29th April 2012, 12:06 AM
In which college/university can I get after scoring 27.2 marks in TANCET MBA?
Iam thaiyalnayaki. i have scored 27.2 marks in tancet mba 2012. please can you suggest me which college/university shall i prefer? |
8th January 2013, 08:02 PM
Some colleges where you can apply-
1 AMS college of engineering 2 BSARC engineering college 3 Anand institute of higher technology 4 Dhannish ahmed college of engineering 5 Hindustan college of engineering 6 Madha engineering college 7 Rajalakshmi engineering college 8 Meenakshi engineering college 9 TJ institute of technology 10 SRR engineering college. Note:all these colleges are affiliated to Anna university and they are providing admission in MBA through TANCET exam. |
9th May 2014, 04:05 PM
List of colleges that i can get after scoring 28 in TANCET MBA? I belong to SC
13th July 2015, 12:50 PM
List of university where you can apply
Dhannish ahmed college of engineering Hindustan college of engineering BSARC engineering college Anand institute of higher technology Madha engineering college Rajalakshmi engineering college SRR engineering college. Meenakshi engineering college AMS college of engineering TJ institute of technology |
31st July 2015, 12:24 AM
Best Colleges:-
Anand institute of higher technology TJ institute of technology Madha engineering college AMS college of engineering Rajalakshmi engineering college Hindustan college of engineering SRR engineering college. BSARC engineering college Meenakshi engineering college |