6th June 2012, 12:44 AM
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How to prepare for Personal Interview of IBPS Recruitment?

sir/madam, I have selected in ibps common written examination on 2012. so
How will i prepare to personnel interview?

6th June 2012, 02:14 AM
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Default Re: How to prepare for Personal Interview of IBPS Recruitment?

IBPS stands for Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.

IBPS is conducting common written exams separately for the recruitment of
-Clerical positions
-PO Positions
-Specialist Officers for 19 public sector banks.

You did not mention the specific IBPS Common Written Exam in which you have qualified.

All the candidates who have got through the written exam will not get a call for the Interview.

Because one should have to score the marks which are more than that of cut off marks for the Interview which is going to set by each and every bank.

However, here are some of the guidelines to prepare for the Interview.

-First question that you will be posed in any Interview is self introduction. Try to make good content for this. You should be able to introduce yourself for 3-10 minutes.

Try to be strong enough in all the aspects related to
-your Internships
-your Project works
-your mini projects etc.

There is every chance that you will be posed questions from these areas.

Know the information regarding the bank for which you are appearing for the Interview.

You may be posed question regarding this. Then you can explain some of the achievements and mile stones in the life history of that bank.

Try to be strong enough with various banking jargon. As you are going to work in a bank, you will be posed questions regarding the various banking products like
-Saving account
-Demat account
-Current account
-Mutual funds etc.

If you mentioned your strengths in front of the Interviewer, you should be able to explain some real time situations in your life where you have done the things in favor of you by using your strengths.

Try to be strong enough in these areas.

Wish you all the best.
6th June 2012, 02:51 AM
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Smile Re: How to prepare for Personal Interview of IBPS Recruitment?

hi dear

IBPS PO preparation:-

* Candidate must prepare for aptitude,reasoning,general awareness.

here the question pattern of ibps are:-

some books for preparation:-

good luck..............

6th June 2012, 05:04 AM
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Lightbulb Re: How to prepare for Personal Interview of IBPS Recruitment?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir/madam, I have selected in ibps common written examination on 2012. so
How will i prepare to personnel interview?

HI friend,

To crack the BANK Po interview, one has to be good in soft skills..

Soft skills like-

3.Presence of mind
4.Speaking english

You have to build these things in you..

To crack the interview , you have to impress the interviewer any how..

For that you have to be diplomat.

So, tell the interviewer all the good qualities you have , not the bad qualifies..
if you don't know the answer of any question then don't try to puzzle the interviewer, it will create a bad impression about you..
In this way you can impress the interviewer..

All the best
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6th June 2012, 12:36 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for Personal Interview of IBPS Recruitment?

I have uploaded some sample papers for the exam.
Go through them. This will help you to get a better idea about the exam pattern and also the subjects to follow closely.

All the best
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Bank PO Mock Test.pdf(205.4 KB, 67 views)
File Type: pdf IBPS PO- English Practce Paper.pdf(228.5 KB, 57 views)
File Type: pdf IBPS PO- Reasoning Practce Paper.pdf(219.9 KB, 88 views)
File Type: pdf Sample Genral Awareness paper Solved.pdf(76.5 KB, 74 views)
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6th June 2012, 01:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How to prepare for Personal Interview of IBPS Recruitment?

plz send me the syllabus of delhi university for msc physics entrance test 2012.
Also tell the name of any recommended book for preparation.
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6th June 2012, 01:16 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for Personal Interview of IBPS Recruitment?

i have been placed in hcl comnet n igate patni.. received offer letter from both n joining letter from HCL comnet too...But joining letter fr igate i still due .. what should i do join HCL or wait for igate's joining letter
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6th June 2012, 04:15 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for Personal Interview of IBPS Recruitment?

I have cleared written test of BHEL (supervisor trainnes)HR. please could u suggest me which types of questions they will ask me. please reply me as soon as possible.
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15th October 2012, 11:45 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for Personal Interview of IBPS Recruitment?

The first step to the preparation of bank interview is knowing the bank of which you have cleared the exam. Almost all banks today have their website to promote financial products and provide online banking for their customers. Know about their history, services, products, achievement, management, as well as their values.

Interviewers might ask the candidates questions related to their personal life or work history when they had to face issues or conflicts with a tough boss, a stubborn customer or an arrogant co-worker or pleasant experiences when an employer or customer was pleased with your work.

Once you are prepared with the interview questions, sit or stand in front of the mirror and practice looking yourself in the eyes. Pay attention to the nervousness, the way you speak, its pace and clarity of words. You can even record your voice to notice the problem areas and rectify them.

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15th October 2012, 11:49 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for Personal Interview of IBPS Recruitment?

The first step to the preparation of bank interview is knowing the bank of which you have cleared the exam. Almost all banks today have their website to promote financial products and provide online banking for their customers. Know about their history, services, products, achievement, management, as well as their values.

Interviewers might ask the candidates questions related to their personal life or work history when they had to face issues or conflicts with a tough boss, a stubborn customer or an arrogant co-worker or pleasant experiences when an employer or customer was pleased with your work.

Once you are prepared with the interview questions, sit or stand in front of the mirror and practice looking yourself in the eyes. Pay attention to the nervousness, the way you speak, its pace and clarity of words. You can even record your voice to notice the problem areas and rectify them.

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1st July 2015, 04:01 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for Personal Interview of IBPS Recruitment?

Nothing is better than self reparation. Check previous years questions that were asked in IBPS and also make yourself confident while answering their questions. Make your basic concepts clear. Faith in yourself and prepare hard.
you can also take help from your friends or anyone and conduct demo interview. where you will be as interviewee and other person take your interview. that will help you to crack the interview.
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