3rd February 2011, 09:02 PM
Number of attempts allowed for GATE exam?
Sir i am a b.e-ece student in third year . I applied for gate exam. I am going to write gate exam within 10 days. My question is how many times can i write this exam if i get failed or i want to improve my percentile.please answer me sir.
4th February 2011, 09:57 PM
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According to GATE eligibility criteria, there is no such mentioned rule about the no. of attempts. So, you can give the exam as many times you want to improve your percentile and score. Also the GATE score is valid for two years and you can apply with the same score if you are appearing this time. As you are currently in 3rd year of your B.E. course, you will not be eligible to take admission on the basis of your current score until you complete your B.E. degree. I would like to suggest you to prepare well and to appear for the examination next year. If you want to give the exam only to get experience i would suggest you to solve the previous year papers and mock test papers. You must appear for the exam only when you are fully confident and prepared. Best wishes.. |
4th February 2011, 11:16 PM
Dear Friend
As such there is no any restriction on number of attempts to take GATE. You can apply for GATE as many times. As you are in third year currently you can use this year's score next year (only next year) for admission to M.Tech. programs in IITs and IISc Banglore. If you score less this year you can apply next to year for a better score. One more important thing is that this year you can't utilize your GATE score for admission in M.Tech. You can use this score only after completing B.Tech. For any further details about GATE you can visit the official website. Thank You |
4th February 2011, 11:38 PM
Graduate Aptitude Test In Engineering
Any Number Of times you can Write GATE exam. Now you are in Third year and you have applied For it. Then Don't worry about the Results Just prepare it good because Syllabus Specified by GATE must have covered in Third Year Ist Semester. You can prepare it your Self. In case you don't find your score Upto the mark then you can write it again Don't worry.you can made any number of Attempts. Exam is On 13 February Good luck. and With best wishes. |
4th February 2011, 11:38 PM
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You can take any number of attempts but you must try to clear at your first attempt. regards |
4th February 2011, 11:40 PM
dear friend.
don't think like that be positive and prepare well for the exam.you will think like is negative impression will be create and you will not get more in the exam. try to according to the syllabus prepare well for the exam.there is no number attempts and there is no age limits of the gate.you can attempt many times. all the best....................... |
4th February 2011, 11:46 PM
You can attempt for the GATE exam any number of times, as there is no restriction in number of attempts. If you fulfill the eligibility criteria of education qualification and age limit then you are eligible to appear for this exam. There is no problem if you failed in the GATE examination this year. As generally student of Pre final year will give GATE exam only to get experience. You will give exam of GATE any number of times, so don't worry study hard and try to crack the GATE exam. It would be better if you do some coaching if you are really interested in doing M.Tech . Only in training institute you will learn the tricks for GATE. GOOD LUCK |
5th February 2011, 12:10 AM
You Can Attempt GATE Entrance Exams Number of Times You want, There Is No Such Restriction To appear In GATE Entrance Exams.
So, If Your Is Between 21 to 30 Years Then You Can Apply for GATE Exams Number of Times You want. So, To Appear In GATE Exams, You Need 4 Year Bacholar Degree In Engineering OR After Completing Your Master Degree You Are Eligible To Appear In GATE Entrance Exams. So, If You Want to Get Any Information Then Please Visit The Official Websites - http://www.gate.iitb.ac.in |
5th February 2011, 01:43 AM
Well there is NO restriction on number of attempts on GATE, however there is an indirect restriction in the form of age limit... maximum age limit for GATE being 30 years you can not appear for GATE any longer once you have reached 30.
you will have enough number of attempts in your hand until you are 30 i would suggest if you dont manage in 3 attempts just move on... best of luck. |
6th February 2011, 12:17 AM
my friend
there is no any limit of attempting the gate exam,........ you are in 3rd year but if you failed in the exam or you score less than you can apply for the exam in the next year also.... but you can get admission only after the completion of the 4th year... ok best of luck |
15th February 2011, 09:56 PM
You can apply for the GATE exam any number of times you want.
