10th August 2010, 12:56 AM
How can i become an IAS officer if I took a gap after Graduation?
10th August 2010, 01:38 AM
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10th August 2010, 09:39 AM
dear frnd,
for appearing in IAS exam which is conducted by UPSC is not related with any year gap.for general student maximum attempts is 4.for obc it is 5 attempts. all d best... |
10th August 2010, 01:06 PM
you need to give civil services examination for the same....
its conducted in 2 parts preliminary and mains..... (A) Tentative Schedule (i) Notification of Examination November/December of previous year (ii) Conduct of Examination May B) Age - limits: 21-30 years as on 1st August of the year of Examination. Certain categories of persons as specified in the Commission's Notice as published in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar are eligible for age relaxation. (C) Educational Qualification Degree of a Recognised University or equivalent. Scheme of CS (Preliminary) Examination The Preliminary Examination consists of two papers of objective type (multiple-choice questions) carrying a maximum of 450 marks. The Question Papers (Test Booklets) are set in English & Hindi Paper - I General Studies 150 Marks Paper - II One of the optional subjects to be selected from the prescribed optional subjects 300 Marks Scheme - CS (Main) Paper-I One of the Indian Languages to be selected by the candidate from the 18 languages included in the VIIIth Schedule to the Constitution (Qualifying Paper) 300 Marks Paper-II English (Qualifying Paper) 300 Marks Paper-III Essay 200 Marks Papers IV & V General Studies (300 Marks for each paper) 600 Marks Papers VI, VII, VIII & IX Any two subjects (each having 2 papers) to be selected from the prescribed optional subjects (300 marks for each paper) 1200 Marks Total Marks for Written Examination 2000 Marks Interview Test 300 Marks Grand Total 2300 Marks for more details you can visit upsc.gov.in |
10th August 2010, 02:16 PM
If you hold a bachelor's degree, you are qualified to write exam for IAS. To become IAS officer, you will have to appear for the Civil Service Exam conducted by UPSC. As per UPSC guidelines, along with a graduate, you must also be within the age limit of 21-30 years. Candidate belonging to SC/ST category are eligible to appear for the exam upto 35 years of age and candidate belonging to OBC category may appear for the exam upto the age of 33 years. The examination is divided into three stages Preliminary exam Main exam Interview The preliminary exam is a qualifying exam for the Main exam, and the Main exam is followed by an interview, which is the last stage of selection procedure. The application form is obtainaible from designated Post offices/head Post offices. |
10th August 2010, 02:31 PM
you can apply for IAS exam.first you can pass the priliminery exam well then apply for the magor exam ok. ALL THE BEST: |
13th August 2010, 11:41 AM
The Civil Services Examination consists of two successive stages: (I) Civil Services Preliminary Examination; and (ii) Civil Services Main Exam(Written & Interview) for selection of candidates.
you can give till 30 years of age in general category. |
23rd August 2010, 12:07 AM
dear friend,
there is some criteria for IAS exam.. you must have complete your graduation, and your age should be between 21-30 years.. as you have complete your graduation , so you can appear in IAS exam if your age is less than 30 years.. the year gap is does not matter.. so, don't worry, you can be IAS officer.. all the best.. |
7th September 2010, 12:42 AM
Dear friend
I am very please to inform you that there is no such type of restriction related to gap after graduation.The only restriction is that your age should less than equal to 30 years at the time of commencing the course of IAS at the respective academy.You have not crossed the age limit,so you can appear in this exam.Do hard labour, i wish your dreams comes true one day. best of luck |
7th September 2010, 12:51 AM
hi friend,
It is good that you are thinking of IAS exam at this moment of your life. All it needs only devotion. As date of birth mentioned by , you are eligible to take IAS exams only two times if you belong to general category,seven times if belongs to sc/st and five times if belong to obc category. Now move on to subjects taken in IAS, you have also mentioned that you taught after your study period, it was beneficial only if you taught same subjects as in your teaching time. But I dont think so that there is any subject common in the IAS syllabus and school's book. Means you have to start from the beginning, so choose atleast two subject for IAS exam for which you want to take the exam. Study GK as much as you can from various publication(rai pub. or upkar pub.) all are equally beneficial. |
7th September 2010, 01:13 AM
Hello sir!
You haven't crossed your age limit, so you can apply for civils. Maximum attempts for a candidate is 4 times that means you have another two years of chance to write because your age will cross the limit after that. No need to think again and again, just fill up the form and prepare for the exam. Gap is not for the education you took it for personal works and it wont effect your brain. If you are updated with everdays news about politics , economics, geography, etc., then you will make it to prelims then to interview. If you have any doubts just search and get updated with the news about IAS exam in the civils official website. Good luck! |
7th September 2010, 10:46 AM
dear friend,
gap after your graduation doesn't matter for IAS exam. If you can prepare for this exam then you must try for it, but you have to know one thing that your age must not be exceeded from 30 years. & the question about your gap after your graduation may arise in the time of interview, but you can discuss about your problem & also ask what was you doing in these period of time. & fro more information regarding the criteria for IAS exam you can visit: www.upsc.gov.in good luck. |
7th September 2010, 03:24 PM
For civil services exams gap doesn't matter in between your study period. At the time of interview experts will defenitely will ask you this question "what you did in that gap..?" give answer onestly wht you did. Telling the truth is better than a lie.
