15th June 2012, 11:31 AM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

Is B.Tech Agriculture Information Technology has scope in Tamil Nadu?Say me about job opportunity and salary after completing the course.
Say me about post graduation
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15th June 2012, 01:02 PM
sheshadev senapati
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

hello dear
Today Scope of Agriculture is increases very fast...
You can apply for Indian Forest Service Exam,
which is held by UPSC every year.
You can look for marketing.The salary will be depend upon in which post you are working.
But approximate fresher salary 12,000-15,000....
For More information regarding UPSC exams
Visit www.upsc.gov.in
thank you
good luck
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18th June 2012, 11:01 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

to got any job we have to give many exams/ but i don't know the details about that exams.please give me that.
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18th June 2012, 11:05 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

i want to know about the exams which is given after b.sc ag to get the job in any field.
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26th June 2012, 03:10 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

I have completed my 2 exams and i hav a idea of purusing bsc agri in tamilnadu agriculture university so can any1 tell the scope,job oppurtunities & salary details.
can i work in abroad countries after studying bsc.agri.
plz can any1 help me...........
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26th June 2012, 07:44 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

hello dear



thank you
there is ample scope foe you..

good luck
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6th July 2012, 12:10 AM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

hi iam sri doing B.Sc agriculture under tnau coimbatore.iam in dilemma whether i prefer M.Sc or UPSC exams?which is more valuable and easy to get job with short period?
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20th July 2012, 12:25 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

i have passed 2 with 61% marks in non med..m interesting in both civil engineering or bsc agri. but m confused whether i should do civil eng. or bsc agr...pls tell me which one will be better for me and which course will have good jobs or good salary.
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25th July 2012, 12:36 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

which are the fields we can go after completing Bsc agriculture?
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2nd September 2012, 02:27 AM
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 3
Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

There are a lot of scope of BSc agriculture course. Agriculture is a professional course so it availables a lot of options for agriculture graduate.
An agriculture graduate can get a job in both private and public sectors.
There are a lot of vaccancies by state and central goverment for the post of agriculture development officer, agriculture officer, agriculture extension officers etc.........
An agriculture graduate has a lot of choice in-
Private seed companies
Fertilizer companies
Irrigation companies
Biotech companies
Food processing companies etc...
Apart from these there are vaccancies for specialist officers in banks as rural development officers, agriculture officers etc........
Seed certification companies, seed testing laboratories empoly a large number of agriculture graduates.
All the agro based industry needs agriculture graduate and employ them.
There is a wide scope of research also. Most of the graduates prefer o go for higher studies and they work as research associate, associate professors in various agricultural universities.
One can also try for IFS and UPSC exams.......etc

You can get a starting salary of 15000-20000/month. However the salary depends on the company, your job and your work efficiency..
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6th September 2012, 11:39 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

I want to do P C S after b sc ag plz help me
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7th September 2012, 02:03 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

Hi dear friend,
jobs area after b.sc.agriculture

1.indian forest service
2.agriculture development officer
3.seed certified officer
4.national seed certification
5.agriculture field manager in banks
6.various chemicals & fertilizer company
7.various seed production company

if u want to scientist / researcher , so there is vast vast vast area for u

if u want to proffesors so there is so many post
and many many many area............
Where u can do job with
name fame and money

thank you
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18th October 2012, 06:44 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

i did bsc in biotech,jus tell me is it worth doin mba in agri for 2 years...
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17th November 2012, 12:08 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

which college best for B.Sc agri in maharashtra
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30th December 2012, 10:32 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

give list of entrance exam after bsc ag.
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5th February 2013, 01:15 AM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

Please tell me the abroad agricultural companies in various countries...
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18th February 2013, 06:56 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

friend could u please tell me what is the scope for bsc agriculture and it's salary
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20th February 2013, 09:33 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

I am a Bsc agricultural 2nd yr student ,i would like to know about the job opportunities in Kerala after completion of my course?
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27th March 2013, 01:20 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

what shout i do after finishing my 12th science, i have a lot of confusion on which course i select?.and i need to know what are all the courses are available?. kindly give an conclusion for me. and what are all course are got future scope, vast job opportunity and also i interested on agriculture field so given me some ideas for studies.. thank you
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4th April 2013, 12:31 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

what is the scope of Btec nd B.sc agri
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23rd April 2013, 08:23 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

bscagri collage name....?
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24th April 2013, 11:26 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

Which type of questions will ask in b.sc.agri practical exam?
Plz! Answer me!
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27th April 2013, 08:33 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

Sir I complete my hsc with 77%
Scope in bsc.agri course
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27th April 2013, 11:26 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

