16th August 2011, 12:49 PM
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

Hi this is kruthika, last yr i finished my B.E-CSE currently im working for MNC.I am interested to do MBA i cant quit my job so i go for correspondence course .I need to know about the best college where correspondence course is available at chennai and more over i wanna know is there any use by doing MBA in correspondence .

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14th September 2011, 07:33 PM
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Default Re: Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

hi kruthika ,,, dont quit ur job... just do ur job and study ... in spencer Sikkim Manipal University is der u joing.. its easy doing there , no theory only choose in all subject dear.... all the best... [email protected]
23rd November 2011, 03:22 PM
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Default Re: Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

which is better MBA regular or MBA correspondence ?
20th February 2012, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

when madras university conduct entrance exam for b ed correspondance?
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11th March 2012, 08:31 PM
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Default Re: Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

hi i m charles,this year i m going to finish my graduation in computer science and i have placed in a company.i m interested to finish mba but i felt that not to quit my job.so i decided to finish my mba in correspondance.is my decision correct or not? is there any problem in doing mba in correspondance?
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11th March 2012, 10:48 PM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 78
Cool Re: Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

Originally Posted by kruthikathangavel View Post
Hi this is kruthika, last yr i finished my B.E-CSE currently im working for MNC.I am interested to do MBA i cant quit my job so i go for correspondence course .I need to know about the best college where correspondence course is available at chennai and more over i wanna know is there any use by doing MBA in correspondence .
sikkim manipal university and madras university are best source to purchase MBA course . the degree provided by this universities are highly valuable
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17th March 2012, 12:46 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

Originally Posted by kruthikathangavel View Post
Hi this is kruthika, last yr i finished my B.E-CSE currently im working for MNC.I am interested to do MBA i cant quit my job so i go for correspondence course .I need to know about the best college where correspondence course is available at chennai and more over i wanna know is there any use by doing MBA in correspondence .
Hi Basically MBA is an Ornament for a Corporate/MNC Culture Which is not going to use if you’re in Technical Side of a Corporate but it may help if you are in Management side.
After all it’s basically like Self-discipline or Procedure in order to execute your Job without any Problem.
If you do with any B School it better or Even with Madras University also more than enough if you’re already holding a Job in MNC.

Thanking you.
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29th March 2012, 04:36 PM
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Default Re: Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

Hi now I am working in a MNC comany as HR from last 4yrs. But I completed only Diploma in Mechanical, now I want to do MBA in HR. Is it possible do MBA in HR after diploma in Mecanichal.
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31st October 2012, 07:10 PM
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Default Re: Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

Hi... Im doing m.sc maths in regular... I wish to be an hr.. Is it any good for me to do mba in correspondence?
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7th February 2013, 06:12 PM
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Default Re: Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

HI ,, i'm deepika i've completed my B.E(cs),planning to do my M.E in anna university in correspondence,, how to apply,wen 'll dey issue t application??
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22nd February 2013, 10:43 AM
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Default Re: Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

friends i am Periyasamy, i have completed Bsc. maths and now i wanna do mba in correspondence . so which course will be helpful for me
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3rd June 2013, 02:18 AM
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Default Re: Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

You can pursue MBA in following stream,after graduation in computer science-

Brand management
Marketing and sales
Information technology
Business management
International business
Public relations
Telecom management.

Colleges in Chennai which are offering these courses in correspondence mode-

Centre for distance education ,Anna university,
Chennai- 600 025

Shri Ramchandra university,
Porur Chennai- 600 015

Institute of distance education,
Madras university,
Chepauk,Chennai- 600 005

SRM university,
Veerasamy street,
Chennai-600 033
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26th September 2013, 09:50 PM
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Default Re: Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

How to clear all the papers in MBA without attending the class provided by Institute??
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28th March 2014, 01:20 PM
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Default Re: Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

I want to do MBA production management ( correspodence course) is it possible
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6th June 2016, 08:58 PM
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Default Re: Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

Dear All :

I am 40 years old, UG - B.Tech (EEE) is my qualification. I have worked in Gulf many years.
Further I am planning to go to Gulf for employment in Aug 2016. I wish to join in MBA in any reputed UGC approved
Universities and also is it possible to write the exams in online mode or from study centres in the Gulf .

(I wish to join in Alagappa University or from Madurai Kamaraj University.)

Please clarify.
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1st July 2016, 02:16 PM
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Default Re: Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

Hi,I am Logeshwari i finished my B.COM currently im working in Auditor office.I am interested to do MBA i cant quit my job so i go for correspondence course .I need to know about the best college where correspondence course is available at chennai and more over i wanna know is there any use by doing MBA in correspondence .
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30th July 2016, 02:50 PM
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Default Re: Best colleges where I can do correspondence MBA course in Chennai? Is there any use to do MBA in correspondence?

Hai,I have completed my UG BE(ECE) in year of 2015.I am planning to do MBA in correspondence.Could any of you help me out which would be the best college and best specialisation.
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