5th February 2011, 01:59 PM
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BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?

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17th February 2011, 02:46 PM
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hai friend visit this site "http://placementpapers.net/helpingroot/Paper/BANK-OF-BARODA-PO-EXAM-SOLVED-QUESTION-PAPER"
18th February 2011, 10:06 AM
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Send me a BOB Bank Exam question Paper & SolutionDirections: In each of the following questions,there is a certain relationship between two given words on one side of : : and one word is given on another side of : :while another word is to be found from the given alternatives,having the same relation with this word as the words of the given pair bear. Choose the correct alternative.
1 . Moon : Satellite : : Earth :?
(A) Sun (B) Planet (C)Solar System (D) Asteroid
Ans: (B)
Explanation: Moon is a satellite and Earth is a Planet .
2 . Forecast : Future : : Regret :?
(A) Present (B) Atone (C)Past (D)Sins
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Forecast is for Future happenings and Regret is for past actions .
3. Influenza : Virus : : Typhoid : ?
(A) Bacillus (B)Parasite (C)Protozoa (D) Bacteria
Ans: (D)
Explanation: First is the disease caused by the second .
4. Fear : Threat : : Anger : ?
(A)Compulsion (B)Panic (C)Provocation (D)Force
Ans: (C)
Explanation: First arises from the second .
5. Melt : Liquid : : Freeze : ?
(A)Ice (B)Condense (C)Solid (D)Crystal
Ans: (C)
Explanation: First is the process of formation of the second .
6. Clock : Time : : Thermometer : ?
(A)Heat (B)Radiation (C)Energy (D)Temperature
Ans: (D)
Explanation: First is an instrument used to measure the second .
7. Muslim : Mosque : : Sikhs : ?
(A)Golden Temple (B)Medina (C)Fire Temple (D)Gurudwara
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Second is the pace of worship for the first
. 8. Paw : Cat : : Hoof : ?
(A)Horse (B)Lion (C)Lamb (D)Elephant
Ans: (A)
Explanation: First is the name given to the foot of the second .
9. Eye :Myopia : : Teeth : ?
(A)Pyorrhea (B)Cataract (C)Trachoma (D)Eczema
Ans: (A)
Explanation: Second is a disease of the first.
10. Tractor : Trailer : : Horse : ?
(A)Stable (B)Cart (C)Saddle (D)Engine
Ans: (B)
Explanation: Second is pulled by the first
. 11. Scribble : Write : : Stammer : ?
(A)Walk (B)Play (C)Speak (D)Dance
Ans: (C)
Explanation: First is an improper form of the second.
12. Flower : Bud : : Plant : ?
(A) Seed (B)Taste (C)Flower (D)Twig
Ans: (A)
Explanation: First develop from the second .
13. Errata : Books : : flaws:?
(A)Manuscripts (B)Metals (C)Speech (D)Charter
Ans: (B)
Explanation: Errata comprises from the books.Similarly, Flaws are the defects in the metals.
14. Gun : Bullet : : Chimney : ?
(A)Ground (B)House (C)Roof (D)Smoke
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Second comes out of the first .
15. Breeze : Cyclone : : Drizzle : ?
(A)earth quake (B)Storm (C)Flood (D)Down pour
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Second is more intense than the first .
16. Car : Garage : : Aeroplane : ?
(A)Port (B)Depot (C)Hanger (D)Harbour
Ans: (C)
Explanation: First is temporarily parked in the second .
17. Race : Fatigue : : Fast : ?
(A)Food (B)Appetite (C)Hunger (D)Weakness
Ans: (C)
Explanation: First causes the second .
18. Candle : Wax : : Paper :?
(A)Wood (B)Tree (C)Bamboo (D)Pulp
Ans: (D)
Explanation: First is made from the second
. 19. Acting : Theater : : Gambling : ?
(A)Casino (B)Club (C)Bar (D)Gymn
Ans: (A)
Explanation: Second is the place for performing the first .
20. Venerate : Worship : : Extol : ?
(A)Glorify (B)Homage (C)Compliment (D)Recommend
Ans: (A)
Explanation: The words in each pair are synonyms .
21. Water : Convection : : Space : ?
(A)Conduction (B)Transference (C)Vacuum (D)Radiation
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Second is the mode of transference of heat by the first .
22. Growth : Death : : Increase : ?
(A)Ease (B)decrease (C)Tease (D)Cease
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Second puts an end to the activity denoted by the first .
23. Oxygen : Burn : : Carbon dioxide : ?
(A)Isolate (B)Foam (C)Extinguish (D)Explode
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Oxygen helps in burnings while carbon dioxide extinguished fires .
24. Dog : Bark : : Goat : ?
(A)Bleat (B)Howl (C)Grunt (D)Bray
Ans: (A)
Explanation: Second is noise produced by the first .
25. Grain : Stock : : Stick : ?
(A)Heap (B)Bundle (C)Collection (D)String
Ans: (B)
Explanation: Second is collection of the first .
26. Nurture : Neglect : : Denigrate : ?
(A)Reveal (B)Extol(C)Recognize (D)Calumniate
Ans: (B)
Explanation: The words in each pair are antonyms .
27. Planet : Orbit : : Projectile : ?
(A)Trajectory (B)Track (C)Milky way (D)Path
Ans: (A)
Explanation: Second is the path traced by the first .
28. Genuine : Authentic : : Mirage : ?
(A)Image (B)Transpiration (C)Reflection (D)Illusion
Ans: (D)
Explanation: The words in each pair are synonyms .
29. Cobbler : Leather : : Carpenter : ?
(A)Furniture (B)Wood (C)Hammer (D)Chair
Ans: (B)
Explanation: Second is the raw material used by the first .
30. Rupee : Indian : : Yen : ?
(A)Turkey (B)Bangladesh (C)Pakistan (D)Japan
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Rupee is the currency of India . Similarly , Yen is the currency of Japan .
31. Ocean : Deserts : : Waves : ?
(A)Sea (B)Dust (C)Sand dunes (D)Ripples
Ans: (C)
Explanation: If oceans were deserts, waves would be sand dunes .
32. Pork : Pig : : Beef : ?
(A)Farmer (B)Herd (C)Cow(D)Lamb
Ans: (C)
Explanation: First is the name given to the meat of the second .
33. Illiteracy : Education : : Flood : ?
(A)Rain (B)Bridge (C)Dam (D)River
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Second helps ot get rid of the first
(A)Refuge (B)Mercy (C)Truancy (D)Remorse
Ans: (A)
Explanation: A prisoner is confined within the dungeon ,and an unsheltered person takes refuge within the asylum .
35. Appraiser : Building : : Critic : ?
(A)Book (B)Masterpiece (C)Judge (D)Gold
Ans: (A)
Explanation: First comments on the second .
(A)Doe (B)Stag (C)Leopard (D)Stallion
Ans: (D)
Explanation: First is a young one of the second .
