28th August 2012, 06:02 PM
How to prepare for NET/SET exam after studying MSc Mathematics
sir/madum, now i studing in m.sc mathematics, so i want prepare net/set exam, please tel me how should i prepare for those exam..........
6th November 2012, 07:42 PM
SET exam is conducted by concerned state authorities where as NET exam is conducted by UGC. Exam preparation can be started after collecting exam syllabus. Exam syllabus can be collected from the concerned website. For NET exam, you need to prepare on subject related topics as well as on research aptitude, teaching attitude, etc. Setting a suitable time table for study is important. Books prescribed under master degree program and competitive guides can be used for exam preparation.
12th November 2013, 09:18 PM
I completed msc mathematics in karnataka univercity dharwad on 2013 how i prepare for set and net exam ?now only 26days are remaining for exam how can i cover the syallabus?