And age limit is 21-30 yrs for general, up to maximum of 5 years for sc/st, up to maximum of 3 years for obc, up to maximum of 10 years for physically handicapped people. A general candidate can give max.4 times, obc 7 times max, and there is no restriction of number of attempts for sc/st candidates. For more information go through civilservicesindia.com |
7th September 2010, 10:45 PM
Since you DOB is in the year 1982..I must first inform you that you just got 2 more chances left as the maximum age eligible to give IAS exam is 30 years...So you have to best utilise your time and pepare for IAS from the beginning...So good luck !!
8th September 2010, 10:37 PM
dear friend
to appear in IAS if you are a general candidate then you should not have crossed the age of 30. gap after graduation doesnot matter for it. so if you have not crossed that age limit then of course you can apply. also you will get more age relaxation if you are OBC, SC OR ST. ALL THE BEST. |
9th September 2010, 10:03 AM
as you have done graduation so simply by giving examination you may become IAS officer. there is an exam IAS exam. appear in this exam. maximum you can appear in this examination is four times. the syllabus of this exam very vast. you have to read so many subject to get a good score in this examination. general knowledge part should be very strong as well as you have to know current affairs very well to secure a good position in the examination. the exam notification of for fill details publish at the leading newspaper of india. just go through the newspaper you will find out the opportunity. best wishes from me.
9th September 2010, 10:32 AM
as you have done graduation so simply by giving examination you may become IAS officer. there is an exam IAS exam. appear in this exam. maximum you can appear in this examination is four times. the syllabus of this exam very vast. you have to read so many subject to get a good score in this examination. general knowledge part should be very strong as well as you have to know current affairs very well to secure a good position in the examination. the exam notification of for fill details publish at the leading newspaper of india. just go through the newspaper you will find out the opportunity. best wishes from me.
16th December 2010, 11:37 PM
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The only thing is that, the eligibility is only for the graduates. Apart from this, there are certain other restrictions like age limit(around 30). You can appear for IAS exam if you are not too old. |
27th January 2011, 08:23 PM
well fried it has nothing to do with that you have taken a gap after graduation
... very few freshers actually manage to become IAS ... all you need to care is that you ahve age in your hand... for general candidates 30 years is maximaum age limit some relaxations are there.. visit:: www.upsc.in/ for more info now stop worrying and start preparing wishes diego |
31st January 2011, 06:39 PM
The eligibility for IAS Exam is:
1. A graduation degree 2. Age Limit 21 to 30 years 3. Maximum attempts allowed: 4 So, if you are under 30 years of age you can appear for IAS Exam conducted by UPSC as you have done graduation and you havent appeared for the exam before. You can visit www.upsc.gov.in for more details. Good Luck. |
31st March 2011, 09:36 PM
A candidate who is appearing for Civils can give
4 attempts if he is general category.. for reserved categories there are some special previleges like they can attempt as many times as possible.. upto their max age limit i.e. for OBC 33 years for SC/ST/PD 35 years.. this is all stuff related to your question.. ~aditya~ |
31st May 2011, 11:16 AM
If you hold a bachelor's degree, you are qualified to write exam for IAS. To become IAS officer, you will have to appear for the Civil Service Exam conducted by UPSC.
As per UPSC guidelines, along with a graduate, you must also be within the age limit of 21-30 years. Candidate belonging to SC/ST category are eligible to appear for the exam upto 35 years of age and candidate belonging to OBC category may appear for the exam upto the age of 33 years. The examination is divided into three stages Preliminary exam Main exam Interview The preliminary exam is a qualifying exam for the Main exam, and the Main exam is followed by an interview, which is the last stage of selection procedure. The application form is obtainaible from designated Post offices/head Post offices. |
1st June 2011, 12:58 AM
hello friend
you can definitely apply for the IAs exam even after an year gap the eligibility for the IAS exam is a simple graduation from any of the recognized university or the colleges and the age limit is 21 years to 30 years for the general students and for the general students there are maximum of the 4 attempts at the IAS exam for the other info you can visit the official site:: http://www.upsc.gov.in |
13th June 2011, 07:02 PM
According to me , even if you had a gap after graduation , then there is no problem because the minimum educational qualification required is to be a graduate in any field. Apart from that the age limitation is between 21-30 years for the general , 21-35 years for the SC/ST , 21-33 years for the OBC. In case of the no. of attempts , general get 4 , SC/ST get unlimited while the OBC get 7 attempts to clear the exam. You need to first clear the CSAT before appearing for the mains. More details:- www.upsc.gov.in. Thanks. |
23rd June 2011, 02:45 PM
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As you have said that you had a 3 years gap,i am not clarrified whether you hold the age limits and the other thing is that you have said that you are doing your graduation,first you must finish your respected degree.The other criteria are: Eligibility: The candidates must be a citizen of India. The candidates must have a age limit of 21-30 years. For SC/ST - 35,OBC - 33 years,for Ex-service men it is 5 years from the prescribed limits. The candidates must have a degree from a recognized university. The number of attempts that are restricted are: For SC/ST- no limit,OBC - 7,General - 4. The candidates are selected through 3 ways: Preliminary exam. Main exam. Interview. For more information you could check at the official website of UPSC at http://www.upsc.gov.in |
6th July 2011, 12:22 PM
Yes you may apply for IAS for the last time if you belongs to the general category.