(A)Thresh (B)Sift (C)Pry (D)Rinse
Ans: (B)
Explanation: Second denotes the function performed by the first .
38. Fruit : Banana : : mammal : ?
(A)Cow (B)Snake (C)Fish (D)Sparrow
Ans: (A)
Explanation: First denotes the class to which the second belongs .
39. Tile : Mosaic : : Knot : ?
(A)Embroidery (B)Abacus (C)Macrame (D)Easle
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Just as tiles in mosaic make a pattern , so also the knots in a piece of macrame make a pattern .
40. Import : Export : : Expenditure : ?
(A)Deficit (B)Revenue (C)Debt (D)Tax
Ans: (B)
Explanation: The words in each pair are antonyms .
41. Hill : Mountain : : Stream : ?
(A)River (B)Canal (C)Glacier (D)Avalanche
Ans: (A)
Explanation: Second is bigger form of first .
42. Country : President : : State : ?
(A)Governor (B)Minister (C)Chief minister (D)Citizen
Ans: (A)
Explanation: President and Governor are the nominal heads of country and state respectively .
43. Bread : Yeast : : Curd : ?
(A)Fungi (B)Bacteria (C)Germs(D)Virus
Ans: (B)
Explanation: First is produced by the action of the second .
44. Court : Justice : : School : ?
(A)Teacher (B)Student (C)Ignorance (D)Education
Ans: (D)
Explanation: First is the place where the second is imparted .
45. Quartz : Radio : : Gypsum : ?
(A)Glass (B)Porcelain (C)Cement (D)Powder
Explanation: First is used to make the second .
46. Chromite : Chromium : : Ilmenite :?
(A)Limestone (B)Cobalt (C)Manganese (D)Titanium
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Chromite is a mineral of chromium and ilmenite is a mineral of titanium.
47. Command : Order : : Confusion : ?
(A)Discipline (B)Clarity (C)Choas (D)Problem
Ans: (C)
Explanation: The words in each pair are synonyms.
48. Ruby : Red : : Sapphire : ?
(A)Blue (B)White (C)Green (D)Silver
Ans: (A)
red precious stone and sapphire is a blue precious stone .
49. House : Garbage : : Ore : ?
(A)Rubbish (B)Gangue (C)Sand (D)Dregs
Ans: (B)
Explanation: The waste of the house is called garbage .Similarly ,the impurities in the
ore are called gangue .
50. HongKong : China : : Vatican : ?
(A)Rome (B)Mexico (C)Canada (D)Christianity
Ans: (A)
Explanation: HongKong is a city in China .Similarly ,Vatican is a city in Rome .
51. Stee : Rails : : Alnico : ?
(A)Aircraft (B)Machinery (C)Silver ware (D)Magnets
Ans: (D)
Explanation: First is used to makes the second .
52. Poodle : Dog : : Moose : ?
(A)Duck (B)Donkey (C)Fowl (D)Deer
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Poodle is a bread of dog and moose is a bread of deer .
53. Push : Pull : : Throw : ? (A)Jump (B)Collect (C)Pick (D)Game Ans: (C)
Explanation: The words in each pair are antonyms .
54. Naphthalene : Coal tar : : Dyes : ?
(A)Petroleum (B)Oils (C)Chemicals (D)Carbon
Ans: (A)
Explanation: First is Obtained from the second .
55. Darwin : Evolution : : Archimedes : ?
(A)Friction (B)Lubrication (C)Buoyancy (D)Liquid
Explanation: Darwin gave the theory if evolution ,Like wise Archimedes gave the theory of buoyancy .
56. Hot : Oven : : Cold : ?
(A)Ice cream (B)Air conditioner (C)Show (D)Refrigerator
Ans: (D)
Explanation: An oven is an appliance to keep the food-items hot ,similarly a refrigerator keeps food-items cold.
57. Conference : Chairman : : Newspaper : ?
(A)Reporter (B)Distributer (C)Painter (D)Editor
Ans: (A)
Explanation: Chairman is the highest authority in a conference .Similarly editor is the highest authority in a news paper agency.
58. Drama : Stage : : Tennis : ?
(A)Tournament (B)Net (C)Court (D)Racket
Ans: (C)
Explanation: A drama ia performed on a stage .Similarly tennis is payed on the court.
59. Tree : Forest : Grass : ?
(A)Lawn (B)Field (C)Garden (D)Farm
Ans: (A)
Explanation: A forest consists of trees and a lawn is made up of grass .
60. Giant : Dwarf : : Genius : ?
(A)Wicked (B)Gentle (C)Idiot (D)Tiny
Explanation: The words in each pair are opppsite of each other.
61. Bank : River : : Coast : ?
(A)Flood (B)Waves (C)Sea (D)Beach
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Bank is the land beside the river .Similary coast is the land beside the sea .
62. Flower : Butterfly : : Dirt : ?
(A)Rats (B)Fly (C)Bugs (D)Sweeper
Ans: (B)
Explanation: First attracts the second .
63. Malaria : Disease : : Spear : ?
(A)Wound (B)Sword (C)Weapon (D)Death
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Second denotes the class to which the first belongs to.
64. Matricide : Mother : : Homicide : ?
(A)Human (B)Children (C)Father (D)Apes
Ans: (A)
Explanation: First implices killing the second .
65. Food : Stomach : : Fuel : ?
(A)Plane (B)truck (C)Engine (D)Automobile
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Food is processed by the stomach to provide energy for functioning the body .Similarly Fuel is processed by the engine to provide energy for the functioning of automobiles .
66. Quail : Partridges : : Yak : ?
(A)Cows (B)Deer (C)Oxen (D)Antelope
Ans : (C)
Explanation: First belongs to the family of second .
67. Engineer : Map : : Bricklayer : ?
(A)Design (B)Template (C)Mould (D)Cement
Ans: (B)
Explanation: Second gives pattern to be followed by the first .
68. Fire : Ashes : : Explosion : ?
(A)Flame (B)Death (C)Sound (D)Debris
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Second is the name given to the remains lef after the first
. 69. Pesticide : Crop : :Antiseptic : ?
(A)Wound (B)Clothing (C)Bandage (D)Bleeding
Ans: (A)
Explanation: Pesicide protects crops from insects and antiseptic protects wound from germs .
70. King : Throne : : Rider : ?
(A)Seat (B)Horse (C)Saddle (D)Chair
Ans: (C)
Explanation: A king sits on throne and a rider on a saddle .
71. Ocean : Water : : Glacier : ?
(A)Refrigerator (B)Ice (C)Mountain (D)Cave
Explanation: First consists of the second .
72. Reluctant : Keen : : Remarkable : ?
(A)Usual (B)Restrained (C)Striking (D)Evolution
Ans: (A)
Explanation: the words in each pair are antonyms. 73. Sculptor : Statue : : Poet : ?
(A)Canvas (B)Pen (C)Verse (D)Chisel
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Second is prepared by the first .
74. Fossils : Creatures : : Mummies : ?
(A)Egypt (B)Human beings (C)Animals (D)Martyrs
Ans: (B)
Explanation: Fossils are the remains of the creatures .Similarly mummies are the remains of human beings .

