20th June 2012, 09:15 PM
How much score is required for BEL exam?
i want to know how much marks wil be scored in bel exam?..please tell me how much
1st September 2015, 06:28 PM
BEL (Bharat Electronics Limited) conducts exam for the recruitment of engineers every year..
The selection process in this exam is: --written exam --interview **The written exam consists of 120 question in which 90 question are technical while the remaining are non tech part.. The whole marks is equated to 85 and the 15 is allotted for interview.. **Now i am providing the cut off of BEL PE in terms of 85: --Gen-49 --OBC--45.62 **So prepare well in the exam to score high so that if you score less in the interview then also there will be a chance of getting selection.. |