I had finished my 12th std,am intrested to study agricultural course it is possible to get job??
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1st May 2013, 04:54 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

what`s the yearly fee of b.sc agriculture and after studying what`s the job and how much salary we got
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3rd May 2013, 08:11 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

what are govt job after completeing bsc agri
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8th May 2013, 08:59 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

i've got 94% in science stream bipc in ap ..wat will b the highest approximation of salary after ag bsc ..pls give salary approx
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10th May 2013, 01:31 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

what is the suitable area for job?? After 6 yrs bsc ag.....
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20th May 2013, 06:12 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

what is the eligibility to join bsc agriculture
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26th May 2013, 02:53 PM
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Wink Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

Originally Posted by unregistered View Post
what is the suitable area for job?? After 6 yrs bsc ag.....
i have competed my hsc with 94% in tamilnadu. I am in diellama to choose about course between b.tech i.t and b.sc agri.plz help me...................
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26th May 2013, 05:21 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

hello sir,i am planning to join b.sc agri this year. my percentage in 12th sc. is 77%. i do not have any background in this feild and moreover from a middle class family. so i want to know whether is this feild suitable for me and also after mi graduation what other feilds i can opt for in the future.
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26th May 2013, 06:22 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

Scope of B.Sc Agriculture :

Job Career :

Agriculture Marketing

Banking & Cooperation

Dairy Technology

Food Science & Technology



Veterinary Science

Agriculture Development Officer

Seed Certified Officer




Civil Services



Defence Services

Higher Studies :

M.Sc in Agri Botany

M.Sc in Agri Chemistry

M.Sc in Agri Zoology

M.Sc in Agri Social Forestry

M.Sc in Plant Ecology

M.Sc in Soil Science


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27th May 2013, 01:51 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

does bsc agriculture has scope after 5 years?
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27th May 2013, 04:21 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

is bsc agri good choice which is better agricultural engineering or bsc agri
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1st June 2013, 01:32 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

hi!! i am interested in doing bsc agriculture. can you please tell me details of it. i mean i want to know about bsc agricultures career. and its jobs..........
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3rd June 2013, 06:20 PM
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Post Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

[QUOTEchetti sri shine;446310]Friends i'm going to finish my higher school studies. I want to join college for my professional. My parent want me to do engineering. But i'm not interested in doing engineering, doctor, computer courses also. Suddenly i got an idea of doing b.sc agriculture...! Actually i have not dream of doing agriculture.. Now, tell me the scope in doing agriculture. Where can i get job after studying b.sc agriculture ? How much salary i can get through it ? Eventhough salary doesnot matter, inorder to run my family in future i want to get good salary.. So please tell me .. Thank you
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9th June 2013, 06:53 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

so many questions were buy answers are not provided it is worest
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9th June 2013, 11:42 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

what are job oppurtunities of bsc agri in abroad?
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12th June 2013, 02:42 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

I have passed 10th exam by getting 93%. now i want to do bscagri and then msc. Is there scope in this field? And i want good salary, so what should i do for this in bsc agri.?
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13th June 2013, 12:04 AM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

Sir, I completed my 2 & now I liked to join Bsc. agriculture .I got 4960th rank in kerala medical entrance exam .will I get admission for Bsc. agriculture in kerala .Scope of Bsc. agriculture courses? Research scopes?
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14th June 2013, 02:52 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

sir,B.Sc agri,B.Tech agri engg which one is best?
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15th June 2013, 06:27 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

agricultur bsc offering colleges in ap
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16th June 2013, 08:31 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

what is the salareees for who have done agriculture bsc
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3rd July 2013, 07:22 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

sir i have got 321960 rank in all india and 203089 category rank. i belong to general category. can i get nit this year through my jee main rank? pls reply.
or can i get admission in bit mesra??
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9th July 2013, 10:04 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

hi, Friend.
Pharma.D_(Doctor of Pharmacy)
is the great course and Best Salary U get. Ad Dr. before ur Name.
US UK in FULL Demond of the course.
Make Bright Future.
This Chance only for U.
because Best Rank in Eamset
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12th July 2013, 02:16 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

what jobs are oferred after agri bsc and the salary
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19th August 2013, 12:07 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

which is the best job in agriculture
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29th September 2013, 08:56 PM
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Smile Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
which is the web site for bsc agri
it is www.afu.edu.np
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14th November 2013, 04:40 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

hello i am a nepalese citizen.i want to know scope of bsc agriculture in nepal and abroad.
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17th December 2013, 05:39 PM
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Default Re: Scope in BSc Agriculture course? Where can I get a job after studying BSc Agriculture and how much will be the salary?

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