CBSE Class 8 Solved MCQs on Combustion and Flame, Science

Combustion and Flame
1. Which fuels are used for running automobiles?
a. Wood
b. Coal
c. Diesel
d. Charcoal
Ans. 1. (c)
2. When magnesium ribbon burnt it produce
a. Magnesium hydroxide
b. Magnesium oxide
c. Magnesium chloride
d. Magnesium sulphate
Ans.2. (b)
3. Charcoal burns in air producing-
a. CO2
b. CO
c. H2
Ans.3. (a)
4. Combustion is a reaction in which a Substance reacts with-
a. Hydrogen
b. Nitrogen
c. Oxygen
d. Chlorine
Ans. 4. (c)
5. Fuel may be-
a. Solid
b. Liquid
c. Gas
d. All of these
Ans. 5. (d)
6 Which one of the following is fuel of our body?
a. Petrol
b. Diesel
c. Food
d. Water
Ans. 6. (c)
7. Combustion is a-
a. Physical process
b. Chemical process
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans.7. (b)
8 Which one of the following is combustible?
a. Iron nail
b. Glass
c. Stone pieces
d. Paper
Ans.8. (d)
9. The lowest temperature at which a Substance catches fire is called its-
a. Boiling point
b. Melting point
c. Ignition temperature
d. Critical temperature
10. Which of the following has lower ignition temperature?
a. Wood
b. Paper
c. Vegetable oil
d. Kerosene oil
Ans.10. (d)
11. Which one of the following is non Combustible?
a. Stone piece
b. Paper
c. Straw
d. Matchsticks
Ans.11. (a)
12. In the presence of water, ignition Temperature of paper is-
a. Decrease
b. Increase
c. Remain constant
d. None of these
Ans. 12. (a)
13. Which of the following is inflammable Substances?
a. Petrol
b. Wood
c. Paper
d. Straw
Ans.13. (a)
14. Essential requirements for producing fire are:
a. Fuel
b. Air
c. Heat
d. All of these
Ans.14. (d)
15. Fire extinguisher-
a. Cut off the supply of air
b. Bring down the temperature of fuel
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans.15. (c)
16. For combustion ________is necessary
a. Air
b. Water
c. Paper
d. Fuel
Ans.16. (a)
17. Rapid combustion is
a. When gas burns, it produces heat and light
b. When material suddenly burst into flames
c. When there is evolution of heat
d. None of these
Ans.17. (a)
18. Explosion is the evolution of
a. Heat
b. light
c. Sound
d. All of these
Ans.18. (d)
19. Substance which vaporise during Burning gives
a. Sound
b. Flame
c. Combustion
d. None of these
Ans. 19. (b)
20. Which is the hottest part in the flame of the candle
a. Blue
b. Yellow
c. Black
d. Wax part
Ans. 20 (a)
21. Innermost zone is the
a. Hottest part
b. Moderately hot part
c. Least hot part
d. Cold part
Ans. 21. (c)
22. Yellow colour in the flame denotes
a. Outermost part
b. Middle zone
c. Innermost zone
d. None of these
Ans.22. (b)
23. Good fuel is
a. Readily available
b. Cheap
c. Burn easily in air
d. All of these
Ans.23. (d)
24. On burning fuel produces….. amount of heat
a. Large
b. Less
c. Very less
d. No heat
Ans.24. (a)
25. Which is better domestic fuel
a. CNG
b. LPG
c. Wood
d. Coal
Ans.25. (b)
26. Use of ….. in vehicle reduces pollution
a. Petrol
b. Diesel
c. CNG
d. None of these
Ans.26. (c)
27. During the process of combustion ________is given out
a. Heat
b. Light
c. Sound
d. Both heat & light
Ans. 27. (d)
28. The most common fire extinguisher is
a. Water
b. CO2
c. Oxygen
d. Hydrogen
Ans.28. (a)
29. Ideal fuel has ____ calorific value
a. Low
b. High
c. Moderate
d. Zero
Ans. 29. (b)
30. Calorific value gives the
1.Fuel efficiency
2.Amount of heat
3.Amount of light
4.None of these
Ans.30. (a)
31. Calorific value is measured in
a. Kilo joule
b. Kilograms
c. Kilo joule per Kg
d. Kilometre
Ans.31. (c)
32. Unburnt carbon particles causes
a. Stomach infections
b. Respiratory problems
c. Brain infections
d. Throat problems
Ans. 32. (b)
33. Incomplete combustion gives
a. CO2
b. CO
c. Carbon
d. None of these
Ans.33. (b)
34. Goldsmith uses ____part of the flame for melting gold
a. Outermost
b. Middle
c. Innermost
d. Both (b) & (c)
Ans. 34. (a)
35. Amount of heat energy produced on _____combustion of 1kg of fuel is Calorific value
a. Incomplete
b. Complete
c. Half
d. None of these
Ans. 35. (b)
36. Element showing spontaneous combustion is
a. Calcium
b. Phosphorous
c. Lithium
d. Copper
37. Which of the following is/are carbon fuel
a. Wood
b. Coal
c. Petroleum
d. All of these
Ans.) 37. (d)
38. Combustion of most fuels releases
a. CO2
b. SO2
c. NO2
d. Oxygen
Ans.38. (a)
39. Global warming is caused due to____ concentration of Co2 in air
a. Decreased
b. Increased
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans.39. (b)
40. Burning of coal and diesel releases
a. NO2
b. CO2
c. SO2
d. CO
Ans.40. (c)
1.Petrol engine gives off gaseous oxides of
a. Sulphur
b. Nitrogen
c. Phosphorous
d. Carbon
Ans.41. (b)
42. Acid rain is caused by oxides of
a. Sulphur, Nitrogen
b. Sulphur, Carbon
c. Carbon, Nitrogen
d. Phosphorous, Carbon
Ans. 42. (a)
43. Which is a solid fuel?
a. Petrol
b. Diesel
c. Wax
d. Wood
Ans.43. (c)
44. In the sun, heat and light are produced by
a.Chemical reactions
b.Nuclear reactions
c.Ionic reactions
d.None of these
Ans.44. (b)
45. The head of the safety match contains
a. Antimony trisulphide
b Potassium Chlorate
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these
Ans.45. (c)
46. When the match struck against rubbing surface, red phosphorous
a. Converts into white phosphorous
b. Reacts with potassium chlorate
c. Ignite antimony trisulphide
d. None of these
Ans.46. (a)
47. Best extinguisher for inflammable Materials is
a. Water
b. SO2
c. CO2
d. CO
Ans.47. (c)
48 CO2 is stored as a liquid in cylinder at
a. High pressure
b. Low pressure
c. High temperature
d. Low temperature
Ans.48. (a)
49. CO2 is given off by chemicals like
a. Sodium bicarbonate
b. Calcium sulphate
c. Sodium sulphate
d. Sulphuric acid
Ans. 49. (a)
50. Water is not suitable for fire involving
a. Oil
b. Petrol
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans. 50. (c)

