18th August 2012, 01:54 AM
Join Date: Aug 2012
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Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

degree of B A is valid or not for govt jobs by distance education.

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18th August 2012, 02:56 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

There is no problem in applying for the government jobs after completing BA from distance education. The only thing you need to educational pattern of 10+2+3. If you meet this pattern then there would be no issue in applying for the government jobs.

After completing graduation course, you can apply for various government jobs. Among the top picks is IAS/IPS.

In order to become IAS or IPS officer in India you are required to appear in UPSC Civil Service Examination. The eligibility to appear in Civil Service Examination are:

1. You should be Indian Citizen.

2. You should have graduation degree in any stream from a recognised university.

3. Minimum age limit is 21 years as on the August 1 of Examination year.

4. Maximum age limit is 30 years for General, 33 for OBC and 35 for SC/ST

Number of Attempts

General - 4

OBC - 7

SC/ST - No Limit as long as you meet the age criteria.

There are certain physical standards that you are also required to meet.

Another exam you can apply for is the IBPS PO Exam. The Bank PO exam as it is commonly referred as is for Probationary Officer / Management Trainee posts in 19 Public Sector Undertaking Banks in India.


You need to have graduation degree in any stream from a recognised university.

Age Criteria:

General - 20 to 30 years

SC/ST - 20 to 35 years

OBC - 20 to 33 years

A 10 year relaxation is given to candidates with physical Disabilities.

These are just 2 of the exams that you can appear in despite completing graduation through distance education.
18th August 2012, 07:44 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Originally Posted by prem1212.PK View Post
degree of B A is valid or not for govt jobs by distance education.


First of all let me tell you that there is no problem in getting a government job but the thing to note is that you should be eligible for the desired position.There is not much difference in a degree from a distance mode as compared to regular mode.The only difference you would find is that you will surely be asked if you apply in private sector or even in public sector.I think if you can answer that then there is no problem in applying for Both government aided companies and private too.

There are many jobs for which you can apply!!

Public sector jobs for Distance education candidates ::

>>IAS or civil services examination
>>Bank jobs(both PO and clerical)
>>Staff selection commission
>>Indian Defense services
>>Railways jobs
>>Teaching jobs

and many more............on the basis of your eligibility for that desired post.

As far as you are concerned I think since you have done B.A i.e Bachelors degree in Arts hence you are a graduate and can apply for all the jobs above mentioned and some more too...

Eligibility for IAS or civil services exam

#you should be a graduate from a recognized university.
#Indian citizenship is necessary to apply for such top administrative position.
#your age should be B/w 21 to 30 for general candidates,33 for OBC and 35 for SC/ST.

for more visit---http://www.upsc.gov.in

Eligibility for Bank Jobs

#you should be a graduate to apply for PO post while 12 pass for clerk
(hence you can apply for both)
#your age should be b/w 18 to 28 years.

there are exams like::

Institute of Banking and Personnal selection (IBPS)

State Bank of India(SBI)

Eligibility for Indian Defense services

#your age should be between 19 and 24 yrs on course starting date
#you should be a Graduate from a Recognised University.
#your Marital Status should be Un Married.

for more visit::http://joinindianarmy.nic.in/

similarly there are many posts in army too for which you are eligible but they are soldier jobs and you won't want to do it.Anyways i have provided attachment for Eligibility .

so there are many jobs you can apply for...
choice is yours

hope this helped
with regards
Attached Files
File Type: docx Indian army JCO and other eligibility criteria.docx(39.0 KB, 447 views)
5th October 2012, 12:49 AM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

i have passed b.a in distance from eiilm university can i eligible for I.A.S or I.P.S or equevalen exam
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29th December 2012, 02:58 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

i am failed in ACCOUNTANCY in 12th standard and i did BA after doing BPP from eillm university i want to know this degree is valid for SBI clerical post
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8th January 2013, 03:33 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Dear sir,
my name is neetu. i am doing B.COM final distance.can i apply for bank job..
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8th January 2013, 10:46 PM
vikash kumar prajapati
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Originally Posted by prem1212.PK View Post
degree of B A is valid or not for govt jobs by distance education.
Yes,you will be Eligible to get jobs in Government sectors after completing your Graduation(B.A Degree) from Distance Learning.

In order to get Jobs,you will have to fulfill these Eligibility:-

Educational Qualification:-

>>You must be passed out in your Graduation Degree.
>>Your degree should be from recognized university.
>>Your degree should be approved from the DEC(Distance Educational council).


>>Your minimum age should be 18/21 years.
>>Your age should not be above 28 years.

