14th February 2023, 03:25 PM
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How to prepare for 4th/7th std Scholarship exams in Maharashtra?

4th and 7th std Scholarship exams are very popular in Maharashtra. What is the best way that my son can prepare for this exam?

16th February 2023, 05:37 PM
Hera tabrez
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Default Re: How to prepare for 4th/7th std Scholarship exams in Maharashtra?

Some of the tips for preparation

Keep your surroundings organised, the first step is to prepare for scholarship exam is to organize the surrounding in a way that it motivates you to study
Practise through previous year papers
Manage your time efficiently
Focus on areas of improvement
Go through the syllabus and prepare smartly.
Must go through the exam pattern before preparation, as the preparation will become easy.

In order to pass the exam, atleast 30 marks are required in each paper and a total of 120 marks in total.
All questions are MCQ based .
There are 3 papers of 100 marks each
Each of these exam has 1 hour duration .
Papers are
Language and english
Mathematics and social science
Intelligence test and general science.
23rd February 2023, 04:36 PM
Join Date: Jan 2023
Posts: 223
Default Re: How to prepare for 4th/7th std Scholarship exams in Maharashtra?

As you want to get the syllabus of 7th standard scholarship exam in Maharashtra so here is the information of the same for you:

1.Comprehension :

Following the Instruction
Alphabet Sequence

2. Classification :

3. Analogy :

4. Series :
Wrong term

5. Code :

6. Rhythmic Arrangement :

7. Pyramid :

8. Reflection :
Water reflection
Mirror Image

9. Logical Reasoning :
Verbal -
Time and clock
Non-verbal -
Cubes and Blocks
Counting the Triangles and Quadrilaterals

10. Puzzles :
Queue or Row
Venn Diagram
Mathematical Puzzle

11. Figure Analysis :
Completion of Figure
Folded Figure
Hidden Figure

Unit 1 :Environment
Natural Resources and Interdependence of Man on these resources
Interactions of Living and Non-living Elements
Social Environment

Unit 2 :Properties and Classification of Substances
States of Matter, Properties and Classification of Substances, Types of Changes
Methods of separating substances

Unit 3 :Earth and Living World
Characteristics of Living Things, their Structure and Functions
Organization of Living Things
Organ Systems
The Need for Classification of Living Things
Our Earth and Atmosphere
Earth and Solar System

Unit 4 :Food,Water and Hygiene
Properties of Water
Food : Nutrition and Protection
Nutrition and Excretion in Plants
Good Habits to Maintain Hygiene
Controlling Deficiency in Diet and Coordination

Unit 5 :Measurement
Estimates of Measurement
Various Methods of Measurement
Standard Weights and Measures

Unit 6 :Force, Work and Energy
Force, Motion and types of Motion. Units and Measurements of Motion
Work and Examples of Work
Relationship between Work and Energy. Sources, Users and Types of Energy

Unit 7 :Lights and Sound
Propagation of Light and its Effect on Plants
Production and Propagation of Sound

Unit 8 :Heat and Temperature
Transmission and Effects of Heat
Measurement of Heat and Thermometer

Unit 9 : Static Electricity
Electric Charge

1. Numbers
Natural Numbers, whole numbers, integers
Rational Numbers and operations on rational numbers
Even, odd, composite and prime numbers, Roman numerals
Additive inverse, multiplication inverse
Number line

2. Operations on Numbers
HCF, LCM and Tests for divisibility
Square and square root
Decimal fractions and Fractions(Vulgar)
Ratio and Proportion
Direct variation and inverse variation

3. Geometry
Point, line, segment, line, ray, angle, plane, vertically opposite angles, adjacent angles, supplementary angles, complementary angles
Circle, circular region, sector
Triangles : Construction and properties
Quadrilaterals : Construction and properties
The theorem of Pythagoras
Parallel lines
Congruency - Triangles, correspondance

4. Mensuration
Metric measures : Length, mass, capacity, time, coins and currency notes
Perimeter : Rectangle, square, triangle
Area : Square, rectangle
Volume : Cuboid, cube
Surface area : Cuboid, cube

5. Statistics
Joint bar diagram

6. Practical Arithmetic
Profit and Loss
Simple interest

7. Algebra
Use of letters in place of numbers, factors of algebric expressions
Value, Operations - Addition, subtraction, multiplication
Equations in one variable

1. India and the World
West Asia, Arab Civilization, Rise of Islam
Emergence of Feudalism in Europe, Rise if merchant class in Europe

2. Rise of the Regional Kingdoms
Impact on society, economy and culture
The Palas, the Rashtrakutas, the Cholas and the Rajputs
Foreign invasions and their resistance, Rule of the Turks, the Delhi Sultanate

3. Regional Powers
Vijaynagar, Bahamani and Ahom
Emergence of regional powers

4. Mughal Power
Establishment and expansion
Further expansion
Social life during the Mughal period
Emergence of the New centres of Power

5. Emergence and Growth of the Maratha Power
Maharashtra before the times of Shivaji Maharaj
Foundation of the Swaraj
Conflict with the Mughals
Administration of Swaraj
A People's King
The Maratha War of Independence
Expansion of the Maratha Power
Third Battle of Panipat
The Pillars of the Maratha Power

6. Religious Synthesis

1. Constitution of India
Constitution of India
Directive Principles

2. Parliamentary Democracy
Indian Democracy
Union Legislature
Union Executive and Judiciary

3. Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens
Fundamental Rights
Fundamental Duties

4. Union and States


1. Celestial Bodies
The Universe
The Sun, the Earth and the Moon

2. Physical
Ocean Floor Relief and Oceanic Oozes
Temperature and Salinity of Ocean Water
Movements of Ocean Water

3. Natural Environment and Resources - Some Continents and Countries
The Continent of Africa
The Continent of North America
The Continent of South America
The United States of America
South Africa

4. Natural Environment and Human Life
Human Occupations

5. Practical and Observational Skills
The Map
Field Visit
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