NCERT (CBSE) Class 9, Science (Biology) - The Fundamental Unit of Life: Extrascore Multiple Choice Questions

Q.1: The largest cell in the human body is -
(a)Nerve cell (b)Muscle cell (c)Liver cell (d)Kidney cell

Q.2: The barrier between the protoplasm and the other environment in an animal cell is -
(a)Cell wall (b)Nuclear membrane (c)Tonoplast (d)Plasma membrane

Q.3: The term ‘Cell’ was given by -
(a)Leeuwenhoek (b)Robert Hooke (c)Flemming (d)Robert Brown

Q.4: Who proposed the cell theory? -
(a)Schleiden and Schwann (b)Watson and Crick (c)Darwin and Wallace (d)Mendel and Morgan

Q.5: A plant cell differs from an animal cell in the absence of -
(a)Endoplasmic Reticulum (b)Mitochondria (c)Ribosome (d)Centrioles

Q.6: Centrosome is found in -
(a)Cytoplasm (b)Nucleus (c)Chromosomes (d)Nucleolus

Q.7: The power house of a cell is -
(a)Chloroplast (b)Mitochondrion (c)Golgi apparatus (d)Nucleolus

Q.8: Within a cell the site of respiration (oxidation) is the -
(a)Ribosome (b)Golgi apparatus (c) Mitochondrion (d) Endoplasmic Reticulum

Q.9: Which is called ‘Suicidal Bag’?
(a)Centrosome (b)Lysosome (c)Mesosome (d)Chromosome

Q.10: Ribosomes are the center for -
(a)Respiration (b)Photosynthesis (c)Protein synthesis (d)Fat synthesis

Q.11: Double membrane is absent in -
(a)Mitochondrion (b)Chloroplast (c)Nucleus (d)Lysosme

Q.12: Cell organelle found only in Plant is -
(a)Golgi apparatus (b) Mitochondria (c)Plastids (d)Ribosomes

Q.13: Organisms lacking nucleus and membrane bound organelle are -
(a)Diploids (b)Prokaryotes (c)Haploids (d)Eukaryotes

Q.14: Animal cell is limited by -
(a)Plasma membrane (b) Shell membrane (c)Cell wall (d)Basement membrane

Q.15: The network of Endoplasmic Reticulum is present in the -
(a)Nucleus (b)Nucleolus (c)Cytoplasm (d)Chromosomes

Q.16: Lysosomes are reservoirs of -
(a)Fat (b)RNA (c)Secretory Glycoprotein (d)Hydrolytic Enzymes

Q.17: The membrane surrounding the vacuole of a plant cell is called -
(a)Tonoplast (b)Plasma membrane (c)Nuclear membrane (d)Cell wall

Q.18: Cell secretion is done by -
(a)Plastids (b)ER (c)Golgi apparatus (d)Nucleolus

Q.19: Centrioles are associated with -
(a)DNA synthesis (b)Reproduction (c)Spindle formation (d)Respiration

Q.20: Main difference between animal cell and plant cell is -
(a)Chromosome (b)Ribosome (c)Lysosome (d) Endoplasmic Reticulum

Q.21: Animal cell lacking nuclei would also lack in -
(a) Chromosome (b) Ribosome (c) Lysosome (d) Endoplasmic Reticulum

Q.22: Plasmolysis occurs due to -
(a)Absorption (b)Endosmosis (c)Osmosis (d)Exosmosis

Q.23: A plant cell becomes turgid due to -
(a)Plasmolysis (b) Exosmosis (c) Endosmosis (d)Electrolysis

Q.24: Solute concentration is higher in the external solution -
(a)Hypotonic (b)Isotonic (c)Hypertonic (d)None of the above

Q.25: A cell placed in hypertonic solution will -
(a)Shrink (b)Show Plasmolysis (c)Swell up (d)No change in shape or size

Q.26: The radiant energy of sunlight is converted to chemical energy and is stored as -
(a)AMP (b)ADP (c)ATP (d)APP

Q.27: Which of the following organelle does not have membrane?
(a)Ribosome (b)Nucleus (c)Chloroplast (d)Mitochondria

Q.28: Root hair absorbs water from soil through -
(a)Osmosis (b)Active transport (c)Diffusion (d)Endocytosis

Q.29: The number of lenses in compound light microscope is -
(a)2 (b)3 (c)4 (d)1

Q.30: The history of the cell began in 1665 with the publication of Micrographia in London by -
(a)Robert Hooke (b)Robert Brown (c)Strasburger (d)Dujardin

Q.31: Cell inclusions are -
(a)Non-living materials present in the cytoplasm (b)Another name of cell organelle (c)Cytoskeletal framework of cell (d)Combined name for cell wall and plasma membrane

Q.32: Which cell organelle is not bounded by a membrane -
(a)Ribosome (b)Lysosome (c)ER (d)Nucleus

Q.33: Which of the following cellular part possess a double membrane?
(a)Nucleus (b)Chloroplast (c)Mitochondrion (d)All of the above

Q.34: Cristae and Oxysomes are associated with -
(a)Mitochondria (b)Plastids (c)Golgi apparatus (d)Plasma membrane