GATE or Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is conducted every year for admission to the MTEch program in the elite engineering institutions in India. A person can attempt GATE any number of times and there is also no Age restriction for appearing in GATE. So if you wish that after graduation, you feel like dropping a year for preparation, you can and then apply for GATE. Also, many students prefer to do a job for 2-3 years after engineering and collect the money to pay their own fees. So you need not worry if you dont clear the exam, you can give the same as many number of times you want. But it is always better to prepare hard and well so that you can clear the GATE exam as soon as possible, because ultimately, you will have to spend a lot of times studying . |
31st May 2011, 04:47 PM
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their is no any such kind of limitation to appling you can apply no of times.. ankur |
31st August 2011, 01:57 PM
Number of attempts allowed for GATE(Graduate Aptitude Test In Engineering) exam There is no limits for attempts in gate exam. So, you can attend as many you can There is no limits for age too. So no, need to worry about your age. You should complete your graduate in either B.E or B.Tech Gate exam score is valid for 2 years. Work hard and do it well. Best wishes |
31st August 2011, 06:51 PM
Hello dear
see, there is no age limit in GATE exam. so you can appear many times in the GATE exam. validity of gate rank is two years. although pre final year engineering students are not eligiable for the GATE exam. all the best....... |
27th September 2011, 03:32 PM
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There are no restriction for attempts in GATE exam . You can try it in maximum times. The GATE score is valid for only 2 years. From this year only final year student are eligible for GATE exam. Pre-final year student are not eligible for GATE exam. Thanks |
31st October 2011, 03:29 PM
Go to official website and download syllabus.
put a schedule for your preparation giving importance to all sections in syllabus. download materials available online and prepare from it. take up past year question papers and solve them and evaluate yourself. find where you are weak and put in more efforts for that topics. U can rock. Best wishes |
1st November 2011, 12:56 AM
Dear friend,
For all casts only 5 attempts are allowed. Final year student can apply for this GATE examination . You can follow these books : 1.By barron 2.By R.S.Agarwal 3.By upkar's publication All the best |
10th January 2012, 03:14 PM
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I think you can attempt any number of times. As you are of 3rd year you can't attempt the Questions that are from final year so better you go for next. All the best... |
15th January 2013, 07:09 AM
![]() Dear Friend,
![]() GATE Stands for Graduate Aptitude Test In Engineering. The Indian Institute Of Science - Bangalore and the Indian Institute Of Technology has the responsibility to conduct the GATE Examination every year for the admission of B.Tech pass outs in M.Tech course in various prestigious Engineering Colleges like IITs , NITs , BITS-Pilani , etc. The Qualifications that you should have for this exam are : a) you must have completed your B.Tech from any recognized college/university. b) you must have secured a minimum of 50% marks in B.Tech. c) You do not have any pending backlogs. d) There is no bar on the number of attempts for the GATE Exam. This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want. |
15th January 2013, 01:25 PM
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rule about the no. of attempts. So, you can give the exam as many times you want to improve your percentile and score. Also the GATE score is valid for two years and you can apply with the same score if you are appearing this time. As you are currently in 3rd year of your B.E. course, you will not be eligible to take admission on the basis of your current score until you complete your B.E. degree. I would like to suggest you to prepare well and to appear for the examination next year. If you want to give the exam only to get experience i would suggest you to solve the previous year papers and mock test papers. You must appear for the exam only when you are fully confident and prepared. good luck thanks your regards |
15th January 2013, 06:06 PM
![]() Dear Friend,
There is no bar on the number of attempts for the GATE Exam. This Exam is taken every year for those who want to get admission in M.Tech course. The Qualifications That you have to consider on carefully are : a) B.Tech in any stream from any recognized University. b) Minimum 55% marks in B.Tech. c) You should not have any pending backlogs in B.Tech. So , keep preparing well for this exam. :: Best Regards :: Shrish Kumar |
16th January 2013, 12:52 AM
![]() Dear There,
![]() The contendors who are interested to do M.Tech course, they give GATE examination, which is conducted every year. The eligibility criteria required for the GATE examination are prescribed as below:- * Completion of B.Tech in any discipline with a minimum of 55% marks from any recognised university. * In B.Tech, no pending backlogs. * No. of attempts- no limits. Hope the above mentioned will help you to get the information you were searching for. |
16th January 2013, 01:17 AM
