28th November 2011, 11:35 AM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 1

Date of announcement of notification for exams like PSI and ACP?

Hello sir/mam, I want info about exam of PSI & ACP in Maharashtra Police, when notice of exam publishes.

17th January 2012, 10:49 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Date of announcement of notification for exams like PSI and ACP?

hai friends ,i want to knw abt height and weight required for that
29th February 2012, 01:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Date of announcement of notification for exams like PSI and ACP?

what is date of psi exam? & give me admission date.
19th March 2012, 02:01 PM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1
Default Re: Date of announcement of notification for exams like PSI and ACP?

iwant to now about the procedure of psi n acp in maharashtra police. can i give the xamz m bsc(cs) appearing.please remind mee when the date of this circumstances comes
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24th March 2012, 05:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Date of announcement of notification for exams like PSI and ACP?

hello madam/sir ...............can you please tel me the date of psi exam?
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24th March 2012, 06:52 PM
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Default Re: Date of announcement of notification for exams like PSI and ACP?

IAS - Indian Administrative
Service Exam conducted by Union
Public Service Commission (UPSC)
every year in a pan-Indian basis.
IAS is the most intelligent exams
to crack and successfully join this
stellar Central Govt. service. The
Indian Administrative Service
(IAS) is the administrative civil
service of the executive branch
of the Government of the
Republic of India.
IAS 2012 Syllabus / Paper
Pattern :-
IAS Exam has three stages
Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, and
an Interview
IAS Preliminary Exam Pattern
2012:- The prelims are held
around May-June.It has objective
ie multiple choice questions.
There are two papers (duration
of each being 2 hrs). a) General
studies and b)Optional subject:
you can choose from Psychology,
Sociology, Philosophy,
Agriculture, Maths, Phy, Chem,
Stats etc. Important: It is not
compulsory to choose the same
subjects of your graduation. The
results are declared in July-
August and the successful
candidates are called for the
main examinations. PS. The
prelims score has no bearing for
determining the final merit list
for the services.
IAS Mains Exam Pattern:- The
main written examination usually
takes place in Oct-Nov, it
comprises of 9 papers in all (a lot
more strenuous than CAT!)
Duration of each paper is 3 hrs.
Language: one of the Indian
languages, English, Essay GK and
Current Affairs: 2 papers on
general studies Optionals: papers
from two subjects that fall in
optional-1 and two papers from
optional-2 (a choice of subjects is
listed by the UPSC in the
prospectus) Candidates who are
successful in the main
examinations are eligible for an
interview which plays a crucial
part in the selection.
IAS Interview 2012 :- The
interview calls are sent in March-
April of the following year and
they take place in the month of
April-May. The Board of
interviewers look for a well-
adjusted personality with the
social traits, integrity and
qualities of leadership . PS. The
number of candidates called for
the interview is normally twice
the number of vacancies.
IAS 2012 Notification /
Important Dates:-
Prelims :-
Date of Notification:-04 Feb
Last date for receipt of
applications:- 05 Mar 2012
Date of Commencement and its
duration :- 20 May 2012 (Sunday)
Duration:- 1 Day
Date of Commencement and its
duration :- 05 October 2012
(Friday) Duration:- 21 Days
Minimum academic
qualifications prescribed:- A
degree from a recognised
university or equivalent
Age Limits:- 21-30 years as on
IAS Mains 2011:-
Minimum academic
qualifications prescribed:- A
degree from a recognised
university or equivalent
Age Limits:- 21-30 years as on
IAS Preliminary Exam Syllabus
(Paper 1) (200 marks) -
Duration : Two hrs.
* Current events of national
and international importance
* History of India and Indian
national movement
* Indian and World
Geography- physical, social,
economic geography of India
and the world
* Indian Polity and governance
– constitution, political system,
panchayati raj, public policy,
Rights issues, etc.
* Economic and social
development – sustainable
development, poverty, inclusion,
demographics, social sector
initiatives etc.
* General issues on
environmental ecology, bio-
diversity and climate change-that
donot require subject
* General science.
(Paper II) (200 marks) –
Duration : Two hrs
* Comprehension
* Interpersonal skills including
communication skills
* Logical reasoning and
analytical ability
* Decision making and
problem solving
* General mental ability
* Basic numeracy (numbers
and their relations, orders of
magnitude etc. (Class X level),
Data interpretation (charts,
graphs, tables, data sufficiency
etc. –Class X level)
* English language
comprehension skills (Class X
* Questions relating to English
Language Comprehension skills
of Class X level (last item in the
Syllabus of Paper-II) will be tested
through passages from English
language only without providing
Hindi translation thereof in the
question paper.
* The questions will be of
multiple choice, objective type.
IAS Mains Exam Syllabus 2012:-
General Studies:- The nature and
standard of questions in the
General Studies papers will be
such that a well-educated person
will be able to answer them
without any specialized study.
The questions will be such as to
test a candidate’s general
awareness of a variety of
subjects, which will have
relevance for a career in Civil
Services. The questions are likely
to test the candidate’s basic
understanding of all relevant
issues, and ability to analyze, and
take a view on conflicting socio-
economic goals, objectives and
demands. The candidates must
give relevant, meaningful and
succinct answers.
Essay:- Candidates will be
required to write an essay on a
specific topic. The choice of
subjects will be given. They will
be expected to keep closely to
the subject of the essay to
arrange their ideas in orderly
fashion, and to write concisely.
Credit will be given for effective
and exact expression.
English Qualifying:- The pattern
of questions would be broadly as
follows :-
(i) Comprehension of given
(ii) Precis Writing
(iii) Usage and Vocabulary
(iv) Short Essay
Indian Language:-
(i) Comprehension of given
(ii) Precis Writing
(iii) Usage and Vocabulary.
(iv) Short Essay
(v) Translation from English to
the Indian language and vice-
Note 1 : The Papers on Indian
languages will be of Matriculation
or equivalent standard and will
be of qualifying nature only. The
marks obtained in these papers
will not be counted for ranking.
Note 2 : The candidates will have
to answer the Indian Languages
papers in the respective Indian
language (except where
translation is involved).
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10th August 2012, 03:36 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Date of announcement of notification for exams like PSI and ACP?

what is requirement to become mumbai psi
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12th August 2012, 08:57 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Date of announcement of notification for exams like PSI and ACP?

Sir which book to be referred for psi mains?
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5th January 2013, 07:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Date of announcement of notification for exams like PSI and ACP?

psi quelification what
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