4th February 2010, 12:44 AM
gautam d wonder lover
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Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

Tell me that is there any scope for mechanical engineer in software industry.

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4th February 2010, 04:13 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

Hey Gautam. As a matter of fact most engineering students these days end up in IT industry because of the demand. Also all engineering disciplines' curriculums have subjects related to IT industry so you must be aware of that as well. Software companies are quite open to hiring engineers from any discipline depending on their potential. One thing you should keep in mind while applying for software jobs is the requirement of the job. Brush up your skills in the area the software company deals with before the interview. Also making few simple projects in a S/W language you are comfortable with maybe beneficial.
4th February 2010, 11:30 AM
gautam d wonder lover
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

thanks for giving reply.
again may now ihe work will be same for both mechanical or it engineer in iIT company????
4th February 2010, 11:34 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

I think mechanical engineer can't apply for the software job this is totaly software field and if you don't have knowledge of software engineering then no company give you job related to this field..........better is to try get job in your field.....
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4th February 2010, 04:33 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

yes today there are more scope in this........
And In future you can job easily at high sallery in good IT company.......
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4th February 2010, 04:38 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

hi. . . . As we know all companies put on some eligibility criteria for the graduates to attend the job session or to apply for a job before the interview.as per software companies rules they hire candidates from IT sector,cse,ece or few from electrical side..so you cant even applicable for software jobs in a software companies...i think working in software companies with a designation as a software engineer is not possible for a mechanical engineer.however they can work in other department like hr department after doing mba .i think so. . Good luck bye
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4th February 2010, 06:13 PM
Abhishek Dhoot
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

hie friend
you are eligible for software jobs if you know some basic languages like c,c++,java etc
if you know them then you are eligible
best of luck!!
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4th February 2010, 07:20 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

yes u can surely go in that field.....
if u have knowledge of languages and java
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4th February 2010, 08:46 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

yes you can apply for the softwear but you should have good knowledge about various languages such as C,C++,JAVA,ORACEL
you can be placed in various IT industries
best of luck
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4th February 2010, 09:20 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

ya a mechanical engineer can surely apply for a software job .. but getting and sustaining in that job is not easy for a mechanical engineer
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4th February 2010, 10:22 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

yes, dear gautam of course but you need to brush up some of your softcomputer skills for that but there are also mechanical engineers required in some multinational software companies for various projects for handling diferent posts you have to be very vigilant upon those in the ads on newspapers for the same or dont worry i will help you too in finding them good luck and wish you success....
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5th February 2010, 03:24 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

i will like to add with this that the work is not going to be the same but yes there are some projects being given to software industries where mechanical engineers also work in hand to hand with them and there is no contradiction on this point both work at the same place and sare idear on projects so what i mean to say is there are software companies which intake mechanical engineers for various project works and there they work in harmony . i hope now i may be able to give a satisfying answer to your question . for more details do write to me again i will certainly appreciate the feedback and will also like to provide some evidence the next time i see your doubt .. thanks al the best...
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24th March 2010, 05:39 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

yes you join any software companies it is totally depend
on software market...
many MECHA engineers are work in a software company,,,
good luck
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25th March 2010, 01:08 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

now these days mechanical engineers are working in the different software company,
since mechanical engineer also study about the software,
thats why there is no any problem in doing the job,
all the best
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25th March 2010, 02:49 AM
mike shinoda back
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

dear friend
if you have the knowledge of programming languages like C,C++,Java,etc you can definately sit for selection tests when companies come for oncampus placements
but i would advise you against it as it may cause you trouble in the future due to your mechanical background
good luck
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25th March 2010, 06:38 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

in today's world if you want to get into an IT based industry then there is no need to have such a high qualification...if you some of the basic language like C,C++,JAVA, and many then you can get into any of the IT based industry very easily........
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13th May 2010, 07:04 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

yes ofcourse you can apply for software engg .and software career is reaaly bouncing back
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14th May 2010, 10:41 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

dear friend
yes mechanical enginner can apply for the post of software engineer provided he must have sound knowledge of computer language like java , C,C++
but he can get job through off campusing only
all the best
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15th May 2010, 03:16 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

yes a mechanical engineer can apply for software jobs if he good command over programming languages like c,c++,java etc
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15th June 2010, 03:05 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

