16th May 2012, 01:00 AM
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Default Re: How to become an IPS officer? Qualification needed?

Originally Posted by bharti tyagi View Post
what is the path to become an i.p.s officer and what qualification need for this job and give me the total step to become an i.p.s officer.?
Graduates are eligible for becoming an IPS officer. You can choose any ofthe streams as per your interest. Candidates with any area of specialisation are eligible to apply. The age limit to apply is 30 years. Candidates below 21 years are not eligible to apply.
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1st October 2012, 04:14 PM
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Default Re: How to become an IPS officer? Qualification needed?

i am having only 50% in degree. can i become an IPS officer?
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1st October 2012, 11:28 PM
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Default Re: How to become an IPS officer? Qualification needed?

Hello dear,
To become IPS officer, you have to write Civil service exam conducted by UPSC. To apply for this examination, you have to complete your Graduate degree course from a recognised board and your age should between 21 to 30 years, upper age relaxation is applicable for SC/ST/OBC Candidates.

IPS is one of the All India Allied services provided, once you clear this exam. The post highly competitive among aspirants. Designations like DSP, SP , Commissioner are given to passouts after training for IPS. After selection, you will be trained for two in IPS academy in Hyderabad.

The notification of CSE Examination is going to be published soon next year in the month of February and eligible candidates may fill the application form online only.

No, offline application form facility is applicable for any candidates in this examination.

The examination is conducted in 2 stages, preliminary and Mains, Firstly, you have to cracked the preliminary examination, this is objective and there are two papers in this examination. If you cracked this stage, then you are eligible for Mains.

The main examination is Descriptive and you have to choose the optional subjects for Main examination.

You have to prepared for this examination as per the pattern and syllabus, only then you will be able to cracked this examination, If you face any problem then you can join some good coaching classes.

For more details about this examination, please check the official website of UPSC.

good luck
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2nd October 2012, 02:06 AM
violent viper
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Default Re: How to become an IPS officer? Qualification needed?

Qualification : - The applicant should have completed ANY DEGREE from a Recognised university

>> The applicant should have secured a minimum of 50% in their degree , if the applicant is belong to General category
>> The applicant should have secured a minimuim of 45% in thier degree , if the applicant is belong to SC Or ST category

Age : -

>> For Genral category - Age should be between 21-30 years
>> For OBC category - Age should be between 21-33 years
>> For SC Or ST category - Age should be between 21-35 years

Attempts Restriction : -

For General category - 4 attmpts only
For OBC category - 7 attempts
For SC or ST category - unlimited umber of attempts

All the attempts for SC or ST CATEGORY candidates are only valid , if the applicant's age should is below 35 years

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2nd October 2012, 03:09 AM
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Default Re: How to become an IPS officer? Qualification needed?

Dear Friend

I really appreciate your decision to become IPS officer.No doubt it is great aim to become IPS officer.

IPS stands for the Indian Police officer.

In order to become IPS oficer,you must following necessary steps:

1.You must fulfill the given eligibility criteria:

~~you need to hold a bachelor's degree in any stream.

~~you must be in the age range of 21-30 years.Relaxation applicable to sc/st and obc.

~~You must be an Indian citizen.

2.After that you have to give the civil services examination and clearing three stages of that are:

~~preliminary test

~~main examination

~~personal interview.

you will become an IPS officer.


~~This examination is very tough and it need s a consistent and hard work .

~~You may join any of the following coachings for better preparation like:

1.Chanakya's IAS academy

2.Rao's IAS academy


You can apply online for this examination at www.upsconline.nic.in

All the best for your career.

Hope the information helps you

all the best

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2nd October 2012, 08:56 PM
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Default Re: How to become an IPS officer? Qualification needed?

Am giving some of information about IPS (Indian Police Service) and am showing with images i hope for clear understand.all the best.....

IPS exam details:-

Educational qualification:-

The candidate should be complete any graduation from a recognised university.

Final year appearing candidates can also be eligible.

