6th January 2011, 12:45 PM
HPCL placement papers for computer science?
HPCL Placement papers for computer science.
can you please send me thanks |
19th April 2011, 02:39 PM
Hello Friend,
I have attached some papers. Hope they will help you. First Part: (Non-Tech) 1.English (35 questions) -- Articles,Prepositions,Re-arrange of sentences (logical paragraph), two passages and nearest meaning. 2.Aptitude and Reasoning (85 questions)-- Aptitude-Area,Numbers,Average,Ratio and Proportions,Square roots,Percentage,Time and work,Time and distance,Boats and Streams,problems on trains,Pipes and Cistern, Volume and surface Areas Reasoning(verbal) -Coding-Decoding,Blood Relations,Data Sufficiency,Analogy,Assertion and Reason,Direction Sense test. Reasoning (non-verbal)- statement and assumptions , statement and conclusions ,Figures problem like find the next figures and complete the figure. Second Part: (Technical) |
19th April 2011, 02:56 PM
HP Test Question Paper Pattern:-
Number of questions and section is given below. 48 1 hr 12 General Knowledge 12 General CSE 12 C and C++ 12 Java The questions are given below: 1. Which of the foll is not a protocol. HTTP PIM PSI Ans: PSI (check) 2 Which of the following does not help with security? Good Password Update Antivirus VLAN Ans: VLAN 3> What was the prob with Intel Processor Cache FPU NONE Ans: FIND OUT AND LET ME KNOW 4 What does MIME stand for Ans: Multipurpose Mail Exchange Protocol 5 What does XP stand for in WIN-Xp Ans: Experience 6 Who is associated with C Ans: Dennis Ritchie 7 Which of the foll is not a IM client AOL MSN JABBER XINGC Ans: XINGC 8 What does ERP stand for? Ans: Enterprise resource planning. 9 Who is associated with HOTMAIL SABEER Bhatia and Jack Smith SABEER Bhatia and Bill Gates Ans: SABEER Bhatia and Jack Smith 10 What does UNIX stand 4? UNiplexed Information Computing System. UNICS later known as UNIX. |
19th April 2011, 02:59 PM
11 Which of the following is not an app server?
BLUESTONE WEBSPHERE TOMCAT JBOSS Answer: BLUESTONE is not an app server. HP GENERAL CSE (Computer science and engineering branch B.tech BE) questions: 12 What do u call software embedded in ROM BIOS FIRMWARE SHAREWARE FREEWARE Ans: BIOS (Verify and plz let me know) 13 What is semaphore used 4???? 14 Integral Constraint helps in??? Ans: Solving Inconsistent Data prob. 15 PING uses Ans: ICMP 16 IP ADDRESS occupies 4 bytes 8 bytes 16 bytes 6 bytes Ans: I wrote 8. correct ans 4 17 Which Data Structure helps Searching STACK LINKED LIST HASH Ans: HASH 18 Q on Binary tree Depth? 2^n 2^n – 1 log n 19 Database should have Ans: ACID properties. 20 VPN stands 4 Ans: virtual private n/w 21 what does fork() return 2 parent child pid 0 Ans: 0 22> What do u call the relationship b/e a table and its columns Ans: Schema HP 12 Questions on c & c++ 23 What is true about c++ Ans: It can have virtual constructors 24 result of i=6; printf(”%d”,i++*i++) 36 54 cant say Ans: Can’t say (compiler dependent) 25 output of char str[20] = “PANKAJ” printf(”%d%d”,sizeof(str),strlen(str)) Answer 20,6 26 Which of the following cant be used across files? extern volatile static const Ans: static. (i wrote volatile) 27 union u{ int i; char c;}; sizeof(u); Ans: 4 28 Identify the error below: 5[[a] 5["abc"] Ans: 5["abc"] 12Q on JAVA 29 Java allocates memory in STACK HEAP Ans: HEAP 30 Can u call Garbage collector explicitly? Find out the syntax 31 What does this mean X = Y Ans: Object X refers to the contents of Y. 32 Q on Null pointer Exception |
19th April 2011, 03:03 PM
The test will consists of two parts :
Part-I : 120 questions Part-II : 50 questions Time: 2 hours, No negative marking Part-I : Quantitative, English Language and Intellectual ability (Reasoning) - 120 questions English Language: In this 40 questions like Antonims, Articles, Antonyms, Reading passage and correction of sentences. Quantitative: In this section also they have given around 40 questions, they asked about ratios, percentages, train problems, permutations, ages and series etc Intelluctual Ability: In this also they have given 40 questions, here they gave some series of fiugures and asked find the next figure. and two statements are given and asked to find the conclusion (these are given more) Part-II : Technical Knowledge - 50 questions This is Technical section, In this they asked mainly on the basics only. here I was mentioning only the type of questions will come Many questions asked on PETROLIUM (Major) - Petrolium compositions and process, mixtures etc Chemical technology - manufacturing of chemicals Mass transfer - Diffusion,Coefficient, distillation, Absorbtion etc. Fluid Mechanics - Flow pattern, viscosity, shear rate, turbulence, laminar flows boundary layer problems etc. CRE - rate equations, tank problems, series, parlel reactions, finding volume of tank, time etc. Heat Transfer - Finding Heat tranfer coefficient, area and films and etc. Process Instrumentation - controllers, temperature and pressure measurement devices etc. PDC - loops, time distributions etc. Total written exam time is 2 hours and total questions are 170. So here time management is very important. |
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