2nd July 2012, 01:55 PM
How to appear for IRDA surveyors examination? Study material for the same?
I would like to appear for IRDA surveyors examination ( Marine Cargo) in 2013. I need study material for the same
2nd January 2013, 10:34 AM
I hve done my diploma in mechenical thru corrspondence can I give exam of irda?
28th January 2013, 10:19 PM
I would like to appear for IRDA surveyors examination ( Marine Cargo) in 2013. I need study material for the same
Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/how-appear-irda-surveyors-examination-study-material-same-853933.html#ixzz2JHnJhDIB |
26th June 2013, 11:47 AM
Sir ,
I've passed Surveyors Motor exam & yet to clear Fire ,Miscillaneous and the common exam . pl. give me the list of prescribed books details for Fire & Misciallaneous & Common papers . |
13th August 2015, 01:43 AM
I have completed my 3 years Diploma in Automobile Engg., then I Engineering in Automobile Engineering. I have been selected through campus selection for an General Insurance Company as Motor Claim Analyst - Trainee. Working in the profile of same Now heading as Specialist - Retail Motor Claims with an experience of 5 years.
Looking forward for surveyor License. Can't I show my experience and my qualification to exempt the training under surveyor?? What should I do?? Plz Suggest?? |
25th October 2015, 09:43 AM
Being an ex serviceman having the diploma of three years in automobile Engg recognised by govt of India equivalent to pre engg and student ship of A M I E.. Am I able to appeare for the test of surveyor.