3rd December 2010, 05:03 PM
Which books should I refer for IPS prelims?
Hello I am doing computer engg. & I want to join Indian Police Service So for Preliminary Exam which book I have prefered?
23rd April 2011, 06:03 AM
As IPs exam is conducted by upsc so the paper pastern is same as IAS exam. You can follow the GK publications book, and all the books which are available for the competitive examinations. However you can also take the coaching for the exam. They provide the study materials which are made by various expert teachers. So these study materials are helpful for you. |
4th May 2011, 06:21 PM
Actually IPS IAS IFS and like these we have 24 other services for which there is a common entrance test called as CSE (Civil Service Examination)
In this CSE the exam is conducted in 3 stage pattern ->prelims (Now CSAT) ->Mains ->Personal Interview for each and every stage we should have different strategy to follow for prelims we should practice many types of bits from different books which are of this format the books with topic name synopsis and multiple choice questions and all for mains the strategy of selecting of books should be in this format topic name its history main points in which we have to concentrate and the conclusion of topics Going and buying the books personally is very good in my opinion that too exhibition type is preferable so that you will get time to select the books to achieve your goal and one more thing you don't forget that is some type of fonts can create interest and increase concentration and some type of fonts make you dumb and make you feel bore so be careful while selecting books this is all about the selection of books Regards ~AdityA~ |
4th May 2011, 06:41 PM
Refer to these books :
For Public Administration: Prelims Public Administration - Henry Nicholas Indian Administration - B. L. Fadia or Ramesh Arora India Journal of Public Administration - Refer last 10-15 years Paper. Principle & Practice of Public Enterprise Management – Laxmi narayan State Administration - J. D. Shukla District Administration - S. S. Kera Local Administration - Shriram Maheshwari For History : Prelims Examination Prelims Guide – Krishna Reddy (Both in English & Hindi). Please other readings to supplement. Modern India - Grover & Grover, Modern India - Sumit Sarkar For General Studies : Prelims NCERT 8th TO 12th STD. Prelim’s Manuals - Spectrum or Unique or TataMcGraw-Hill’s Economics :Indian Economy by – Dutta & Sundaram Science :TataMcGraw-Hill’s + NCERT 8th to 12th Std. General Mental Ability :TataMcGraw-Hill’s Prelim’s Manual Polity :Introduction to Indian Constitution – D. D. Basu Geography :NCERT VIIth to XII std. Current Affairs :News Paper + Magazines - Civil Service Times, Competition |
13th May 2011, 11:36 AM
Respected Sir/Ma'am,
I (Gaurav Sharma) am an AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING student and with that m in my 2nd year of graduation thru correspondenance (B. Com). I have done my 12th from science stream(PCME) I want to appear for IAS IPS and IFS exam. Please tell me after graduation what subjects should i choose for preparation of CSE. I will be very thankful to you for this help plz reply me on [email protected] Or Contact me on 0-9210940939 . |
26th June 2011, 02:57 AM
Respected sir/mam
i am harsh, 18, doing b.sc. (h) phy. from delhi university. I want to appear for ips exam, but i am still very much confused about the subjects that should be chosen in prelims and in mains....???? Please help me out, i am very serious about it. Thank you |
30th June 2011, 03:58 AM
Hai, Iam sharathchandran ,19,studying B.tech . which books are used during the preparation of prelims and mains in IPS entrence examination conducted by UPSC .I will be pleased, if you send required information to [email protected]
1st July 2011, 12:23 AM
respected sir..
