17th February 2011, 09:14 PM
How to improve English and communication skills?
hi guys, i m facing many problems to interact with new people. i feel nervous to speak with new person.and i m very week in engish
so i ask u how can i interact with new person and how can i improve my english |
18th February 2011, 03:09 PM
1)the best way to improve your english is to daily read newspaper and find out the meaning of difficult words,by this your vocabulory would also become strong
2)you should interact in english to everyoneas much as you can as you can learn more from your mistakes |
18th February 2011, 03:39 PM
Hello friend,
There are many ways by which you can improve your English and the most effective one is by speaking it as much as you can. Try and speak in English most of the time. Its always better to communicate in English with someone who has a good knowledge of the language. The person will correct you whenever you make a mistake. You must also read English newspapers, magazines etc. to improve your language. The more you practice, better will be the outcome. As far as nervousness while communicating is concerned, its very common in many of us. To overcome this nervousness, you will need to analyze and understand the reason behind. Nervousness, in most of us, is due to lack of confidence. Once you are confident, there won't be any room for nervousness. So, the best thing you can do to is to communicate with as many people as you can. Communicating with different people will make you confident. You must face the situation, which make you nervous, to overcome it. |
19th February 2011, 02:28 PM
to improve your English speaking skills the only way is to speak as much as possible in English with different people, watch as many English movies and serials as possible with sub titles and try to repeat the dialogues with your friends also read good English newspaper like THE HINDU which will really help you to improve your vocabulary also make use of the English speaking software and also join some English learning coaching institute that will really help you also practice giving speeches in English in front of the mirror that will really help you |
2nd March 2011, 08:30 PM
How to improve English and communication skills:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . You must also read English newspapers, magazines etc. to improve your language make it a habit don't lose it . The more you practice, better will be the outcome. As far as nervousness while communicating is concerned, its very common in many of us. To overcome this nervousness, you will need to analyze and understand the reason behind. . Once you are confident,in spoken there won't be any room for nervousness. So, the best thing you can do to is to communicate with as many people as you can. Communicating with different people from different environment also with your friends will make you confident. please go through the website www.testfunda.com thanks //priya// |
12th May 2011, 07:48 PM
Hi friends,
I am Amandeep kaur. I am postgraduate in finance.but the problem is that inspite of having degree, i am not getting any good job. I am totaly dipressed by listening every time that my com skills are not upto the mark.so we can't hired you. Even at home i try a lot to improve my speeking skills. I usualy write essays on different topics.and try to speak out with my self.but at the of an interview i got nervous.however i would have write answer in my mind when it would be asked from me.plz help |
5th August 2011, 06:45 PM
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6th August 2011, 03:30 PM
you want to improve english so you should join a coaching of speaking english and you should also practise to speak in english with your friends and family members also.After it you should read the news paper daily in english language then write the dificult word in a note book and watch the meaning of that word from dictionory and rivse it daily and try to use them in your daily life.
And you want to improve communication skills so you should read news paper and prtiyogita darpan in monthly |
6th August 2011, 07:05 PM
Dear friend, here are a few tips for improving your spoken english-
*Read the English newspaper daily, especially the editorials. Underline the difficult words and look for them in a dictionary. *Make a note book. Write a new word from the dictionary along with its meaning daily in the note book. *To overcome nervousness, stand in front of a mirror, look into your eyes end introduce yourself. *Refer Rapidex English Speking Course book. It is really good. *To improve your grammar, Wren and Martin is a suitable book. *Listen to English news daily. *Pay attention to your pitch, tone and loudness while speaking. I hope these tips will prove beneficial to you. Good luck. |
18th September 2011, 01:38 AM
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to improve English and communication skills, try to speak in English most of the time, there are so many mistake can be occurred but don’t worry try to practice it regularly, You must also read English newspapers, magazines etc and also listen English news to improve your language, in this high competition age English and communication skills is very essential, so must have improve yourself. But this is so easy , don’t hesitate! Best of luck! |
28th September 2011, 01:17 PM
Tips to improve English -
1.Read news paper ,magazines . 2.Watch news channels . 3.Watch english movies . 4.Listen to people when they are speaking in English . 5.speak in english with the people around you . 6.Read simple grammar books to prevent the grammatical mistakes . I hope those tips can help you to improve your skill . Thank you |
9th October 2011, 10:51 AM
iam weak in english so many problems
31st January 2012, 12:56 PM
How to improve English and communication skills:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . You must also read English newspapers, magazines etc. to improve your language make it a habit don't lose it . The more you practice, better will be the outcome. As far as nervousness while communicating is concerned, its very common in many of us. To overcome this nervousness, you will need to analyze and understand the reason behind. . Once you are confident,in spoken there won't be any room for nervousness. So, the best thing you can do to is to communicate with as many people as you can. Communicating with different people from different environment also with your friends will make you confident. please go through the website www.testfunda.com |
6th February 2012, 05:52 PM
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In order to communicate with people first of all finish all ur hesitation. Try practising in front of the mirror and take help of your family members by practising communicating with them. This will surely help you a lot. |
13th May 2012, 01:49 PM
I am BE graduate.my mathamatical and techincal skill is good.but my worry is i am not good in english.so still i don't get job becase of my speak in english is poor. i was completed my degree one year ago. so please give to me steps for improve my spoken english.
