds.net. You can get the Model Question paper of Entrance Exam. of M.Tech from the above mentioned website. you can download the papers from the site. All the best. |
6th June 2011, 11:51 PM
you can check the sites:-
>> http://www.pdfqueen.com/model-question-paper-for-m.tech-in-nano-technology >> http://onlineteachers.co.in/archives/admission-to-delhi-university-mtech-nanoscience-and-nanotechnology/ >> http://www.gateexam.co.cc/2010/01/nanotechnology-past-present-and-future.html just see if these sites can help you to prepare well. All the best |