sir, i m student of english hons. 3rd year.sir main eng literature pad rai hu to sir muje kaun sa subject choose karna chiye.. i want to become an IPS officer like kiran bedi.. plz sir help me.. |
2nd August 2011, 09:54 AM
Respected sir/mam,.. My self mukul... I am doing my first year.... I want to prepare for I.P.S. EXAM... Sir/mam. Will you please tell me.. Which books should i prefer? What steps should i take so that i can get clear through exam, at first attempt.... And also what are the type of related que. Asked in Interview.? Sir u can guide me at...... [email protected]
4th October 2011, 09:05 PM
sir,myself ramesh. .i want to prepare ips exam. .will u please tell me which book should i prefer and how could i clear the prelims exam at the first attempt. .Sir u can guide me at [email protected]
12th November 2011, 10:46 PM
Hi sir i have finished my mbbs and i want to become ips officer can mail me which books to study plz plz plz plz plz plz sir , [email protected]
22nd November 2011, 07:07 PM
M a student of eng hons nd i wantef to know which type of books should i refer for my pre lims
i havw no idea about it Plz email me at [email protected] |
24th March 2012, 05:45 PM
Dear honrable sir/mam.i Mohmad Bilal lone want to be an IPS but m very much confused about which book i chose and what subjects i take as arts students take history and science students chose biology ,engineer students take physics.but i am a commerce student so plz plz give me some valuable suggestion .my e-mail id is ( [email protected]) and phone is 09797212808
24th March 2012, 07:18 PM
Some of the books which are helpful to prepare for the exam are :
![]() Crack Civil Services Prelims (Paper - 2) (Paperback) by Disha Experts ![]() CSAT 16 Years IAS: Prelims GS Topic-wise Solved Paper (1995- 2010) (Paperback) by Disha Experts ![]() Cracking The CSAT (Paper 2) (Paperback) by Uma Kant Singh ![]() CSAT: Civil Services Aptitude Test (Paper II) (Paperback) by Madhukar Bhagat ![]() CSAT: General Studies 2012 (Paper 2) (Paperback) by Arun Sharma, Madhukar Kumar Bhagat, Hari Mohan Prasad, Abhijit Guha |
29th March 2012, 10:31 AM
hello sir, i m atul belpande i completed my graduation in BBA, i m decide to aim become ips officer which book are refer to exam my e-emal [email protected]
14th May 2012, 02:44 PM
hello....!! i am Reshma i completed my fybcom, i want to be become ips officer which book are refer to pre exam.......and please help me to choose the optional subject also........thank you....
email id - [email protected] |
23rd June 2012, 10:46 PM
![]() Quote:
list of all the books has been provided in the attachment below IAS Prelims/CSAT Civil Services: 18 Years General Studies Topic-Wise Solved Papers (1995-2012) by----------- Disha Expert http://img6.flixcart.com/image/book/...fpfmt4ngf.jpeg IAS (Pre) Genaral Studies With CSAT 2011 Solved Papers (Paper - 1) by------------- Expert Compilatio http://img6.flixcart.com//image/book...wgh9ndaxh.jpeg IAS PRE: Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency by------------ Upscportal http://img8.flixcart.com/img/thumb/7...8192051765.jpg UPSC IAS PRE: English Grammar and Usage by------------- Upscportal http://img5.flixcart.com/img/thumb/0...9381362006.jpg UPSC IAS PRE: Indian Polity for Civil Services Preliminary Examination, CSAT by------------ Sachchida Nand Jha http://img5.flixcart.com//image/book...fxa3yzvg6.jpeg for more see the attachment below.................. with regards roknits |
24th June 2012, 12:50 PM
