16th November 2022, 02:07 PM
Is it possible to get band 8 in IELTS? If it is easy, suggest some tips.
Is it possible to get band 8 in IELTS? If it is easy, suggest some tips.
17th November 2022, 12:10 PM
For getting band 8 in IELTS , candidate has to work thoroughly in
Listening Reading Writing Speaking Achieving such target is not a piece of cake , your journey should be well structured and you should know every single thing which can make you gain and loose marks in IELTS Exam. Cajole yourself to right techniques to pass the exam with no regrets. |
17th November 2022, 07:54 PM
Yes, absolutely it is possible to get 8 band easily in IELTS examination
As the exam has various aspects of English language i.e reading , writing ,speaking First of all you will have to walk with confidence and a smile for the interview You will have to practice for your self introduction in a proper way It is better that you focus on your pronounciation rather than developing an accent You must constantly read and practice different speech You must always try to communicate in English as that will increase your confidence |
19th November 2022, 01:22 AM
Yes, very few IELTS candidates score an overall 8.0 in the IELTS test. It means both in the IELTS listening and IELTS reading candidate needs to score 36 correct answer out of 40. Its is tough but not impossible. Here are few tips or steps that you can opt for your preparation.
- Working on language skills. - You need to be aware of your strength and weakness. - Get detailed feedback from an ex-IELTS or experts from an online - Know your current level by taking a practice IELTS test. - Prepare your study according to the time (time management is a must) - Refer to the old question papers (5 years old question papers and the current year question papers) - Take online examination of IELTS and see where you stand and improve by correcting your mistakes. - Manage stress level. - Refer to good books of IELTS. If you follow all these above mentioned tips then I am sure you will be able to score good marks in IELTS exam. |
20th November 2022, 05:58 PM
Follow the given steps to score 8 band in IELTS:
Understand the structure. Identify Reading Techniques. Listen to audio clips. Speak to Someone Fluent in English. Take Mock Tests. Enroll On Leap Scholar's Online IELTS Program. Practice Makes a Man Perfect. Proper Guidance. |