31st October 2011, 01:52 AM
You must have bachelor's degree of 4 years or you are the final year students of Bachelor's degree and talking about important dates so here are the some important dates of GATE exam-
Commencement of Online Application submission Monday 12 September 2011 (00:00 Hrs) Last date for Submission of Online Application (website closure) Monday 21 October 2011 (23:00 Hrs) Last date for the receipt of printed version of ONLINE Application at the respective zonal GATE Office Monday 28 October 2011 Zonal GATE website display of final list of registered candidates, choices of test paper and examination city Friday 09 December 2011 Availability of admit card on zonal GATE websites Monday 02 January 2012 GATE 2012 Online Examination for Papers: AR, GG and TF Sunday 29 January 2012 (09:00 Hrs to 12:00 Hrs) GATE 2012 Online Examination Papers: AE, AG and MN Sunday 29 January 2012 (14:00 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs) GATE 2012 Offline Examination Papers: BT, CE, CH, CS, ME, PH and PI Sunday 12 February 2012 (09:00 Hrs to 12:00 Hrs) GATE 2012 Offline Examination Papers: CY, EC, EE, IN, MA, MT, XE and XL Sunday 12 February 2012 (14:00 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs) Announcement of results Thursday 15 March 2012 (10:00 Hrs) |
31st October 2011, 02:41 AM
If you have to appeared in GATE exam then you will get a GATE prospectus in which syllabus is mentioned for each subjects and go through this. Otherwise the ECE syllabus is remains same what have you studied in B Tech. if you have command then you can easily get good rank. |
7th January 2012, 01:39 PM
i applied for gate2012 .they are telling to give admit card online from 5th of this month.but i went website but i am not getting admit card even i went for application status.but not getting.pls help,pls tell me how to get pls.
18th January 2012, 04:13 PM
hi friend ,
you can check your application status at: indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - 560 012 Phone: 080-2293 2392 Fax: 080-2360 1227 email: gate(at)gate.iisc.ernet.in also you can visit the website and check it online.... thank you.... |
23rd January 2012, 06:42 PM
The aspirants can collect the GATE applications forms from the banks nearby. You could also pick up application forms from from the Zonal offices of IITs and IISB. Aspirants have to fill in application forms and send along with a DD. Online application facility is also there. The cost of the form Rs.1000. Online form cost is Rs.800 for OBC and general category students. For SC/ST students the cost is half of that. best of luck