30th August 2012, 08:52 PM
Is chemical engineering good for ladies? What is the starting salary for B.Tech chemical engineers
is chemical engineering good for ladies?starting salaries for b.tech chemical engineers?will salaries increase by doing professional degrees?
15th June 2013, 10:07 PM
Chemical engineering is one of the top branch in engineering and girls also equally eligible to pursue graduation in it.Chemical industry in India is largest industry which is responsible for small to large scale production of fertilizers ,pesticides etc. Engineering colleges for chemical engineering are-
SRM university Indian institute of technology,Madras Anna university Vellore institute of technology,Vellore National institute of technology ,Jamshedpur National institute of technology,Rourkela. Following companies are offering jobs for chemical engineers- Reliance petro-chemical industry Oil and natural gas corporation Tata chemicals DRDO HAL Jindal steel SAIL |
9th April 2014, 07:28 PM
Now i am completed 12th i am intreasted for doing B-TECH in chemical eng can i able to study and the fee detail in tamilnadu