Mechanical engg. scopes wonderful job. The job to defines your potential in technical applications.
You can join it industry.
TCS recruits mechanicals,as prior to recession.
IT industry is open to all
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23rd June 2010, 10:05 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

Dear friend,

Yes a mechanical engineer can apply for software jobs, if he is having good skill of computer languages.

With the knowledge of their own subjects,mechanical engineers can also do software jobs simultaneously.
It is found that many engineers of core streams switch to software companies with their skills implementing there.

So go ahead..Good luck.
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24th June 2010, 05:18 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

If you have scored more than 90% in plus two, then you can apply in IT companies.They are only looking for high grade students. But your training will be a little bit difficult as you have to study a lot of computer languages and also its programming.For computer or IT students the training will be very easy.

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27th June 2010, 10:00 AM
sandy B
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

hello friend,according to my knowledge every branch of engg students can apply for software job.so you are definitely eligiable for software job.
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28th June 2010, 05:40 PM
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Wink Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

Originally Posted by gautam d wonder lover View Post
Tell me that is there any scope for mechanical engineer in software industry.
i dont think there is much of scope for a mechanical engineer in software sector.
off course there may be but not that good
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15th July 2010, 09:41 PM
Hitha Nanjappa
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

you can take up a job related to programming or
software based analysis like
CFD- computational fluid dynamics
CNC programming
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31st July 2010, 04:35 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

yes there are some projects being given to software industries where mechanical engineers also work in hand to hand with them and there is no contradiction on this point both work at the same place and sare idear on projects so what i mean to say is there are software companies which intake mechanical engineers for various project works.
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31st July 2010, 08:03 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

hii friend with mechanical degree you can apply but you need have some proof that you have software knowledge............ so you can do some additional software course to apply for job in software company............

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1st August 2010, 01:59 PM
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dear friend

of course u can apply for job in software fields .in this sector they require technical graduates of any discipline.

but why u are opting for software field though u know that software market situation is not healthy now.

in core sector there are lot of companies where u can apply for job.

i will suggest u to try in your sector.

best of luck.
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27th August 2010, 12:12 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

what can i answered for a question like "why you are switch over to software field from mechanical field"
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27th August 2010, 02:08 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

i would like to ask is there any real need of civil engineer in the software or programming fields?
is he useful in any way?
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27th August 2010, 03:57 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

dear friend,

yes, mechanical engineer can apply for software jobs.

you can sit for TCS, IBM,INFOSYS etc during your campus placement in college.

all the best.
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27th August 2010, 07:46 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

Dear friend,
yes of course mechanical engineer can apply for software jobs.there is nothing like only it or computer science students can apply for software jobs.but in that case you might not get satisfaction because in that case you are working in a department not of your branch.mechanical student has a wide scope in core companies like Hyundai,Tata Motors,Yahama India Ltd,Hindustan Motors,etc.so my suggestion to you will be first try for core companies then if you do not get go for software department.
Best of Luck!!
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27th August 2010, 09:35 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

dear friend,
Yes ,you can join in software sector, but for that you have to know some programming language, Soft skills...
As you are a student of core branch , then why you want to go in software sector..
after doing mechanical engineering you can get good job in reputed company like,

you can also join in defense...

think about it again ...

all the best..

