Difference between Cryptographer and Cartographer


Cryptographers are the technical professionals who convert the crucial data into unreadable format using a cryptographic key. Those who have access to that key can decode that data and read the information. Thus cryptographers play a pivotal role in protecting the secret information. The profession of Cartographer is extremely different from Cryptographer. They are responsible for collecting geographic information to make maps and charts required for various purposes. They make use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to analyze the characteristics of the landscapes. They will then use this digital geographical data for making maps. The job responsibilities of Cartographers are not limited to creating maps and charts. They should ensure the accuracy of the maps by monitoring it constantly.

Cryptographer and opportunities

Cryptographers have got great demand in the field of network security as it is the basis of securing electronic transactions. They can work in criminal agencies and forensic departments to encode and decode crucial data. They can pursue their career as cryptographic engineers in various software firms. Cryptanalysts and Cryptosystem designers are the other career opportunities available for them. Law enforcement agencies also hire the service of cryptographers.

Cartographer and opportunities

Geological Survey of India (GSI) is a prominent government organization which offers career opportunities for the cartographers. This institution has got a separate division for cartography. Centre for Advanced Remote Sensing and Environmental Studies is another organization which hires the service of cartographers. Several research organizations offer suitable career avenues for the cartographers. They can get into military services after qualifying the concerned examination. Government agencies also employ cartographers for the geographical survey. Indian Meteorological Department recruits cartographers for creating weather maps.

Key difference between Cryptographer and Cartographer

  • Cryptographers are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of crucial data while Cartographers are the mapping scientists who create maps and charts.
  • Cryptographers need a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics or Computer Science where as Cartographers should be a graduate in Geography.

Cryptographers and Cartographers focus on entirely different fields. Therefore their job profiles will be different from each other. Both of these professions are intriguing and challenging. Even so, Cartography is much more adventurous and challenging than cryptography.



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