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There is no bar on the number of attempts for the GATE Exam. This Exam is taken every year for those who want to get admission in M.Tech course. __The Qualifications That you have to consider on carefully are :__ a) B.Tech in any stream from any recognized University. b) Minimum 55% marks in B.Tech. c) You should not have any pending backlogs in B.Tech. So , keep preparing well for this exam. :: Best Regards :: |
16th January 2013, 11:27 PM
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Image: http://getcareerkhabar.in/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/gate_entrance_eam_2012.jpg The contendors who are interested to do M.Tech course, they give GATE examination, which is conducted every year. _The eligibility criteria required for the GATE examination are prescribed as below:-_ * Completion of B.Tech in any discipline with a minimum of 55% marks from any recognised university. * In B.Tech, no pending backlogs. * No. of attempts- no limits. Hope the above mentioned will help you to get the information you were searching for. * *************** |
16th January 2013, 11:40 PM
Dear Friend
As such there is no any restriction on number of attempts to take GATE. You can apply for GATE as many times. As you are in third year currently you can use this year's score next year (only next year) for admission to M.Tech. programs in IITs and IISc Banglore. If you score less this year you can apply next to year for a better score. One more important thing is that this year you can't utilize your GATE score for admission in M.Tech. You can use this score only after completing B.Tech. For any further details about GATE you can visit the official website. Best wishes :-) |
16th January 2013, 11:52 PM
According to the current rules of GATE exam there is no such rule specified, So you can give this exam any number of times.But you should be appeared in B.E. or passed the graduation. So study well and do well in upcoming examination on Feb 13.
All the Best...!! |
17th January 2013, 02:59 AM
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To appear in the GATE examination you need pass B.Tech degree. You can also appear in the final year of the B.Tech course. NOTE :- Pre-final year candidates are not eligible for the GATE entrance examination. As per your question you are studying in the final of the B.Tech course then as per eligibility criteria you are not eligible for the GATE exam. You will be eligible in the final year of the B.tech course or after passing the B.Tech course. You can attempt GATE examination any number of times & there is also no Age restriction for appearing in GATE. For any more information regarding the GATE entrance examination please visit the official website of the GATE examination :~ http://www.gate.iitb.ac.in/gate2013/ |
17th January 2013, 09:41 AM
GATE - Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering conducted by IIT and Indian Institute of Science for admission to .Tech. courses in IITs and NITs etc.
The eligible candidate must be an Indian National havving either appear for the final B.Tech. Degree or pass in any stream of engineering with 55% marks from a recognised University. There is no upper age limit for application to GATE. There is no restriction to number of attempts to GATE, so a candidate can appear for GATE as many as times he wishes. |
17th January 2013, 12:13 PM
There is no any restriction on number of attempts allowed for GATE.So,don't worry about it .
As the syllabus of GATE is covered in B.Tech course.So,Concentrate on your studies now .Read your textbooks thoroughly. best of luck |
17th January 2013, 01:48 PM
Hello friend ,
GATE : stands for GRADUATE APTITUDE TEST IN ENGINEERING , this exam is for B.TECH STUDENTS those who are seeking for admission to M.TECH . ELIGIBILITY FOR GATE EXAM :-- 1}Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology / Architecture from a recognized university. 2}Final student can apply. 3}Minimum 55% of marks required . 4} No pending backlogs . 5}There is no restriction of attempts , unlimited attempts . GOOD LUCK ... |
17th January 2013, 05:23 PM
As far as Number of attempts allowed for GATE exam is concern there is no limits for attempts. GATE Stands for Graduate Aptitude Test In Engineering,The contendors who are interested to do M.Tech course, they give GATE examination, which is conducted every year by The Indian Institute Of Science - Bangalore and the Indian Institute Of Technology The eligibility criteria required for the GATE exam are as below:- # you must have completed your B.Tech from any recognized college/university.you must have secured a minimum of 50% marks in B.Tech # In B.Tech, no pending backlogs. # No. of attempts- no limits Good luck... |
17th January 2013, 05:55 PM
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and also If you have written the gate exam that will be applicable for two years. Your choice is good. If you written GATE exam in 3rd year It is useful after final year. |
17th January 2013, 09:20 PM