Age criteria:-

For general candidates 21 years to 30years,

3years age relaxation for OBC

5Years age relaxation for SC/ST candidates.

IPS Qualification:

IPS Syllabus:

IPS Scale:

IPS Physical criteria

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2nd October 2012, 10:23 PM
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Default Re: How to become an IPS officer? Qualification needed?

Originally Posted by bharti tyagi View Post
what is the path to become an i.p.s officer and what qualification need for this job and give me the total step to become an i.p.s officer.?
Name of Civil Services : IPS (Indian Police Service)

Exam Date : Prelim in 1st week of May & Mains in 2nd week of Oct

Eligibility Criteria :

1.Age limit

21 years must be completed on 1st August of the year, which a candidate is appearing. Maximum 30 for general category, 33 for OBCs and 35 for SCs/STs . Ex-servicemen will get 5 more years exemption from the prescribed age limit The date of birth accepted by the Commission is that entered in the Matriculation or Secondary School Leaving Certificate or in a certificate recognized by an Indian University as equivalent to Matriculation or in an extract from a Register of Matriculates maintained by a University, which extract must be certified by the proper authority of the University or in the Higher Secondary or an equivalent examination certificate.

2.Number of Attempts

Four attempts for open, seven for OBCs and no limit for SCs/STs. If a person appears in the Preliminary Examination or even one paper is counted as an attempt.

3.Restrictions on applying for the examination:

A candidate who is appointed to the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Foreign Service on the results of an earlier examination and continues to be a member of that service will not be eligible to compete at this examination.

4. Minimum Physical Standard

The physical standards are important for the job profile and the rigorous training at the NPA, which includes weekly run for 10 k.m. in 60 minutes, route march for 25 k.m. UAC, Horse riding, rock climbing, assault course, PT obstacles, rope climbing etc. I shall give a detailed a/c of this sometime.
Services are divided into technical and non-technical. Technical services are IRTS, IPS, DANI PS, CISF, RPF & other Police organization. The Medical standards for Technical Services are stringent.

For IPS-

Height – Male 165 cm Pahari Male (general also) & ST (not the SC/ OBC) – 160 cm

Female 150 cm Pahari Female (general also) & ST (not SC/ OBC)- 145 cm

Chest – Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm.

Female Min 79 cm expansion 5 cm.

(Those can’t expand the chest go to next service. If expansion is less during 1st Medical, i.e. just after interview; during second Medical, i.e. after the result, or appeal, expansion can be shown.)

Many people fail in this test of chest expansion.

(I know some people who have cleared this exam during the second Medical Test, i.e. after the Medical Exam conducted after the declaration of Final result)

Eye sight – 6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye. 6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye. Near vision J 1 for good eye. J2 for worst eye. The correction is by lenses
only. High standard for the Colour-blind test. No inherent night blindness. Vision should stereoscopic.

Blood pressure (High) – Age 23 – 123, age 24 – 124, age 25 –122, age 28 – 124, age 30 –125, age 32 – 126, age 34 – 127.

Ladies should not be pregnant at the time of Medical Test.

Ear- good listening & normal ear cavity. 1000 to 4000 frequency hearing impairment shd not be more than 30 decibels.

Nasal- candidate should not stammer while speaking.

Exam Pattern :

All India Combined Competitive Examination for the Civil Services conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) comprises of two successive stages:

Preliminary Examination: It is of objective type, which is a qualifying examination.
Main Examination: It consists of written examination and interview.
The Preliminary Examination is held in May/June and the Main Examination in October/November. One must begin preparations of the main exam along with preliminary exam. This is because there is little time for the Main exam if one waits for the results of the Preliminaries.