Q.35: Karyotheca is another name of -
(a)Nuclear envelope (b)Nucleus (c)Nuclear pores (d)Nucleolus

Q.36: Cell organelle that acts as supporting skeletal framework of the cell is -
(a) Golgi apparatus (b) Nucleus (c) Mitochondria (d) ER

Q.37: Plastids are present in -
(a)Animal cell only (b)Plant cells only (c)Both animal cells and Plant cells (d)Neither animal nor plant cell

Q.38: Cell wall of plant is chiefly composed of -
(a)Hemicellulose (b)Cellulose (c)Phospholipids (d)Proteins

Q.39: Intercellular connections of plant cells are called -
(a)Middle lamella (b)Micro fibrils (c)Matrix (d)Plasmodesmata

Q.40: Genes are located on the -
(a)Chromosomes (b)Nucleolus (c)Nuclear membrane (d)Plasma membrane

Q.41: Chromatin consists of -
(a)RNA (b)DNA (c)RNA and histones (proteins) (d)DNA and histones (proteins)

Q.42: Different types of chromosomes can be recognized by the positions of the following separating the two arms -
(a)Centromere (b)Genes (c)Spindle (d)Nucleus

Q.43: The largest cell of human body is -
(a)Liver cell (b)Muscle cell (c)Nerve cell (d)Blood cell

Q.44: Barrier between protoplasm and the outer environment in an animal cell is -
(a)Cell wall (b)Nuclear membrane (c)Plasma membrane (d)Tonoplast

Q.45: Name of the process that requires energy provided by ATP -
(a)Diffusion (b)Osmosis (c)Active transport (d)Plasmolysis

1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. b) 10. (c) 11. (d) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (d) 17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (c) 20. (a) 21. (a) 22. (d) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (a) 29. (a) 30. (a) 31. (a) 32. (a) 33. (d) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (d) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (d) 40. (a) 41. (d) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (c) 45. (c)

Class IX CBSE Biology Science - NCERT Solutions for Science
Chapter - 6 TISSUES
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Q.1: the end of a long bone is connected to another bone by
(a) Ligament (b) Tendon (c) Cartilage (d) Muscle
Q.2: Ligaments and Tendons are formed of
(a) Epithelial tissue (b) Muscular tissue (c) Cartilage (d) Connective tissue
Q.3: When boiled in water collagen changes into
(a) Gelatin (b) Reticulin (c) Elastin (d) Myosin
Q.4: Processes of osteoblasts are found in
(a) Lamella (b) Canaliculi (c) Dendrites (d) Haversian canals
Q.5: A group of cells alike in form, function and origin is called
(a) Tissue (b) Organ (c) Organelle (d) None of these
Q.6: Plant length is increased by
(a) Apical meristems (b) Lateral meristems (c) Periblem (d) Parenchyma
Q.7: The cell division is restricted to
(a) Merismatic cells (b) Permanent cells (c) Secretory cells (d) All of the above
Q.8: Active divisions take place in the cells of
(a) Phloem (b) Sclerenchyma (c) Xylem (d) Cambium
Q 9: Grass stem elongates by the activity of
(a) Apical meristem (b) Hypodermis (c) Intercalary meristem (d) Primary meristem
Q.10: Water and minerals are conducted by
(a) Xylem (b) (c) (d)
Q.11: In higher plants food is conducted by
(a) Root (b) Phloem (c) Xylem (d) Leaves
Q.12: Blood is a
(a) Fibre (b) Non-connective tissue (c) Organ (d) Connective tissue
Q.13: Bone consists of the following type of cells
(a) Chondrocyte (b) Connective (c) Osteocyte (d) None of these
Q.14: Cartilage consists of which type of cells
(a) Chondrocyte (b) Osteocyte (c) Cambium (d) None of these
Q.15: A nerve impulse passes from one neuron to another across a
(a) Synapse (b) Dendrite (c) Axion (d) Cell body
Q.16: Collenchyma mainly forms
(a) Hypodermis (b) Epidermis (c) Phloem (d) Inner cortex
Q.17: Whose living cells provide tensile and mechanical strength?
(a) Collenchyma (b) Sclerenchyma (c) Phloem (d) Sclereids
Q.18: Lignified elongated dead cells are
(a) Parenchyma (b) Collenchyma (c) Sclerenchyma (d) None of these
Q 19: Which of these contains dead cells mainly?
(a) Phloem (b) Epidermis (c) Xylem (d) Endodermis
Q.20: Phloem performs the function of
(a) Conduction of food (b) Conduction of water (c) Providing support (d) Photosynthesis
Q.21: Simple epithelium is a tissue composed of cells which are
(a) Hardened and provide support to organs (b) Continuously diving to provide to form an organ
(c) Cemented directly to one another to form an irregular layer
(d) Loosely connected to one another to form an irregular layer
Q.22: Which one of the following is living but non-nucleated
(a) Sieve tube (b) Companion cell (c) Phloem cell (d) Phloem parenchyma
Q.23: Which one of the following is a function of white blood cells?
(a) Help in transport of oxygen (b) Act as soldiers, scavengers and builders of the body
(c) Help in blood clotting (d) None of these
Q.24: In human beings, muscle cells
(a) Conduct food and water (b) Carry message from brain
(c) Contract and relax to cause movement (d) Transport oxygen and other gases
Q.25: Muscles contain special protein called
(a) Tubulin (b) Contractile (c) Carrier (d) Globulins
Q.26: Bone is an example of
(a) Epithelial tissue (b) Muscular tissue (c) Connective tissue (d) Nervous tissue
Q.27: Areolar connective tissue is found between
(a) Skin and muscles (b) Blood vessels and nerves (c) In the bone marrow (d) All of these
Q.28: The hardness of the bone tissue is due to the phosphates and carbonates of
(a) Calcium and sodium (b) calcium and magnesium
(c) Magnesium and sodium (d) Magnesium and potassium
Q 29: Ciliated epithelium is present in
(a) Trachea (b) Tongue (c) Uterus (d) Heart
Q.30: Husk of coconut is made of
(a) Sclerechymatous tissue (b) Parenchyma (c) Collenchyma (d) Chlorenchyma

Ans: 1-a. 2-d. 3-a. 4-b. 5-a. 6-a. 7-a. 8-d. 9-c. 10-a. 11-b. 12-d. 13-c. 14-a. 15-a 16-a. 17-a. 18-c. 19-c. 20-a. 21-c. 22-a. 23-b. 24-c. 25-b. 26-c. 27-d. 28-b. 29-a. 30-a

best of luck
19th March 2011, 03:21 PM
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Default Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?

