19th August 2011, 10:46 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

sir,please send me the syllabus and previous paper for bhel exam .
email id:[email protected]...
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20th August 2011, 01:33 AM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

my email id is
[email protected]
i want bhel question answer paper of ET OF last 5 year for electronics inst. eng.
please send it
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26th August 2011, 03:04 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

dear sir i need bhel previous years questions for engineer trainee.
kindly help me.

mail id: [email protected]

waiting for your positive reply sir
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29th August 2011, 11:28 PM
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Post Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

Helo sir
i need bhel last year question papers of supervisor trainee for electronic. As i completed my diploma in electronics dis year. And i also applied for supervisor trainee. plz send me documents as soon as possible
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31st August 2011, 04:27 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

Sir Please i request u to send Engineering trainee sample question papers(Electrical) ..to [email protected]
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31st August 2011, 08:20 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

The pattern followed by BHEL For engineering and supervisor trainee cadre

Pattern of the exam:

Engineer Trainee*(ET):
The written test for ST post will have 240 objective type questions & the duration is 2 Hrs 30 mins.
The test has following sections - 1) _Aptitude Test_ (covers Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, Logical thinking, English, General Awareness)
2) _Technical Test_ (questions from you specialization – Elect./Electronics/Mech engg.) * Each correct answer – 1 mark & wrong answer will fetch negative mark of 0.2
* There is no specific syllabus mentioned for this BHEL ET exam & questions would be mostly only from your engineering subjects, so _refer your college books_.

*Supervisor Trainee* (ST):
The written test for ST post consists of 150 objective questions, to be answered in 2 Hrs time. Following are the sections - 1) Aptitude Test (covers Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, Logical thinking, English, General Awareness etc)
2) Technical Test (questions from your subjects – Elect./Electronics/Mech/Civil engg) * There is negative mark of 0.2 for each wrong answer (1 mark for correct answer)
* Candidates have to refer their college syllabus to prepare for this ST exam, as questions would be based on it.

Sample Question paper: Engineer Trainee

Directions: In the following question, pick the choice whose meaning is opposite to the word shown in capitals.

(1) Cannibalism (2) Tyranny (3) The past (4) Aristocracy (5) Capitalist

Directions: In the following question, the descriptive sentence is aptly described by just one word. Select the choice which give the meaning most appropriately:
2. One who talks in his sleep:
(1) Somniloquist (2) Somnivocalist (3) Somnambulist (4) Somnalesist (5) None of these

Directions: In each question below you will find three words. The first two words are related to each other in some way. The third word is also related in the same way to one of the four alternatives marked as: (1), (2), (3) and (4). Find it out.

Directions: In each question below you will find three words. The first two words are related to each other in some way. The third word is also related in the same way to one of the four alternatives marked as: (1), (2), (3) and (4). Find it out.

(1) Good-bye (2) Run (3) Farewell (4) Depart

4. POET : VERSE SCULPTOR : ? (1) Artist (2) Chisel (3) Statue (4) Marble

Directions: In each question below you will find words, four of which are alike in some respect; they have something in common and belong to one category. Only one word is different from them; it does not belong to the category to which the other four belong. Which word is different from the rest?

5. (1) Foot ball (2) Cricket (3) Polo (4) Chess (5) Hockey

6. (1) Eye (2) Nose (3) Tongue (4) Finger (5) Liver

7. In a code where a numeral represents an alphabet the most likely code for the word RECESS is: (1) 913155 (2) 723245 (3) 865277 (4) 233300 (5) 983499

8. If in a code a,b,c, means `try your best', b,o,p,o means `try again & again' x,y,a means `all the best' - Then `your best again' is represented by (1) c a o (2) p o c (3) a c p (4) y c a (5) o c y

Directions: In the following question complete the given series
9. 48,24,72,36,108, . . . . . . . . . . .
(1) 110 (2)115 (3) 64 (4) 54 (5) 125

10. Of the following numbers which one is the greatest?
(1) (0.6 x 0.6)-12 (2) 0.004 x 100 (3) (-0.7)4 (4) 0.2 x 0.2

11. Which of the following numbers is least?
(1) (1/4)2 (2) 49 (3) 4-9 (4) 42

12. It costs Rs.4.25 for two adults and their child to attend the Circus. If the child's ticket is half the price of adult's ticket, what is the price of an adult's ticket?
(1) Rs.0.75 (2)Rs. 1.70 (3) Rs.1.75 (4) Rs.1.44

13. If `a' is less than 50 and 'b' is less than 25, it follows that:
(1) a=2b (2) `a` is greater than b (3) a+b is less than 75 (4) a-b =25 (5) None of these
2A. TECHNICAL TEST (for Engineer Trainees)
PART 1 - GENERAL 1. A series combination of Resistance and Capacitor is put across a Thyristor to protect it from:
(1) High Currents (2) High voltage (3) High rate of change of voltage (4) High rate of change of current
(5) Thermal run away