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*_NOTE_* :- Pre-final year candidates are not eligible for the GATE entrance examination. As per your question you are studying in the final of the B.Tech course then as per eligibility criteria you are not eligible for the GATE exam. You will be eligible in the final year of the B.tech course or after passing the B.Tech course. You can attempt GATE examination any number of times & there is also no Age restriction for appearing in GATE. For any more information regarding the GATE entrance examination please visit the official website of the GATE examination :~ *_http://www.gate.iitb.ac.in/gate2013/_* (http://www.gate.iitb.ac.in/gate2013/) *************** |
18th January 2013, 12:50 AM
For appearing in gate, there is no restrictions in the number of attempts you want to take this exam. For appearing in GATE, you should be a graduate, or in final year of graduatioon, either in science or engineering stream. The students from the arts and commerce fields are not allowed in GATE. If you are an engineering student, then you should be having a minimum of 50% marks in your graduation, while the students from the B.Sc or bio tech stream requires a minimum of 55% ,arks in aggregate in their graduation. Gud luck |
18th January 2013, 02:27 PM
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According to GATE eligibility criteria, there is no such mentioned rule about the no. of attempts. So, you can give the exam as many times you want to improve your percentile and score. Also the GATE score is valid for two years and you can apply with the same score if you are appearing this time. As you are currently in 3rd year of your B.E. course, you will not be eligible to take admission on the basis of your current score until you complete your B.E. degree. I would like to suggest you to prepare well and to appear for the examination next year. If you want to give the exam only to get experience i would suggest you to solve the previous year papers and mock test papers. You must appear for the exam only when you are fully confident and prepared. Best wishes.. |
18th January 2013, 04:43 PM
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hi friend, No. of attempts- no limits. all the best.... |
20th January 2013, 12:55 PM
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Number of attempts for GATE ![]() Candidates appearing for the GATE Exam must have the following minimum eligibility criterion :- >> candidate must be either a final year student or must have already completed degree in B.E/B.Tech from a recognized University.. >> candidates having dual degree or who have completed M.Sc. are also eligible to appear for GATE.. Note :- there is no age limit for appearing for the GATE Exam neither there is any restriction on the number of attempts You can Click Here for more details about the GATE 2013 which is going to be conducted on 10th February,2013.. Click Here for papers and study material of GATE all the best.. ![]() With Warm Regards Nitz |
27th February 2013, 10:24 PM
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Candidates appearing for the GATE Exam must have the following minimum eligibility criterion :- >> candidate must be either a final year student or must have already completed degree in B.E/B.Tech from a recognized University.. >> candidates having dual degree or who have completed M.Sc. are also eligible to appear for GATE.. Note :- there is no age limit for appearing for the GATE Exam neither there is any restriction on the number of attempts You can Click Here for more details about the GATE 2013 which is going to be conducted on 10th February,2013.. Click Here for papers and study material of GATE all the best.. With Warm Regards Nitz |
28th February 2013, 12:02 AM
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Candidates appearing for the GATE Exam must have the following minimum eligibility criterion :- >> candidate must be either a final year student or must have already completed degree in B.E/B.Tech from a recognized University.. >> candidates having dual degree or who have completed M.Sc. are also eligible to appear for GATE.. Note :- there is no age limit for appearing for the GATE Exam neither there is any restriction on the number of attempts You can Click Here for more details about the GATE 2013 which is going to be conducted on 10th February,2013.. Click Here for papers and study material of GATE all the best.. |
7th June 2013, 01:47 AM
GATE is an entrance exam for PG in Technology or Masters in Technology. There is no limit on number of attempts. You can appear for GATE as many time as you want. But GATE preparation requires only 6-7 months and you would be able to get very respectable rank. with 6-7 months of preparation you can qualify gate in first attempts All the best |
15th June 2013, 05:28 PM
15th June 2013, 06:27 PM
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Other Important thing in this exam is that there is No Minimum marks required to apply for this exam. As you have not completed your bachelor engineering degree in Electronics and Communication,thus you are not eligible to appear in this exam.When you will be in final year/last semester then you can apply for this exam.However those candidates who have a bachelor engineering degree in Electronics and Communication will be eligible to apply for this exam. Syllabus for GATE Exam for Electronics and Communication is as follows : Paper I (General Paper) - This paper is compulsory for GATE appearing candidates.Sections of this paper are :-
Engineering Mathematics
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