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27th August 2010, 11:14 AM
ajay barik
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

well friend
we are telling that he/she is a mechanical engineering student.but he is not a pure mechanical because he has also read the software paper.so definitely a mechanical engineering student can get a job in it industry............but it is quite difficult to stay there.
good luck!!
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27th August 2010, 11:25 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

There are so so many instance that Mechanical Engineers are Project Managers in Software Industry. All that u need is basics of C and C++.
Once when u enter the software industry there will be a training. In software industry company do not differenciate between computer and non computer gratutes.. All that u need is Good Learning ability.. U can surely apply for Software job and Succeed in same..
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27th August 2010, 02:17 PM
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dear friend
yes mechanical engg. can join in software sector.for that he/she must be efficient in c language,data structure ect.
best of luck.
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27th August 2010, 03:17 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

hello friend

definately mechanical engineer apply for software job.

any branch of engineer can apply for software job.

though CSE, IT, ECE engineers get more priority to in software field.

but you can apply for software job.

all the best...............
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27th August 2010, 03:39 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

Originally Posted by gautam d wonder lover View Post
Tell me that is there any scope for mechanical engineer in software industry.
yes some of the software company allow machenical student to appear in the written test.best of luck.
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12th October 2010, 01:04 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

hey budy iam doing mech i want to do samthing spl bro i want to know mech eng jump in software company reply must be
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12th October 2010, 10:17 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

yea mechanical engineer also may apply for software job. if you have a better knowledge on software then surely you may apply for software job. also you have to do same job with the other those are recruited for the same post irrespective of the stream. but do not worry they will first train you how to do the job. if you have a good knowledge it will not create any problem.
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12th October 2010, 12:21 PM
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Smile Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

Originally Posted by gautam d wonder lover View Post
Tell me that is there any scope for mechanical engineer in software industry.

dear friend,

obiviously you can do this.as a matter of fact only not you so many engineers from other stream are doing this. Software companies are quite open to hiring engineers from any discipline depending on their potential.but fact is that you can not apply your mechanical engineering knowledge there. Brush up your skills in the area the software company deals with before the interview.

good luck.
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13th October 2010, 06:55 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

Frankly speaking ,
it doesn't matters whichever branch you are from,
you have to again start with the basics and initial one year will be difficult.
Nowadays not only mechanical but production people are into this field.
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16th October 2010, 01:44 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

You can get a job in IT industry provided you have some of the software skills.It depends on the criteria set by the respective IT firms.But generally Mechanical engineers do not opt for this.Still there are courses which you can take up and try in IT sector.
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16th October 2010, 09:59 PM
mohit brh
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

yes you can apply in software industry but you should have knowledge compare to other. you should have knowledge of C,C++,.net ,Java.
than you are eligible to apply in software companies.like TCS,infosys,IBM and many other.
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17th October 2010, 12:06 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

Yes mechanical engineer can apply for software jobs but you should know the basic computer languages.
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17th October 2010, 12:07 AM
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Smile Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

hello friend, you can surely apply for software job if you are truely interested in that field.the software companies like infosys,TCS,wipro etc are hiring mechanical engineers too.you dont need to know languages like c,c++ or java.what they doing is they hire some freshers and give them a 6 month or 1 year training and mold us for their requirements.even you will get a better salary from there its better for you to go for a mechanical core jobs..
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17th October 2010, 12:20 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

dear friend
u have oppurtunity to get job in software company. only thing is that u must know the basic fundamentals of c and c++, and then apptitude. if so surely u will be placed in mnc. In that they will train u to for that job
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17th October 2010, 01:00 AM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

Originally Posted by gautam d wonder lover View Post
Tell me that is there any scope for mechanical engineer in software industry.
yes mechenical student can also apply for the software jobs many company allow the nechenical student to sit in the campus placement because they also scope in software like autocad,catia and more
all the best
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17th October 2010, 02:05 AM
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Yes you can apply for software industry rather you are a student of mechanical provided you are perfect in software languages.

Other wise there is no scope for you in software concentrate on your trade.

all the best
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17th October 2010, 01:46 PM
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Default Re: Can mechanical engineer apply for software job?

A mechanical engineer cant get scope in software company.there are no chance.because yo u have command on machine design or parts but in software job you need to get proper knowledge in java,c language.
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