2. A Babbitt is:
(1) An eutectic of iron and iron phosphide
(2) A gadget of measuring volume
(3) Antimony bearing lead or tin alloy
(4) A measure of magnetic induction produced in a material
(5) None of these above

3. An Induction motor is:
(1) Self-starting with zero torque (2) Self-starting with very high torque
(3) Self-starting with smaller torque than the rated torque (4) None of the above
1. The transformer capacity is 200 KVA, percentage impedance is 4% and tolerance impedance is 10%. The short circuit current in KA is:
(1) 0.39 (2) 8.21 (3) 8210 (4) 82100 (5) 0.821

2. A 20 KVA transformer was found to have 600 W Iron losses and 700 W Copper losses, when supplying full load at 0.8 power factor. The efficiency of the transformer on full load is:
(1) 92.5% (2) 91.2% (3) 100% (4) 98.2% (5) None of these

3. A water heater holds 20 litres of water. An electric immersion heater which will raise the temperature of the water from 10 degree C to 88 degree C in 55 minutes and efficiency of 85%. The rating in KW is
(1)7685000 (2)2330 (3)2.33 (4) 23.3 (5) None of these

1. A 10 Kw transistor is modulated to 80%. The average side band power will be:
(1) 1.8 KW (2) 8 KW (3) 3.2 KW (4) 4.6 KW (5) 4.26 KW

2. A resonant circuit has the resonance frequency 1 MHz and quality factor, Q, 100. Its 3-db band width is:
(1) 10 KHz (2) 5 KHz (3) 100 KHz (4) 20 KHz (5) None of these

1. The inlet valve of a four stroke cycle I.C. engine remains open for nearly:
(1) 180o (2) 125o (3) 235o (4) 200o (5) 275o

2. Diesel cycle efficiency is maximum when the cut off is:
(1) Increased (2) Decreased (3) Maximum (4) Minimum (5) Zero
1(4) 2. (1) 3.(4) 4.(3) 5.(4) 6.(5) 7.(1) 8. (1) 9.(4) 10.(1) 11.(3) 12.(2) 13.(3)

1(3) 2.(3) 3.(3)
1. ELECTRICAL ENGG. 1. (2) 2. (1) 3.(3)
2. ELECTRONICS ENGG. 1. (3) 2. (1)
3. MECHANICAL ENGG. 1. (3) 2. (5)

Sample Question Paper: Supervisor Trainee

Directions: In the following question, pick the choice whose meaning is opposite to the word shown in capitals.
(1) Cannibalism (2) Tyranny (3) The past (4) Aristocracy (5) Capitalist

2. Which of the following numbers is least?
(1) (1/4)2 (2) 49 (3) 4-9 (4) 42

3. It costs Rs.4.25 for two adults and their child to attend the Circus. If the child's ticket is half the price of adult's ticket, what is the price of an adult's ticket?
(1) Rs.0.75 (2)Rs. 1.70 (3) Rs.1.75 (4) Rs.1.44

4. If `a' is less than 50 and 'b' is less than 25, it follows that:
(1) a=2b (2) `a` is greater than b (3) a+b is less than 75 (4) a-b =25 (5) None of these
2. TECHNICAL TEST (for Supervisor Trainees)
1. When a rectangular beam is loaded transversely, the maximum tensile stress is developed on the
(1) top layer
(2) bottom layer
(3) neutral axis
(4) every cross section
(5) none of these
2. The velocity at which the laminar flow stops, is known as
(1) velocity of approach
(2) lower critical velocity
(3) higher critical velocity
(4) medium critical velocity
(5) none of these
1. ) If a hot resistance of an indicator lamp is 50 Ohm and rated current is 0.2A, its rated voltage is (1) 2V (2) 5V (3) 10V (4) 20V (5) 25V

2. What resistance must be connected in parallel with one of 8.5 ohm to give an equivalent resistance of 5.1 ohm?
(1) 15.72 ohm (2) 12.75 ohm (3) 17.52 ohm (4) 15.27 ohm (5) None of these

1. A reflex Klystron function as:
(1) Microwave amplifier (2) Microwave oscillator (3) A high gain cavity (4) both as amplifier and as oscillator (5) None of these

2. Thermocouple instruments are also known as (1) R F instruments (2) PMMC instruments (3) Rectifier instruments (4) Digital instruments (5) None of these

1. Kelvin-Planck’s law deals with
(1) conservation of work (2) conservation of heat (3) conversion of heat into work (4) conversion of work into heat (5) none of these

2. ) In involute gears, the pressure angle
(1) dependent on the size of teeth (2) dependent on the size of gears (3) always constant (4) always variable (5) none of these