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20th March 2011, 01:15 PM
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Default Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?

Bank of Baroda Papers

Here by i am uploading some Bank of Baroda clerical Papers So have a Look on it.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf BOB-sample paper 1.pdf(1.66 MB, 118 views)
File Type: pdf BOB-sample paper 2.pdf(1.71 MB, 116 views)
File Type: pdf BOB-sample paper 3.pdf(28.1 KB, 113 views)
File Type: pdf BOB-sample paper 4.pdf(21.7 KB, 97 views)
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20th March 2011, 01:21 PM
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Default Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?

i have attached some of BANK OF BARODA previous year papers and sample papers that may useful for you to do practice.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Bank of Baroda (2).pdf(1.71 MB, 93 views)
File Type: pdf Bank of Baroda.pdf(1.66 MB, 112 views)
File Type: pdf -BOB po.pdf(22.2 KB, 70 views)
File Type: pdf _BankPO_2009_.pdf(78.1 KB, 88 views)
File Type: pdf BOB Paper 2008.pdf(28.5 KB, 114 views)
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20th March 2011, 06:33 PM
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Default Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?

Originally Posted by ujashv View Post
pls Sir
Send me a BOB Bank Exam question Paper & Solution

Please send it to me


i am giving the question paper with solution below :

Bank of Baroda Probationary Officers Exam., 2008 (Held on 5-10-2008)

