10th December 2015, 07:59 AM
How can I do internship in Tata Groups?
Sir I am a student of b.tech final year and I want to internship with tata groups that is in my syllabus . plz contact me on my email id that is [email protected]
10th December 2015, 06:11 PM
Now a days to do internship in any companies is a very difficult thing. To do such thing you should have a known person in company who gave you a reference letter to company for the intern ship. Now a days everything is happened with reference. Direct intern ship is avoided by companies now a days. And if you done a good work during your internship than you have also chances to be regular there. But some of the companies will also recruit the employee as a internship for that you have to check the companies web page regularly. And they will recruit the person for the internship who such have some work experience in their field minimum of 1 years.