5th February 2018, 07:46 PM
Can I get Railway Clerk job being a disabled person?
Respected Sir, I have passed I.Com and I want to job in railway clerk and I have computer application diploma and I have import export diploma and Sir I am disabled person. I have disable certificate. If you want asked any question. Please tell me, I will give answer.
5th February 2018, 09:12 PM
If you are physically handicapped then definitely you can apply for the government job for Clerk in railways. But you have to appear in the RRB examination and if you get qualified then there is a reserved quota for physically handicapped.
6th February 2018, 10:12 AM
In the process of recruitment the physically challenged people in railway sector will be given a preference not only in age relaxation but also in the time allotted for writing the examination.
So, wait for the notification and apply for it but be prepared for the examination. |
6th February 2018, 05:23 PM
Yes, definitely you can get a job in Railways as a clerk being a disabled person, there is no problem in it.
If you are Physically handicapped then you can apply for the Railways job through a reserved quota. To do so, you must have to appear in the RRB examination, qualifying in which you can apply for the said job through a reserved Quota for disabled person. |