14th April 2011, 03:28 PM
How may I get information about my registration status of Ph.D with english stream? I have registered for Ph.D course with english stream from MDU, Rohtak under guidance of Dr C.M. Sharma. How to renew it?
I was registered for ph.d in english from M.D.U.Rohtak under the guidance of Dr. C.M.Sharma, w.e.f 28.9.01 . Am I still registered ? If not, how to renew it ?
10th July 2015, 03:55 PM
It seems that it has been over 10-12 years since you were registered. Normally a candidate is not allowed this much time after registration. A candidate's research time post registration is renewed only if very little of the research is left to be completed by the candidate. But that is not your case probably. I guess quite an amount of research is left in your case. Also, since it has been so long from your registered date, probably your registration is canceled in the university. Go to the university and find out, whether you need to renew the registration or you need to apply for a fresh registration once again. I think applying for a fresh registration is better, since you have to finish off the research work also. In my opinion first make sure that your research work is 90% ready. Then apply for fresh registration. Do not forget to get the guide's stamp and signature on the registration form.