If you will age the upper age limit then you will also able to get the age relaxations facility if you comes under the reserved category.

Age Relaxation details:-

>>If you belong from the OBC category then you will get 3 years of age relaxations.
>>If you belong from the SC/ST category then you will get 5 years of age relaxations.


>>If you belong from the General/OBC category then your minimum marks should be 60%.
>>If you belong from the SC/ST category then your minimum marks should be 50%.(In some cases there will be minimum of 60% requirement such as in Banking sector jobs)

There are various government jobs in which you can appear.These are:-

>>IBPS P.O/Clerk.
>>IBPS Rural Bank Officer.
>>SBI Associates.
>>RBI Officers.
>>L.I.C .
>>Indian Railways.
>>I.B(Intelligence Bureau).

In order to Know the latest jobs updates in government sectors please

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9th January 2013, 03:41 AM
end of query
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Yes a BA degree is absolutely valid in order to get into the government jobs. Completion of your degree from a distance education course won't effect your eligibility. Just keep this thing in mind that the degree you're going to take from an open university, should be well known and recognized, like Ignou, srm etc
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9th January 2013, 10:29 AM
Raghavendra G Devadiga
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

dear friend
there is no difference between distence mode and regular, they are all have same value...
you can try to govt job after complition of your distence BA degree

best of luck
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9th January 2013, 10:40 AM
Raghavendra G Devadiga
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

dear neetu

yes you can try govt bank jobs after complition of your distence bcom there is a no differance between distance mode and regular mode,only marks(percentage) u hade to taken....

best of luck
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9th February 2013, 11:29 AM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

is eiilm university valid for OBC or General category student?
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13th February 2013, 03:01 AM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

i have completed my bca from the global open university i want to know i am eligible for bank po exams?
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19th July 2013, 12:35 AM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

i have completed distance course bca under ignou. can i apply any govt. job & in banking sector?
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28th July 2013, 01:49 AM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Sir i completed my graduation in eiilm versity can i eligible for applying IBPS PO?
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3rd August 2013, 04:08 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Sitting at Bangalore, I completed BA from CV Raman university Bilaspur, can I apply for Govt jobs?
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4th August 2013, 02:16 AM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Originally Posted by prem1212.PK View Post
degree of B A is valid or not for govt jobs by distance education.
I am happy to inform you that after passing B.A through distance education you can apply in any govt. job....

For this your university is approve by A.I.C.E.T/U.G.C/D.E.C etc...

After passing graduation you can apply job like:-
> Civil Services
> Bank P.O

good luck!
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4th August 2013, 12:05 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir i completed my graduation in eiilm versity can i eligible for applying IBPS PO?
YES, You can apply for the IBPS PO Exams

IBPS will be conducting the Common written exams which will be held in online mode for 20 Government banks for the PO posts

You can fill the forms from the website www.ibps.in

Forms will be filled from 22nd July 2013
Last date to apply is 17th August 2013

Online examination is expected to be in Held in october 2013

Eligibity to apply is:

Education: Graduation pass in any stream

Minimum 20 years
Maximum 30 years
OBC gets 3 years and SC/ST gets 5 years age relaxations

Questions will be asked from the below sections in the IBPS PO Exams:
Quantitative Aptitude-50 marks
Reasoning- 50 marks
General Awareness with special reference to Banking Industry-40 marks
Computer Knowledge-20 marks
English Language-40 marks
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15th August 2013, 12:59 AM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

I did my graduation in distance education is it valid for any government job one more thing is can i give this certificate to employment office at the time registration in corporation office
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19th August 2013, 11:20 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

sir i have completed ba from shobhit university merut through distance learning. Can i am elligble for up btc and b.ed
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20th August 2013, 12:57 AM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Dear friend yes B.A degree is valid for government jobs

by distance education from a recognized University

After complete B.A degree from a recognized University through

Distance mode you are eligible to apply all Govt. Graduation level exam like:-

- Civile Services Exam

- SSC CGL Exam etc.

