27th October 2010, 09:01 PM
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Previous years placement paper of BHEL Mechanical Engineering?

plz send the previous placement paper of mechanical engineering thank you
my mail id: [email protected]

16th April 2011, 06:50 PM
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Default Re: Previous years placement paper of BHEL Mechanical Engineering?

I have attached BHEL papers
Hope they will help you.
Thank you.
Attached Files
File Type: docx bhel.docx(19.2 KB, 421 views)
17th April 2011, 03:51 PM
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Smile Re: Previous years placement paper of BHEL Mechanical Engineering?

Originally Posted by gopi.padamati View Post
plz send the previous placement paper of mechanical engineering thank you
my mail id: [email protected]
Previous years placement paper of BHEL Mechanical Engineering

In the BHEL examination there are 240 questions asked in the
Out of 240 question 120 questions are technical based and
other 120 questions are related to aptitude and general
Candidate will get five options in a questions in which one is
correct. 1/5th marks are deducted for the every wrong answer.

I have attached some previous year placement papers of BHEL
examination. You can download it from below.
Attached Files
File Type: zip BHEL PLACEMENT PAPERS.zip(222.4 KB, 386 views)
17th April 2011, 08:01 PM
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Default Re: Previous years placement paper of BHEL Mechanical Engineering?

I have attached some impotant paper of BHEL Mechanical Engineering.
Attached Files
File Type: txt BHEL paper.txt(3.8 KB, 320 views)
File Type: pdf BHEL placement paper.pdf(58.0 KB, 502 views)
File Type: pdf BHEL placement paper1.pdf(58.0 KB, 379 views)
File Type: pdf BHEL placement paper2.pdf(70.7 KB, 416 views)
File Type: txt BHEL placement paperr.txt(6.7 KB, 309 views)
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17th April 2011, 08:14 PM
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Default Re: Previous years placement paper of BHEL Mechanical Engineering?

Originally Posted by gopi.padamati View Post
plz send the previous placement paper of mechanical engineering thank you
my mail id: [email protected]
One Mark for correct answer, 1/5th for wrong answer. Five choices were given] Some questions which i remember are :

1)Unit of Entropy (J/kg K or kJ/kg K)?

2)A mass of 100kg is falling from a height of 1 m and penetrates the sand into for 1 m. What is the resistance force given by sand?

3)Ratio of specific heats of air ? (1.41)

4)A body weighs 3 kg in air. If it is submerged in a liquid, it weighs 2.5 kg. What is the specific gravity of the liquid ?

5)Two cars travell in same direction at 40 km/hr at a regular distance. A car comes in a opposite direction in 60km/hr. It meets each car in a gap of 8 seconds. What is the distance between them?

6)A simple problem involing in hoops stress. For sphere: M= [3/2]*p*V* [density of pressure vessel material/Maximum working stress it can tolerate] For Thin walled pressure walls: Hoops stress or stress in the radial direction =p*r/2t?

7) A problem in force calculation in a body moving in a inclined surface?

8)Composition of bronze?
ans. Copper+zinc.

9) Compostion of stainless steel.?
ans. iron+chromium+nickel+carbon.

10) CI is manifactured in which process?
ans. cupola process

11)What percentage of carbon is preset in pig iron?
ans. 4.5 to 6%.

12)Water is available at 10m height. What is the pressure available?
ans= pressure=density*g*height;

13)What will happen if the speed of the centrifugal pump doubles?

14)The unit eV is widely used in ?
ans. Nuclear and atomic physics.

15)What will happen to the resistance, when the diameter of the conductor is doubled?

16)The power comsumed by a electrical device is 1000W at 250V, What is the resistance in the device?
ans. Power= Voltage*current,
amps. V=IR,
Therefore R=250/4=62.5 ohms.

17)Why DC current is not used in transformer?

18)On what principle the sonar/ radar works?

19)Bending moment diagram for the UDL is in what shape?

20)Function of the distributor in petrol vehicles?
ans. Spark timing.

21)Which is not present in CI engines?
ans. carburrettor.

22)What will happen if one cylinder recieves more amount of fuel spray from injectors than other injectors?

23)Purpose of draft tube in hydraulic turbines?

ans. The purpose of a draft tube is toconvert some of the kinetic energy of the flow from the runner (the rotating part of the turbine) intopressure energy and thereby increase the efficiency ofthe hydro power turbine.

24)What is the effect or reheater in the gas turbine?

The advantage of reheater is significantly increased thrust; the
disadvantage is it has very high fuel consumption and inefficiency.

25)Problems involving with fricition coefficient.

26)Factor of safety = Yeild stress/Working stress.

27)Which is the example of non parallel power transmission (Universal coupling)?

28)For perpendicular shafts worm gear is used?

29)A planet gear with 25 teeth is meshed with a sun gear of 100 teeth. Both are connected using a arm. How many rotations are needed for planet gear to complete one rotation around the sun gear?

30)What is equivalent spring constant for spring in parallel?

31) Some questions was asked related to boundary layer and vortex flow.

32) 5 questions were asked in PERT, Process planning, Product planning, Break even analysis.

33)How are tungsten and sintered composite materials are machined?
(Electro Discharge Machining, EDM)

General Apptitude:

very easy.

There are 120 questions .


Detect the words with wrong spellings (5 questions).
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words(5 questions).
Two reading comprehensions were given(10 questions).
Find the error in the sentence (8 questions).


Seating arrangement problems.
Find the relation between them.

Quantitative ability:

50% of the questions are from basic geometry .
Remaining were very general and easy. But many questions are there that's y you should consider time factor and be quick.
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18th April 2011, 08:02 PM
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Default Re: Previous years placement paper of BHEL Mechanical Engineering?

Dear Friend,
I am glad to help you in such a way for your carrier. Here are a few websites which solve your worries by giving many tips, model papers, previous time question papers, interview models & their quest/ans related to respective companies, etc,. You can refer these sites for many companies. Here are the sites below,

1. www.indiabix.com - which related to tips, papers, interview process, etc.,
2. www.rangrut.com - which related to recent job posts(govt/non-govt)

All the Best..
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1st June 2011, 11:04 AM
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 1
Default Re: Previous years placement paper of BHEL Mechanical Engineering?

Thnx a lot
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11th August 2011, 07:26 PM
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Smile Re: Previous years placement paper of BHEL Mechanical Engineering?

Originally Posted by bharanidharans View Post
Dear Friend,
I am glad to help you in such a way for your carrier. Here are a few websites which solve your worries by giving many tips, model papers, previous time question papers, interview models & their quest/ans related to respective companies, etc,. You can refer these sites for many companies. Here are the sites below,

1. www.indiabix.com - which related to tips, papers, interview process, etc.,
2. www.rangrut.com - which related to recent job posts(govt/non-govt)

All the Best..
thank uu
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16th August 2011, 02:41 PM
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Default Re: Previous years placement paper of BHEL Mechanical Engineering?

please send me bhel shyllabes for engineer trainee
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11th September 2011, 07:23 PM
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 1
Default Previous years placement paper of BHEL Mechanical Engineering?

please sent me bhel model placement question paper
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