The maximum trial for the general category is 4 times. To apply for IAS your age should be 21-30 years for general category. For OBC it should be 33 years maximum. For ST/SC it should be 35 years maximum. You should be a graduate in any disciple. For preparing for IAS you should have a very strong general knowledge, you should have a good knowledge of the current affairs. As the syllabus is very broad you have to make a time table to cover all the portions. The entrance examination is divided into three main stages Preliminary exam. Main exam. Interview. If you clear all these stages you will become an IAS officer. For more information please visit www.upsc.gov.in |
6th July 2011, 12:24 PM
Yes you may apply for IAS for the last time if you belongs to the general category.
The maximum trial for the general category is 4 times. To apply for IAS your age should be 21-30 years for general category. For OBC it should be 33 years maximum. For ST/SC it should be 35 years maximum. You should be a graduate in any disciple. For preparing for IAS you should have a very strong general knowledge, you should have a good knowledge of the current affairs. As the syllabus is very broad you have to make a time table to cover all the portions. The entrance examination is divided into three main stages Preliminary exam. Main exam. Interview. If you clear all these stages you will become an IAS officer. For more information please visit www.upsc.gov.in |
8th July 2011, 11:04 PM
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Eligibility criteria Nationality For the Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Police Service, a candidate must be a citizen of India and for the other services a candidate must be either :— (a) a citizen of India (b) a subject of Nepal (c) a subject of Bhutan Age A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years.Relaxation is provided to various category of candidates Educational Qualification The candidate must have completed his graduation degree from a recognized university. How to Apply Since the exam is conducted by the UPSC hence you can get the application forms from the head/central post office of your city on payment of Rs 20.You can even the application online through the following site http://www.upsconline.nic.in yes you are eligible for IAS officer exam. |
10th July 2011, 12:33 PM
hi dear,
It is good that you are thinking of IAS exam at this moment of your life. All it needs only devotion. As date of birth mentioned by , you are eligible to take IAS exams only two times if you belong to general category,seven times if belongs to sc/st and five times if belong to obc category. Now move on to subjects taken in IAS, you have also mentioned that you taught after your study period, it was beneficial only if you taught same subjects as in your teaching time. But I dont think so that there is any subject common in the IAS syllabus and school's book. Means you have to start from the beginning, so choose atleast two subject for IAS exam for which you want to take the exam. Study GK as much as you can from various publication(rai pub. or upkar pub.) all are equally beneficial. thanks |
31st July 2011, 09:02 PM
How can i become an IAS officer if I took a gap after Graduation?
hi friend, It is good that you are thinking of IAS exam at this moment of your life. All it needs only devotion. As date of birth mentioned by , you are eligible to take IAS exams only two times if you belong to general category,seven times if belongs to sc/st and five times if belong to obc category. Now move on to subjects taken in IAS, you have also mentioned that you taught after your study period, it was beneficial only if you taught same subjects as in your teaching time. But I dont think so that there is any subject common in the IAS syllabus and school's book. Means you have to start from the beginning, so choose atleast two subject for IAS exam for which you want to take the exam. Study GK as much as you can from various publication(rai pub. or upkar pub.) all are equally beneficial. |
31st July 2011, 09:08 PM
No problem. You can write the exam and become an IAS officer but your age
is now 29 by your date of birth. So you have only this year and next year as the chance and you must not fail. |
5th September 2011, 05:41 PM
sir i want to give ias exam what should i do . i have completed my graduation<b.com> from allahabad university in 2011
what subject i will choose for prepration. thank you email id :[email protected] |
23rd February 2012, 05:42 PM
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Yes you can apply for IAS, because eligibility criteria is just graduation from indian university recognised by UGC. It does'nt matter private or regular or any subjects or any stream. And the age limit for general is 21-30years, OBC-21-33, SC/STs-21-35 years. For more info visit www.upsc.gov.in Best of Luck. |
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