13th May 2012, 05:57 PM
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Hello Friend! Assuming that you are a beginner, I suggest you these steps. 1. Read English newspaper daily. (Times of India is good. Read the Editorial section) 2. Underline difficult words which you did not understand. 3. Look hose words in dictionary. Try to recall those words and there meaning some days later. 4. If you have a friend or a relative who speaks good English, start communicating with them in English. They'll correct you when you make mistakes. 5. Never be afraid or feel conscious while speaking. Remember everything has a beginning. Your beginning is now. 6. If you like hollywood movies, its a good thing. Watch them and try to learn how the create simple yet meaningfull sentences. 7. Read Classical books of authors like Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, etc. |
10th February 2013, 06:12 PM
Tips to improve English and communication skills:- 1. Read news paper and have a dictionary handy so that you can look up the meaning of words. 2. read a lot of books this should help you. 3. challenge yourself with word games, here you will learn a lot of words. 4. BEST is watch a lot of English movies, it is fun learning. listen to the way they pronounce words and the context they use it in. 5. talk to yourself i mean in your mind in english, everything that u say to yourself in your mother tongue, now say it in english, this way, you will look for words to say and then learn very easily. 6. ask your friend(s) whom you trustwont mock you to speak to you in english, this will definitely escalate your learning |
10th February 2013, 07:28 PM
Hi Guest,
In order to improve English and Communication Skills daily practice is needed. If you daily read English newspaper and English magazines, you can develop new words in English. It is a good habit of making a note of 10 new words in English daily which will help in improving the language. Talk to your friends in English and make a habit of talking daily for at least half an hour in English. These things will help you in improving the language. Thank you, All the best. |
10th February 2013, 09:26 PM
First of all do not hesitate to speak in English with others with the fear of doing so incorrectly,then only will you learn and improve your English. To improve your English you should read the English Dailies(Newspapers),listen to the English news,English Magazines like India Today,The Week,Outlook etc.Try to build it a habit to read the Newspapers daily,choose the topics that you are interested in. Keep a Dictionary of the language that you are comfortable in to English for example,Hindi to English,Tamil to English etc..There are also many books that teaches you the basic things of English language,so try to find one such book from the book store. Joining some English speaking course can also be an option if you want. But the foremost thing is the self-confidence in you,try to speak in English as much as you can or even speak to yourself in English at times. You may not get the results overnight but gradually and slowly you will find improvement and confident in your English. Good Luck. |
10th February 2013, 09:26 PM
Tips to improve your English communication skill
Improve listening power: The key to successful communication is listening. When you listen others you are reviewing a lot of English usage such as vocabulary, grammatical structures, intonation, accent and your own interpretation. You can learn new words and expressions by hearing them frequently. At first you listen and understand their speech and give corresponding reply to them. Try to listen English programs, English news channels, music and documentary .Initially you may feel some difficulty but gradually you can understand the language. Every day you can listen to music or radio, this will help you to gain good vocabulary, accent, and good grammatical knowledge. Even listening to music while doing something else can help you get natural rhythm and tone of English speech. The more time and attention you give to a song the more you will learn from listening to it again in the future. Read a translation into English: Choose a book that was originally translated into English, preferably from your own language. Even if you haven't read the book in your own language, you will find the English is written in a slightly simplified way that is more similar to how your own language is written than a book originally written in English would be. This will be easy for you to understand and learn that language Read a book with lots of dialogue; Dialogue is also much easier to understand than descriptive parts of a book, and is much more like the language you will want to learn in order to be able to speak English. Read English books like comics, magazine, entertainment: Comics are always full of idiomatic language and are very easy to understand, but some are very difficult to understand the jokes and dialogue. So try to choose comics carefully. Usually, serious or adventure comics are easier to understand than funny ones. Which one you feel more comfortable buys them and read. Magazines also useful to improve language and get knowledge. I f you can read two versions of the same magazine for example, Newsweek in your language and in English, that will help you to understand easily. Watch English language films with English subtitles: For people who can't understand a film without subtitles but find themselves not listening at all when reading subtitles in their own language, this should be the way of watching a film that you should aim for. If it is too difficult to watch the whole film this way, try watching the (usually important) first 10 or 15 minutes of the film with subtitles in your own language, switch to English subtitles after that, and only switch back to subtitles in your own language if you get totally lost following the story of the film. Watch films in your language with English subtitles: If you find English films with English subtitles too difficult or you, watch films in