General Socio-Economic & Banking Awareness : Solved Paper

1. RBI’s open market operation transactions are carried out with a view to regulate—
(A) Liquidity in the economy
(B) Prices of essential commodities
(C) Inflation
(D) Borrowing power of the banks
(E) All the above
2. When more than one banks are allowing credit facilities to one party in coordination with each other under a formal arrangement, the arrangement is generally known as—
(A) Participation
(B) Consortium
(C) Syndication
(D) Multiple banking
(E) None of these
3. Open market operations, one of the measures taken by RBI in order to control credit expansion in the economy means —
(A) Sale or purchase of Govt. securities
(B) Issuance of different types of bonds
(C) Auction of gold
(D) To make available direct finance to borrowers
(E) None of these
4. The bank rate means—
(A) Rate of interest charged by commercial banks from borrowers
(B) Rate of interest at which commercial banks discounted bills of their borrowers
(C) Rate of interest allowed by commercial banks on their deposits
(D) Rate at which RBI purchases or rediscounts bills of exchange of commercial banks
(E) None of these
5. What is an Indian Depository Receipt ?
(A) A deposit account with a Public Sector Bank
(B) A depository account with any of Depositories in India
(C) An instrument in the form of depository receipt created by an Indian depository against underlying
equity shares of the issuing company
(D) An instrument in the form of deposit receipt issued by Indian depositories
(E) None of these
6. An instrument that derives its value from a specified underlying (currency, gold, stocks etc.) is known as—
(A) Derivative
(B) Securitisation Receipts
(C) Hedge Fund
(D) Factoring
(E) Venture Capital Funding
7. Fiscal deficit is—
(A) total income less Govt. borrowing
(B) total payments less total receipts
(C) total payments less capital receipts
(D) total expenditure less total receipts excluding borrowing
(E) None of these
8. In the Capital Market, the term arbitrage is used with reference to—
(A) purchase of securities to cover the sale
(B) sale of securities to reduce the loss on purchase
(C) simultaneous purchase and sale of securities to make profits from price
(D) variation in different markets
(E) Any of the above
9. Reverse repo means—
(A) Injecting liquidity by the Central Bank of a country through purchase of Govt. securities
(B) Absorption of liquidity from the market by sale of Govt. securities
(C) Balancing liquidity with a view to enhancing economic growth rate
(D) Improving the position of availability of the securities in the market
(E) Any of the above
10. The stance of RBI monetary policy is—
(A) inflation control with adequate liquidity for growth
(B) improving credit quality of the Banks
(C) strengthening credit delivery mechanism
(D) supporting investment demand in the economy
(E) Any of the above
11. Currency Swap is an instrument to manage—
(A) Currency risk
(B) interest rate risk
(C) currency and interest rate risk
(D) cash flows in different currencies
(E) All of the above
12. ‘Sub-prime’ refers to—
(A) lending done by banks at rates below PLR
(B) funds raised by the banks at sub-Libor rates
(C) Group of banks which are not rated as prime banks as per Banker’s Almanac
(D) lending done by financing institutions including banks to customers not meeting with normally
required credit appraisal standards
(E) All of the above
13. Euro Bond is an instrument—
(A) issued in the European market
(B) issued in Euro Currency
(C) issued in a country other than the country of the currency of the Bond
(D) All of the above
(E) None of these
14. Money Laundering normally involves—
(A) placement of funds
(B) layering of funds
(C) integration of funds
(D) All of (A), (B) and (C)
(E) None of (A), (B) and (C)
15. The IMF and the World Bank were conceived as institutions to—
(A) strengthen international economic co-operation and to help create a more stable and prosperous
global economy
(B) IMF promotes international monetary cooperation
(C) The World Bank promotes long term economic development and poverty reduction
(D) All of (A), (B) and (C)
(E) None of (A), (B) and (C)
16. Capital Market Regulator is—
17. In the term BRIC, R stands for—
(A) Romania
(B) Rajithan
(C) Russia
(D) Regulation
(E) None of these
18. FDI refers to—
(A) Fixed Deposit Interest
(B) Fixed Deposit Investment
(C) Foreign Direct Investment
(D) Future Derivative Investment
(E) None of these
19. What is Call Money ?
(A) Money borrowed or lent for a day or over night
(B) Money borrowed for more than one day but upto 3 days
(C) Money borrowed for more than one day but upto 7 days
(D) Money borrowed for more than one day but upto 14 days
(E) None of these
20. Which is the first Indian company to be listed in NASDAQ ?
(A) Reliance
(D) Infosys
(E) None of these
21. Which of the following is the Regulator of the credit rating agencies in India ?
(E) None of these
22. Who is Brand Endorsing Personality of Bank of Baroda ?
(A) Juhi Chawla
(B) Kiran Bedi
(C) Amitabh Bachchan
(D) Kapil Dev
(E) None of these
23. The branding line of Bank of Baroda is—
(A) International Bank of India
(B) India’s International Bank
(C) India’s Multinational Bank
(D) World’s local Bank
(E) None of these
24. The logo of Bank of Baroda is known as—
(A) Sun of Bank of Baroda
(B) Baroda Sun
(C) Bank of Baroda’s Rays
(D) Sunlight of Bank of Baroda
(E) None of these
25. Which of the following statements(s) is/are True about the exports of China which is a close
competitor of India ?
(i) China’s economic success is basically on the fact that it exports cheaper goods to rich nations like
the USA, etc.
(ii) In the year 2007 China’s exports became almost 40% of its GDP.
(iii) When compared to India China’s share in the World Exports is more than 30% whereas India’s
share is mere 6% of the global exports.
(A) Only (i)
(B) Only (ii)
(C) Both (i) and (ii)
(D) All (i), (ii) and (iii)
(E) None of these
26. One of the major challenges banking industry is facing these days is money laundering. Which of the following acts/norms are launched by the banks to prevent money laundering in general ?
(A) Know Your Customer Norms
(B) Banking Regulation Act
(C) Negotiable Instrument Act
(D) Narcotics and Psychotropic Substance Act
(E) None of these
27. Lot of Banks in India these days are offering M-Banking Facility to their customers. What is the
full form of ‘M’ in ‘M-Banking’ ?
(A) Money
(B) Marginal
(C) Message
(D) Mutual Fund
(E) Mobile Phone
28. Which of the following is/are true about the ‘Sub-Prime Crisis’ ? (The term was very much in news recently.)
(i) It is a mortgage crisis referring to credit default by the borrowers.
(ii) Sub-Prime borrowers were those borrowers who were rated low and were high risk borrowers.
(iii) This crisis originated because of negligence in credit rating of the borrowers.
(A) Only (i)
(B) Only (ii)
(C) Only (iii)
(D) All (i), (ii) and (iii)
(E) None of these
29. Which of the following is not the part of the structure of the Financial System in India ?
(A) Industrial Finance
(B) Agricultural Finance
(C) Government Finance
(D) Development Finance
(E) Personal Finance
30. Which of the following is not the part of the scheduled banking structure in India ?
(A) Money Lenders
(B) Public Sector Banks
(C) Private Sector Banks
(D) Regional Rural Banks
(E) State Co-operative Banks
31. As we all know Govt. of India collects tax revenue on various activities in the country. Which of the following is a part of the tax revenue of the Govt. ?
(i) Tax on Income
(ii) Tax on Expenditure
(iii) Tax on Property or Capital Asset
(iv) Tax on Goods and Services
(A) Both (i) and (iii) only
(B) Both (ii) and (iv) only
(C) All (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(D) Only (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(E) None of these
32. We very frequently read about Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in newspapers. These SEZs were established with which of the following objectives ?
(i) To attract foreign investment directly.
(ii) To protect domestic market from direct competition from multinationals.
(iii) To provide more capital to agricultural and allied activities.
(A) Only (i)
(B) Only (ii)
(C) Only (iii)
(D) All (i), (ii) and (iii)
(E) None of these
33. Which of the following groups of countries has almost 50% share in global emission of carbon every year ?
(A) US, China, India, South Africa
(B) India, China, Russia, Britain
(C) South Africa, Nepal, Myanmar
(D) US, Russia, China & India
(E) None of these
34. Which of the following correctly describes the concept of ‘Nuclear Bank’ floated by International Atomic Energy Agency ?
(i) It is a nuclear fuel bank to be shared by all the nations jointly.
(ii) It is a facility to help nations in enrichment of uranium.
(iii) It is an agency which will keep a close vigil on the nuclear programme of all the nations.
(A) Only (i)
(B) Only (ii)
(C) Both (i) and (iii) only
(D) Only (iii)
(E) Both (i) and (ii) only
35. Many times we read about Future Trading in newspapers. What is ‘Future Trading’ ?
(i) It is nothing but a trade between any two stock exchanges wherein it is decided to purchase the
stocks of each other on a fixed price throughout the year.
(ii) It is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell an underlying asset in the future at a
predetermined price.
(iii) It is an agreement between stock exchanges that they will not trade the stocks of each other under
any circumstances in future or for a given period of time.
(A) Only (i)
(B) Only (ii)
(C) Only (iii)
(D) All (i), (ii) and (iii)
(E) None of these
36. Inflation in India is measured on which of the following indexes/indicators ?
(A) Cost of Living Index (COLI)
(B) Consumer Price Index (CPI)
(C) Gross Domestic Product
(D) Wholesale Price Index (WPI)
(E) None of these
37. As per the reports published in the newspapers a section of society staged a demonstration at the venue of the G-8 Summit recently. What was/were the issues towards which these demonstrators were trying to draw the attention of G-8 leaders ?
(i) Food shortage which has taken 50 million people in its grip.
(ii) Inflation which has gone up substantially across the Globe.
(iii) USA’s consistent presence in Iraq.
(A) Only (i)
(B) Only (ii)
(C) Only (iii)
(D) Both (i) and (ii) only
(E) None of these
38. Hillary Clinton formally suspended her campaign to ensure election of who amongst the following for the next President of USA ?
(A) George Bush
(B) Barack Obama
(C) John McCain
(D) Bill Clinton
(E) None of these
39. Hugo Chavez whose name was recently in news is the—
(A) President of Congo
(B) Prime Minister of Uganda
(C) President of Venezuela
(D) Prime Minister of Brazil
(E) None of these
40. The Govt. of India has raised the amount of the Loan Waiver to the farmers by 20%. Now the amount is nearly—
(A) Rs. 60,000 crore
(B) Rs. 65,000 crore
(C) Rs. 72,000 crore
(D) Rs. 76,000 crore
(E) Rs. 80,000 crore
41. Delimitation Commission has made a recommendation that next Census should be Panchayat-wise. When is the next Census due ?
(A) 2010
(B) 2011
(C) 2012
(D) 2013
(E) 2015
42. The World Health Organisation has urged that advertisements of which of the following should be banned to protect youth from bad effects of the same ?
(A) Tobacco
(B) Alcoholic drinks
(C) Junk Food
(D) Soft drinks with chemical preservatives
(E) None of these
43. Which of the following countries has allocated a huge amount of US $ 10 billion to provide relief to its earthquake victims ?
(A) Japan
(B) South Korea
(C) China
(D) South Africa
(E) None of these
44. India and Nepal have many agreements on sharing of the water of various rivers. Which of the following rivers is not covered under these agreements ?
(A) Kosi
(B) Gandak
(C) Ganga
(D) Mahakali
(E) All these rivers are covered
45. Which of the following names is not closely associated with space programme of India or any other country ?
(B) NLS – 5
(C) RUBIN – 8
46. Vijay Hazare Trophy is associated with the game of—
(A) Hockey
(B) Cricket
(C) Badminton
(D) Football
(E) Golf
47. Which of the following was the theme of the Olympic Torch ?
(A) Journey of Harmony
(B) Green World Clean World
(C) Journey of Peace
(D) Journey for Hunger-free World
(E) None of these
48. Which of the following schemes is not a social development Scheme ?
(A) Indira Awas Yojana
(B) Mid Day Meal
(C) Bharat Nirman Yojana
(D) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
(E) All are social schemes
49. Which of the following is not a member of the ASEAN ?
(A) Malaysia
(B) Indonesia
(C) Vietnam
(D) Britain
(E) Singapore
50. Which of the following Awards are given for excellence in the field of Sports ?
(A) Kalinga Prize
(B) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award
(C) Arjun Award
(D) Pulitzer Prize
(E) None of these
Answers :
1. (E) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (C) 6. (C) 7. (D) 8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (E)
11. (D) 12. (D) 13. (C) 14. (D) 15. (D) 16. (E) 17. (C) 18. (C) 19. (A) 20. (D)
21. (D) 22. (E) 23. (B) 24. (B) 25. (C) 26. (E) 27. (E) 28. (D) 29. (E) 30. (A)
31. (C) 32. (A) 33. (D) 34. (B) 35. (B) 36. (D) 37. (B) 38. (B) 39. (C) 40. (A)
41. (B) 42. (A) 43. (C) 44. (C) 45. (E) 46. (B) 47. (A) 48. (C) 49. (D) 50. (C)