![]() list of books:--> ->For Public Administration: Prelims Public Administration - Henry Nicholas Indian Administration - B. L. Fadia or Ramesh Arora India Journal of Public Administration - Refer last 10-15 years Paper. Principle & Practice of Public Enterprise Management – Laxmi narayan State Administration - J. D. Shukla District Administration - S. S. Kera Local Administration - Shriram Maheshwari ->For History : Prelims Examination Prelims Guide – Krishna Reddy (Both in English & Hindi). Please other readings to supplement. Modern India - Grover & Grover, Modern India - Sumit Sarkar -> For General Studies : Prelims NCERT 8th TO 12th STD. Prelim’s Manuals - Spectrum or Unique or TataMcGraw-Hill’s Economics :Indian Economy by – Dutta & Sundaram Science :TataMcGraw-Hill’s + NCERT 8th to 12th Std. General Mental Ability :TataMcGraw-Hill’s Prelim’s Manual Polity :Introduction to Indian Constitution – D. D. Basu Geography :NCERT VIIth to XII std. Current Affairs :News Paper + Magazines - Civil Service Times, Competition ALL THE BEST,,,,,GO AHEAD....!!!! |
11th August 2012, 05:41 PM
YOU can refer the following books for IPS prelims exam as under-
1. Indian Administration - B. L. Fadia or Ramesh Arora 2. India Journal of Public Administration - Refer last 10-15 years Paper. 3. Principle & Practice of Public Enterprise Management – Laxmi narayan 4. Prelims Guide – Krishna Reddy (Both in English & Hindi). 5. Modern India - Grover & Grover, Modern India - Sumit Sarkar 6. Prelim’s Manuals - Spectrum or Unique or TataMcGraw-Hill’s 7. Economics :Indian Economy by – Dutta & Sundaram 8. Science :TataMcGraw-Hill’s + NCERT 8th to 12th Std. 9. General Mental Ability :TataMcGraw-Hill’s Prelim’s Manual 10. Politics :Introduction to Indian Constitution – D. D. Basu 11. Crack Civil Services Prelims (Paper - 2) (Paperback)- Disha Experts 12. CSAT 16 Years IAS: Prelims GS Topic-wise Solved Paper (1995- 2010) (Paperback) - Disha Experts 13. Cracking The CSAT (Paper 2) (Paperback)- Uma Kant Singh 14. CSAT: Civil Services Aptitude Test (Paper II) (Paperback)-Madhukar Bhagat 15. CSAT: General Studies 2012 (Paper 2) (Paperback)- Arun Sharma, Madhukar Kumar Bhagat, Hari Mohan Prasad, Abhijit Guha |
11th August 2012, 10:11 PM
hi friend,
Here is best book for IPS: => India 2011 by Vivek Kumar Singh CSAT 2012 => (paper II) by Manish Ranjan,Annita,Rajneesh Singh,Kiran Bedi Publisher: Cl India (2012) => UPSC Syllabus Civil Service Examination by Student Aid Publications Publisher: Student Aid Publications => UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam: General Studies Solved Papers Publisher: Upkar Prakashan (2008) => UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination Paper-I In 60 Days by Rakesh Dwivedi UPSC Portal: CSAT portal Publications (2011) => UPSC Portal: Current Affairs For IAS (PRE) 2011(Part-I) by S. A. Majid Publisher: Upsc Portal Publications (2011) all the best |
11th August 2012, 10:50 PM
1. Indian History - India Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra; NCERT Books ( XI & XII ) 2. Geography - Spectrum 3. Indian Polity - Constitution of India by Bakshi 4. Indian Economy - Plus One, Plus Two Books, Pratiyogita Darpan 5. General Science - Tata Mc Graw Hill Guide 6. Mental Ability - Quantitative Apitude by R.S. Aggarwal 7. Current Affairs - Some magazines and Newspapers i. The Hindu/The Times of India ii. Frontline iii. Civil Service Chronicle iv. Chanakya v. Competition WIZARD vi. Civil Services Today 8. Guides 1. Tata Mc Graw Hill 2. Spectrum 3. Unique Topic Wise Reference On General Studies Books on Indian History & Culture: NCERT (+ 2 level) — Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India. Publication Division : Gazetteer of India (Vol 2 : History & Culture) Gandhi Nehru Tagore & Ambedkar — Gopal Krishna Bipin Chandra - Modern India A.C.Banerjee - History of Modern India Raghavan Aiyer — Mahatma Gandhi Books on Geography: NCERT : Physical Geography of India for X - XII Std A Good School Atlas Sharma & Cotinho : Economic and Commercial Geography of India. Khullar : India- A Comprehnsive Geography Charles Farro : General Principles of World Geography Charles Farro : Monsoon Asia Reports published by Centre for Science and Enviornment And Tata Energy Research Institute National journal - Kurukshetra, Yojana etc. Down to earth Books on Indian Economy: NCERT (+1 level)—Evolution of Indian Economy(I C Dhingra). Mishra & Puri or Dutt & Sundaram - Indian Economy Economic Survey The Economic Times,Business Standard Yojana Books on Social and National Issues : Social Problem - Ram Ahuja Social Welfare Magazine - Published by ministry of social welfare Yojana/Kurukshetra IIPa Journal Books on Indian Polity: NCERT (+1 level)—Indian Political System N.L. Madan : Bhartiya Rajya Vyavastha D.D. Basu—Indian Constitution Kashyap—Constitution of India Publication Division—Subhash C. Kashyap : Our Parliament P.M. Bakshi—Indian Constitution Our Constitution : Subhash C. kashyap Perspective on Constitution : S.C. Kashyap Frontline Magazine IIPa Journal Books on Science & Technology: NCERT : (10 level) : Science, (+2 level) : Biology. Popular Science Series (CSIR) Reports Of the Ministry of Science and Technology Yojana Science Reporter Science and Technology in India - Spectrum Books on Statistics: (NCERT +1 level) Elementary Statistics S.C.Gupta : Statistical Methods Books on India and the World : Journal of peace Studies World Focus Strategic Analysis South Asian Journal Other Books for General Studies: 1. India Year Book latest 2. One competitive Magazine 3. Guides like Tata Mc Graw Hill, Spectrum or Unique For General Reference 4. The Pearson General Studies Manual . WITH REGARD, BEST OF LUCK.......................... |
12th August 2012, 03:36 PM
The books with topic name for IPS prelims........
synopsis and multiple choice questions and all for mains the strategy of selecting of books should be in this format topic name its history main points in which we have to concentrate and the conclusion of topics Going and buying the books personally is very good in my opinion that too exhibition type is preferable so that you will get time to select the books to achieve your goal and one more thing you don't forget that is some type of fonts can create interest and increase concentration and some type of fonts make you dumb and make you feel bore so be careful while selecting books good luck |
13th August 2012, 02:21 PM
hi friend,
IPS stands for Indian Police Service For applying IPS you have to apply for CSE (Civil service Examination). Exam Pattern: => Preliminary Exam. => Main Exam => Interview Best Books For IPS: ![]() ![]() All the Best |
14th October 2012, 12:53 AM
list of all the books has been provided in the attachment books for IPS prelims Principle & Practice of Public Enterprise Management – Laxmi narayan Prelims Guide – Krishna Reddy (Both in English & Hindi). Modern India - Grover & Grover, Modern India - Sumit Sarkar Prelim’s Manuals - Spectrum or Unique or TataMcGraw-Hill’s Economics :Indian Economy by – Dutta & Sundaram Science :TataMcGraw-Hill’s + NCERT 8th to 12th Std. General Mental Ability :TataMcGraw-Hill’s Prelim’s Manual Politics :Introduction to Indian Constitution – D. D. Basu Crack Civil Services Prelims (Paper - 2) (Paperback)- Disha Experts CSAT 16 Years IAS: Prelims GS Topic-wise Solved Paper (1995- 2010) (Paperback) - Disha Experts Cracking The CSAT (Paper 2) (Paperback)- Uma Kant Singh good luck |
3rd March 2014, 06:00 PM
dear sir,
i want to became a ips officer and i want to know some calrificaton. i have taken admission for 2010 in one of the recognised university at andra pradesh. so, lateral entry process i have cmpltd my graduation. before i studied but 2nd year discontinued again i compltd my degree another university. that is lateral entry process. plz tell me i can elgible for civil services examination. |
26th April 2016, 06:39 PM
Sir, i want to know that, is it same syllabus for prilims and civil service mains exam for IAS, IPS and IFS's? Please inform me [email protected]
5th June 2017, 06:20 PM
Sir I want to be IPS officer so please tell me all books with writer name, because I have no idea for starting preparations. Sir please [email protected]
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