All the best.............
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22nd October 2013, 01:12 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Can apply for ssc taking upsc exam after complete my UG degree through distance learning ?
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24th October 2013, 10:56 AM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

for all banking sector are eligible for ba by distance education
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30th October 2013, 07:21 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

sir i have completed my inter with 56 percentage in 2007 and joined b.tech
but i have just completed four year course but i have not passed the subjects.so i want single sitting degree which ia appilcalble for govt jobs like banking sector and railway and ssc like this so please inform me the details in which institute i can find the single sitting which is approved by the government
my number is 9581431194,8106952823
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13th December 2013, 09:33 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

i completed my b.com degree by distance education. am i have the eligibility to apply for the government jobs?
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20th January 2014, 09:45 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

I have done 10th,diploma, ba from ksou followf by bpp.can i eligible for bank po job
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20th January 2014, 09:46 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

I have done 10th,diploma, ba from ksou followf by bpp.can i eligible for bank po job
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29th January 2014, 10:52 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Dear sir i am trupti
Am i eligible or is it valid for any odisha government job like SSC,UPSC,IBPS(po,clerk) after completion of Bsc degree in distance education at Shobhit University(UGC aprvd) at U.P ?
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8th February 2014, 12:24 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Does shobhit university distance education provides ma degree?
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14th April 2014, 12:55 AM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

i did d.pharm(10th hsc d.pharm2year), i am eligible for govt exams like group1 and group2?
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14th April 2014, 06:55 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

sir i would like to know i have completed my ba from andhra university under non-formal stream through bpp. wheteher i am eligible for bak clerk jobs in nationalised banks or not
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17th April 2014, 09:36 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

sir i have done b.com through corospondance and i have been alloted union bank of india as po.does it create any problem for me
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1st May 2014, 10:37 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

sir i want to join shobhit university for distance education in b.a. sir i want to know that is this university approved by ugc for distance education? is this university certificate valid for goverment job?please guide me .i am in doubt.
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9th May 2014, 07:15 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Is PG courses (MA or MSC) valid in kashmir for getting govt jobs
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14th May 2014, 10:53 AM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Sir I have done BA from shobhit university, is it valid or not if valid than can I do b.ed
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25th May 2014, 10:36 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

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3rd June 2014, 04:13 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

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15th July 2014, 10:42 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Since I did my degree without completing puc..any
problem in applying govt jobs
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20th August 2014, 05:52 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

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25th August 2014, 07:46 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

i did b.e civil engineering through regular and did m.a economics through distance education can i eligible to attend arts degree based government job like revenue inspector..etc?reply [email protected]
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31st August 2014, 02:40 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

hello sir

I have passed my BA degree from a private university (Jaipur national university ) so can you tell me that it is valid for any central or state govt. job

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5th September 2014, 07:06 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

I m' jasmine I 'm doing b.com from lovely professional university by distance education is this valid for govt Job or any other job????
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18th September 2014, 02:50 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Hello Sir,
Is B.A. in One sitting from Shobhit University distance education valid for govt. jobs in any state?
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4th November 2014, 09:40 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Sir,i am pooja and i m pursuing b.com from shobhit university from distance education%u2026%u2026i want to know that whether this university is under blacklist?
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29th November 2014, 06:21 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Sir, I am rahul pl tell me what is the deference between regular and distance mode ba,main arts in india
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14th January 2015, 02:08 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

i completed bba from periyar in one sitting non semester programme.whether this degree will be valid for ibps clerk selection.
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2nd April 2015, 02:29 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

I completed 10 ITI BBA lateral entry I am eligible for ibps,bank exam ,IAS,IPS, group1 exam eligible?
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1st June 2015, 02:20 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

i did not go to school,i am orthopaedically handicapped person 50% but i have completed my ignou bpp then graduated with ba eng major 2d div marks 52.48%.is there any possibility to get govt jobs with this qualification if yes please email me [email protected]
thank you
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31st July 2015, 11:23 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

Dear Sir,Shobhit university degree distance mode (2012-15) valid to govt.jobs or not?
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5th August 2015, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

sir i am graduate from shobhit university 2012 to 2015 can i apply for goverment jobs
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23rd January 2016, 10:16 PM
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Default Re: Is B.A degree valid for government jobs by distance education

I have completed my Graduation from North Bengal University siliguri under distance education mode (BA Three Years degree) and I have worked in companies Like IBM,HCL. Now I appeared for Wipro and got selected but as per company policy they do not hire or consider distance education degree through graduation mode. May I know the reason if this degree is not valid then why the university is providing this degree. Students are wasting their time money and an Indian company is not ready to accept this degree. I want to know who should be questioned and answerable for this. 1.Is it the university who is proving the degree 2. Is it the company who is not accepting this degree. There are lots of students who are studying under distance education mode and this and be due to many reasons. My reason was that I could not get admission into regular mode due to gap after 12th as i was studying engineering and due to raging I have to left my studies in between. I just want to know if the Degree from distance education mode is not equivalent to a regular college degree or accepted by the companies like wipro then why these universities are not banned why an Indian company is not ready to accept an Indian degree cerificate .
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