16th November 2022, 02:42 AM
What are all jobs and their exams or recruitment process after B.Sc Botany hons.?
What are all jobs and their exams or recruitment process after B.Sc Botany hons.?
18th November 2022, 02:00 PM
Some of the job opportunities available
Florist Plant Biochemist Paleobotanist Botanist Ecologist Farming Consultant Forest Ranger Geneticist Nursery Manager Molecular Biologist etc They can work in many industries after completing their course College and university Nursery farms Environmental consultancies Medical content writing etc. |
19th November 2022, 07:21 PM
1. UPSC exams.
2. Banks exams. 3. Defence & Armed forces exams. 4. Railway exams. 5. SSC Exams. |
20th November 2022, 05:11 PM
Job opportunities after completion of B.Sc Botany Hons:
After completion of B.Sc in Botany Hons course, you will be having the two options. 1) To find job opportunities 2) To go for higher studies like M.Sc in Botany/ Ph.D . Etc., If you are really willing to get job on the basis of B.Sc in Botany Hons course, you can go with private sector jobs or core sector jobs. Some of the government companies offering job opportunities are, @ Indian council of Forestry Research and Education @ National Institute of Oceanography @ Botanical Survey Of India @ Indian Agricultural Research Institute..etc., as Scientific Assistant or Field Assistant, Project Assistant, Technical Assistant..etc., Recruitment process usually consists of the Written Test followed by Personal Interview. If you can clear the rounds mentioned, then I can say that you will be selected easily. But you gain good knowledge on the B.Sc Botany Concepts. |
20th November 2022, 05:41 PM
What are all jobs and their exams or recruitment process after B.Sc Botany hons.?
SBI PO Examination IBPS SO Examination RRB Grade D Examination LIC-AAO UGC-NET Engineering Services Exam Civil Services Exam IPPB Exam CTET Exam CDS Exam. |