8th December 2012, 03:24 PM
How to prepare fro Group I after completing degree in Telugu
My name is lakshmi i have compliet degree in telugu me i am prepare for group 1 please tell me which syllabus for help full to me please suggestion please sir
8th December 2012, 08:00 PM
Hi Guest,
As you mentioned you have completed degree in telugu, there is no problem. As you are interested to prepare for group 1 exams, the syllabus is as follows: The exams are as follows for Group 1 exam: Preliminary Exam Main Exam In the preliminary exam the topics are as follows: General Science Current Events History of India World Geography Indian Polity and economy Mental Ability In Main exam the syllabus is as follows: General English General Essay There are going to be different papers in different sections of the topics. So prepare well on all the topics. Thank you, All the best. |
25th August 2013, 06:41 PM
how is preparation to day by day ..how is compleate the syallbus