thank you...............................
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20th March 2011, 06:42 PM
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Default Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?

The BOB Clerical Question Paper consists of following Main Sections:
  • Mathematics (Quantitative Aptitude) Section – 40 Questions
  • English Section – 40 Questions
  • Reasoning Section – 40 Questions

Some books you can refer for the exam :
  • Quantitative Aptitude (Maths + Data Analysis/Interpretation) Section – R.S. Agarwal’s Quantitative Aptitude
  • Reasoning Section – R.S. Agarwal’s Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning
I have also attached a paper of BOB with answers in it, hope it will help you.
hope you find it useful
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21st March 2011, 01:47 AM
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Lightbulb Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?

I am attaching some question paper & sample papers of BOB which can be used for practise.
So download them & practise them too for securing good marks in exam.
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21st March 2011, 08:04 AM
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Default Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?

follow the link below to get the question papers of BOB exams of previous years.
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21st March 2011, 11:42 AM
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Thumbs up Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?

Originally Posted by ujashv View Post
pls Sir
Send me a BOB Bank Exam question Paper & Solution

Please send it to me


Attached some of the previous year model question papers of Bank of Baroda and common PO and Clerk exam question pattern paper in this post.. kindly check it over.. hope it helps for your preparation...


-> Go through the model papers and find out the question pattern and prepare for the questions accordingly.

-> Don't reside only on previous year papers.

-> Spend some valuable time daily to score good marks in the exam.
Attached Files
File Type: zip BOB.zip(90.0 KB, 32 views)
File Type: pdf Bank of Baroda Clerical Exam Sample Question Paper.pdf(1.71 MB, 102 views)
File Type: pdf 5295_Bank_Clerk_Sample_2010.pdf(616.5 KB, 117 views)
File Type: pdf Bank-PO-exam-Sample-Paper.pdf(184.5 KB, 97 views)
File Type: pdf All Bank PO paper .pdf(153.7 KB, 90 views)
File Type: pdf clerical_exam.pdf(1.21 MB, 93 views)
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21st March 2011, 03:47 PM
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Default Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?

Bank of Baroda Clerical examination pattern consist of-

Mathematics (Quantitative Aptitude) Section – 40 Questions
English Section – 40 Questions
Reasoning Section – 40 Questions

here i am attaching two paper of bank of baroda clerical examination. go through the attachment file.

also attaching one paper for Bank of Baroda Probationary Officer examination.

best wishes.
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21st March 2011, 10:45 PM
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Smile Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?

Originally Posted by ujashv View Post
pls Sir
Send me a BOB Bank Exam question Paper & Solution

Please send it to me

Kindly visit this site to get everything about your requirement.
visit this site "http://placementpapers.net/helpingroot/Paper/BANK-OF-BARODA-PO-EXAM-SOLVED-QUESTION-PAPER"

Sorry i couldn't attach the files because of slow internet connection.
all the best
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22nd March 2011, 03:38 AM
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Default Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?

hi i m unable to register to this forum.please help...my email id [email protected]
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22nd March 2011, 05:31 PM
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Default Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?


Bank Of Baroda exam question paper with solutions are not available with me.

But I know the syllabus / exam pattern of Bank Of Baroda Exam are as follows: -

a. Current Affairs
b. Insurance
c. Social Economics
d. Aptitude
e. Finance
f. General Knowledge
g. Reasoning Section
h. Mathematics
i. Marketing
j. Banking Awarness
k. English Section

Good Luck & Good Wishes
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23rd March 2011, 07:40 PM
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Smile Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hi i m unable to register to this forum.please help...my email id [email protected]

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28th March 2011, 12:18 AM
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Default Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?

Originally Posted by ujashv View Post
pls Sir
Send me a BOB Bank Exam question Paper & Solution

Please send it to me


Bank Of Baroda is the third largest bank on India.
The Bank of Baroda exam paper divided in three section.
1. Mathematics Section
2. English Section.
3. Reasoning Section.

Here i attached the some previous year paper of Bank of Baroda exam.
Please see my attachment and download it.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf baroda- question-paper-2008.pdf(28.5 KB, 99 views)
File Type: pdf bank-baroda-marketing-aptitude-exam-2011.pdf(224.2 KB, 194 views)
File Type: pdf Bank of Baroda Question Paper 1.pdf(1.66 MB, 78 views)
File Type: pdf Bank of Baroda Question Paper 2.pdf(1.71 MB, 207 views)
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21st May 2011, 02:02 PM
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Default Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?

pls send me latest po & clrks xams questions papr with solution,its urgent
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21st May 2011, 02:09 PM
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 1
Default Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?

pls send me quetion paper of both clrk & po which was held in january 2011- till date with solution.pls its urgent. i need that xams
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1st June 2011, 12:18 AM
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Default Re: BOB bank exam question paper with solutions?


The question papers are attached in the attachment sector.
Download it from here.

Attached Files
File Type: pdf bob paper1.pdf(80.0 KB, 109 views)
File Type: pdf bob paper2.pdf(55.9 KB, 65 views)
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