your language. This is a best option to understand learn English. Local films with English subtitles can also help you to attain good English language. Keep a list of vocabulary: Even if you don't often find time to go through your vocabulary list, just the act of choosing which words you need to learn and writing them down on a special list can help you learn them. Whenever you get time go through your vocabulary list several times. This will help you to learn vocabulary very easily. Learn and use the phonemic script: There are many sounds in English; if you learn phonetics you can understand these words. By learning the phonemic script you can improve your pronunciation and you will get the idea how to pronounce. It can also make things easier for you by stopping you trying to pronounce different spellings of the same pronunciation different ways. Use an English-English dictionary: Trying to use a bilingual dictionary less and switching to a monolingual one can help you to stop translating in you head when you are speaking or listening, and other useful English vocabulary can come up while you are using the dictionary. Learn some spelling rules: Many people think that English spelling is random, but in fact most words follow some kind of rule, e.g. the " magic E" that changes the pronunciation of " mad" and " made" . Keep a diary in English: This is a popular method of making sure you use English everyday for people who don't often speak English and can't think of things to write about. The fact that you are writing about real things that have happened to you means that any words you look up in the dictionary will be vocabulary that is useful for you and easy to learn. Make friends: Find out a friend who also wants to improve his or her English and have lunch or dinner with them. Make it a habit and utilize the whole time for communicating in English. Introduce penalties if this rule is broken. Of course this will help you to improve your listening and speaking skill. If you don't have enough time to go out and meet people at least you can chat a little by telephone. Play games printed in English which require some knowledge of English Monopoly, Scrabble, Life, Dictionary, etc. Before starting, come up with a repertoire of basic commands for playing, and encourage the other players to speak only English. If you do like this no doubt you can improve your English speaking skill, what you want to do is keep on practicing it. Learn and use the phonemic script: There are many sounds in English; if you learn phonetics you can understand these words. By learning the phonemic script you can improve your pronunciation and you will get the idea how to pronounce. It can also make things easier for you by stopping you trying to pronounce different spellings of the same pronunciation different ways. Use an English-English dictionary: Trying to use a bilingual dictionary less and switching to a monolingual one can help you to stop translating in you head when you are speaking or listening, and other useful English vocabulary can come up while you are using the dictionary. Learn some spelling rules: Many people think that English spelling is random, but in fact most words follow some kind of rule, e.g. the " magic E" that changes the pronunciation of " mad" and " made" . Keep a diary in English: This is a popular method of making sure you use English everyday for people who don't often speak English and can't think of things to write about. The fact that you are writing about real things that have happened to you means that any words you look up in the dictionary will be vocabulary that is useful for you and easy to learn. Make friends: Find out a friend who also wants to improve his or her English and have lunch or dinner with them. Make it a habit and utilize the whole time for communicating in English. Introduce penalties if this rule is broken. Of course this will help you to improve your listening and speaking skill. If you don't have enough time to go out and meet people at least you can chat a little by telephone. Play games printed in English which require some knowledge of English Monopoly, Scrabble, Life, Dictionary, etc. Before starting, come up with a repertoire of basic commands for playing, and encourage the other players to speak only English. If you do like this no doubt you can improve your English speaking skill, what you want to do is keep on practicing it. |
11th February 2013, 12:07 AM
The best way to improve your English is to speak more and more in English. You should not get hesitate while speaking in English. watch movies online. Read more and more content on the Internet. Try to read at least 2 newspaper in English daily. See the way other speak in Television news etc. You can also speak in front of a mirror. You can also do one thing that you can write many topics on different piece of paper and after that pick one chit and speak on that. You can write also in English as it helps to improve vocabulary. You can use dictionary where ever you have difficulty. One thing that also helps you is to learn more and more new things and use it in your daily life. Hope it will help Cheers...!!! |
11th February 2013, 11:51 AM
These are criteria to improve English and communication skills--------------- 1.You daily read English newspaper and English magazines 2.BEST is watch a lot of English movies, it is fun learning 3.Look hose words in dictionary. Try to recall those words and there meaning some days later 4.To overcome this nervousness, you will need to analyze and understand the reason behind 5.Underline difficult words which you did not understand. Best of luck, Thank you------------------- |
1st April 2013, 03:44 PM
how to communicate with english?
i have completed mphil in computer science.but i can not speak to fluently.so the main reason iam past years not reading books,and watching english movie.iam very hesitate to speak.so how to communicate with different person.can you help me.any new tips please tell me |
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