1. APTITUDE TEST 1(4) 2.(3) 3.(2) 4.(3)
1. CIVIL ENGG. 1. (1) 2. (2)
2. ELECTRICAL ENGG. 1. (3) 2. (2)
3. ELECTRONICS ENGG. 1. (2) 2. (3)
4. MECHANICAL ENGG. 1. (3) 2. (3)

To get more information you also find from BHEL official website:


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3rd September 2011, 09:37 AM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

i m not getting previous year question papers,please tell me how to download that?
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3rd September 2011, 03:36 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

engineer trainee sylabus
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5th September 2011, 11:33 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

Dear sir, please send me previous question papers for electronics branch for superviser tranee exam on my mail. [email protected]
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5th September 2011, 11:44 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

Dear sir, i m diploma student in electronics & tele-communication engineering.I want previous question papers for superviser tranee engineering exam of bhel.
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6th September 2011, 06:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

sir, pls can u give me bhel model question paper for mechanical egg,
kindly help me,
my mail add [email protected],[email protected] om
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7th September 2011, 07:17 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

Dear sir,

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8th September 2011, 08:10 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

sir, please send me the model question paper of technical trainee fitter for bhel to [email protected]
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9th September 2011, 11:57 AM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

please module quation for aristan trade for electronics mechanic.
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13th September 2011, 08:51 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

Bhel aratisan fitter sample paper
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16th September 2011, 01:04 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

sir,please send me question paper for engineers trainee for electronics&communication for bhel exam helding 0n 18/9/2011.

email id:[email protected]
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23rd September 2011, 11:32 AM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

sir,i have bhel exam on 25th of this month,,in hyderabad all are transport sections are bund,due to telangana issue,,exam will continue or postponed
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23rd September 2011, 04:30 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

sir, please send the question papers of BHEL to me n
my email ID is [email protected].
Thanks in advance...
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23rd September 2011, 06:52 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

Dear Sir,

Kindly, provide the syllabus and previous question papers for BHEL examination for supervisior trailnee of electrical branch.

Please send as required details in my mail id [email protected]

Thanking you

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26th September 2011, 12:07 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

Dear Sir,

Kindly, provide the syllabus and previous question papers for BHEL examination for FITTER TRADE branch.

Please send as required details in my mail id [email protected]

Thanking you
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4th October 2011, 10:33 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

want iti fitter solver question paper for bhel artisen exam my email id [email protected]
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5th October 2011, 03:28 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

Hi friend,

BHEL stands for Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited

Eligibility BHEL

Regular B.Tech can apply for BHEL Exam .

Only ME , EC and EE branches are allowed.

Minimum 65% marks are required for Exam.

Age Limit

27 Years Engineer students
29 years for Post Graduates of Engg students

Exam Pattern

Written Test and
Personal Interview

Syllabus for BHEL

There is fixed syllabus for BHEL Exam , but by previous papers you can prepare for aptitude from aptitude books.
More specific prepare for GATE syllabus for BHEL Exam.

Good Luck..!!
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16th October 2011, 11:20 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

Dear Sir,

Could you plz tell me what was the cut off mark for engineer trainee as well as supervisor trainee for the previous exam held on 25 sept.2011.
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17th October 2011, 02:59 PM
sheshadev senapati
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

Hi dear..
My suggestion to you is to see the bhel recruitment website www.careers.bhel.in
you will get all the information about the exam, syllabus and all other important informations ..
Best of luck.
Thank you
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17th October 2011, 07:18 PM
Fraction Down
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?


BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited) is one of the best organization for the engineers in Govt.Sector.


1:you should have first class in Engineering Degree from AICTE approved Colleges / recognized Universities with minimum 60% marks in one of the following streams

Electronics or

Electronics & Communication or

Electronics & Telecommunication or

Mechanical or

Computer Science or

Computer Science and Engineering or

Civil Engineering or

Chemical Engineering.

2:you age should be maximum 25 years old. The age relaxation 8 years for OBC candidates and 10 years for SC/ST candidates.

3:Generally,the examination is held in the month of June.

4:Pay scale:minimum of the pay scale of Rs.16400-3%-40500/-including DA, HRA, Conveyance Allowance, Performance Related Pay, Medical Reimbursement etc.

best of luck.
Attached Files
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14th November 2011, 05:49 PM
Join Date: Nov 2011
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

PLZ send me BHEL question paper and it's solution at [email protected]. Thanks in advance.
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17th January 2012, 10:53 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and model question papers for BHEL examination for engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?

Originally Posted by OCEANKARTHICK View Post
sir i am B.E mechanical engineering i want the syllabus and the model question for the BHEL examination for both engineering and supervisor trainee cadre?please send as soon as possible sir!
i m B.E Electronics and Instrumentation engineer ( fresher) i want know the same
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