Description :

To serve in the Indian Police Service one has to pass the Civil Service Examination, which is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission, every year. This examination is a common examination conducted for selection to the other two All India Services as well as various other Group A and Group B services under the Central Government. This examination consists of three stages. At stage one, there is an objective type examination called the Preliminary examination. This is a qualifying examination and only the candidates who clears this can appear for the next stage called the Main examination. In the Main examination each candidate has to select two optional subjects, apart from which all candidates have to take a General Studies, Essay and compulsory language exam. The Main examination is a very intensive subjective type examination for which marks are awarded. A shortlist is prepared on the basis of the Main examination and these candidates can compete in the third and final stage of exam called the Viva voce or the Interview. The marks of the Main examination and the Interview are combined to prepare a final merit list of selected candidates.
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8th April 2013, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: How to become an IPS officer? Qualification needed?

Dear Bharti,

The acronym for IPS is Indian Police Services.

The Indian Police Service is one of the three All India Services civil services of the Government of India.

The IPS is not a law enforcement agency; rather it is a civil service in which officers are selected on the basis of professional merit as proven by competitive examinations, and to which all senior police officers are professionally identified.

Police officers are employed by the police departments of respective states of India.

The eligibility criteria required for the IPS examination are prescribed as below:-

* Completion of graduation in any track from any accredited college or university.

* Final year contenders are also eligible.

* Age limit:- 21-30 yrs.

* Age relaxation:- 3 yrs for OBC and 5 yrs for SC/ST contenders.

* No. of attempts:- 3 for General, 7 for OBC and no limits for SC/ST contenders.

* Nationality:- Indian.

* Physical eligibility:-

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9th April 2013, 09:55 AM
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Default Re: How to become an IPS officer? Qualification needed?

Dear Aspirant,

The abbreviation of IPS is Indian Police Services.

For becoming an IPS officer, you fulfill this educational qualifications.

The educational qualifications regarding with IPS exam are below mentioned:-

# Opponents must have finished their bachelor degree in any curriculum from any approved institution.

# There is no percentage criteria needed for this exam.

# Opponents of last year of bachelor degree are also preferable for this exam.

The age criteria and relaxation regarding with IPS exam are below mentioned:-

# 21-30 years.

# 3 years, 5 years and 10 years for OBC, SC/ST and PH opponents.

# Citizenship:- Opponents must have an Indian citizenship.

# 4 and 7 no. of attempts needed for Open and OBC opponents.

# There is no attempts needed for SC/ST opponents.

The physical standard regarding with IPS exam is below mentioned:-

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15th July 2013, 02:11 AM
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15th July 2013, 04:55 PM
Anandkp 44
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Default Re: How to become an IPS officer? Qualification needed?

To apply for the IPS exam , you need to have the following eligibilities:-

The minimum educational qualification required is to be a graduate in any field from any recognized university of India.

Age limitation is between 21-30 years for the general, 21-33 years for the OBC and 21-35 years for the SC/ST.

In case of no. of attempts , general get 4 , SC/ST get unlimited while the OBC get 7 attempts to clear the exam.
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16th July 2013, 01:32 AM
The Mask Man
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Arrow Re: How to become an IPS officer? Qualification needed?

Originally Posted by bharti tyagi View Post
what is the path to become an i.p.s officer and what qualification need for this job and give me the total step to become an i.p.s officer.?

Here are some tips by which you can score good marks.

1) Prepare Time Table: Try to study as least four subjects out of total five per day. This will keep your memory sharp for all subjects. Then spend one hour for a single subject. It means, you to give four hours daily for your all four subjects. But dont study continuously. Just make a schedule

2) Study with Short Breaks: Do not study continuously for more than 30 to 45 minutes.
Give a break of five to ten minutes in between two sessions.

3) Explain to yourself: Pretend you are both the student and the teacher, and try to explain the chapter or study topic to yourself.

4) Discuss: Discuss important study topics with a willing classmate. Holding such discussion will jog your memory. This is like another form of revision.

5) Sleep Well: Sleep for at least six hours. Eight hours is best.

Here is a link by which you can download CBSE papers of 12th class.


All the Best
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31st August 2013, 12:28 AM
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Default Re: How to become an IPS officer? Qualification needed?

I want to become a IPS officer how is the number of question in preliminary and main exam.
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7th October 2013, 10:20 PM
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