17th December 2010, 05:18 PM
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Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

Dear Friends

I want to know, what is the process for appearing in IAS exams, from where i can get the application forms,what is the minimum qualifications, fees structure, stages of examinations ?

24th December 2010, 01:02 AM
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Smile Re: Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

Hi Pankaj.
You have to appear for UPSC exam. Any graduate of the age 19 to 30years old is eligible to give UPSC exam. the details of the UPSC exam is advertised in the Rozgar Nirman Newspaper. And the fees of the form is not more than 100 or 200. and the form is available in the post offices but when forms are about to sale.
25th December 2010, 11:40 AM
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Wink Re: Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

Originally Posted by amahajan View Post
Hi Pankaj.
You have to appear for UPSC exam. Any graduate of the age 19 to 30years old is eligible to give UPSC exam. the details of the UPSC exam is advertised in the Rozgar Nirman Newspaper. And the fees of the form is not more than 100 or 200. and the form is available in the post offices but when forms are about to sale.

Thanks Dear
Pls also tell me the date for release of entrance forms.
I will be highly obliged
1st February 2011, 03:00 AM
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Default Re: Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

hello friend,
The eligibility criteria for appearing IAS exam is a minimum qualification of degree with pass certificate awarded from one of the renown colleges and university of India and the age limit is between 21-30.It is conducted every year by UPSC and the forms will be available at the nearest post office in your area.
Best of luck
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17th February 2011, 01:21 PM
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Default Re: Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

hello friend,
when we have to fill up the forms and where we have to sent
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28th February 2011, 08:59 PM
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Default Re: Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

minimum qualification, minimum marks and subject
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1st March 2011, 06:35 PM
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Process of appearing for IAS exam
Date of Notification - 19/Feb/2011

Last Date for Receipt of Applications - 21/Mar/2011

Date of Exam - 12/June/2011.

So, if you are interested to apply for civil services examination, then please apply for this exams before 21st/March/2011.

After completing this dates, You can not apply for IAS 2011 Examinations.

all the best--Eligibility Criteria For IAS

(i) Age limits :

21-30 years as on 1.7.2011. (Upper age limit relaxable for SCs/STs, OBCs and certain other categories as specified in Para 3(ii) of Notice).

(ii) Educational Qualifications :

Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physcs, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Enginerring or an equivalent qualification (Para 3(iii) of Notice).

(iii) No. of permissible attempts :

Four (Seven attemps of OBCs and no limit for SCs/STs (Para 3 (iv) of Notice)

(iv) Fee :

Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only)
(No fee for SCs/STs/Physically disabled only)

--Instructions to candidates for filling up the Application Form for the Indian Forest Service Examination, 2011.

Side 1 of Application Form

-Column 1 : Examination for which applying
Darken the circle against "IFS", in the box pertaining to Name of examination, write IFS starting from the first box on the left. Also write 2011 in the boxes meant for year of examination.
-Column 2 : Fee

--If you have paid the requisite fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only), darken circle 1 and write 1 in the box; or
--If you have not paid the fee and are claiming fee remission as SC, ST or Physically Handicapped, darken circle 2 and write 2 in the box.

--N.B. : Fee is payable only in the form of Central Recruitment Fee Stamp, as per instructions against Column 12.

--Column 3 :
(I) Whether Physically Handicapped?

--If you are not a physically handicapped person, darken circle 1 for No and write 1 in the box; or
If you are a physically handicapped person, darken circle 2 for yes and write 2 in the box.

(II) If yes, indicate category

Fill up this Column only if your answer to Column 3(I) is yes.
--If you are Orthopaedically handicapped, darken circle 1 and write 1 in the box; or
--If you are Blind, darken circle 2 and write 2 in the box; or
--If you are Deaf-Mute, darken circle 3 and write 3 in the box.

Column 4 : Community
If you belong to SC, darken circle 1 and write 1 in the box; or
If you belong to ST, darken circle 2 and write 2 in the box; or
If you belong to OBC, darken circle 3 and write 3 in the box; or
If you belong to General Category (Others), darken circle 4 and write 4 in the box.

Note 1 : Candidates belonging to OBCs but comming in the Creamy Layer and thus not being entitled to OBC reservation should indicate their community as "General Category (Others) Code No. 4".
Note 2 : Candidates belonging to neither SC, ST, nor OBC communities should write Code No. 4 (General Category) against the Column for Community and not leave it blank.
Note 3 : No change in the community status indicated by a candidate in his/her application form for the Examination will ordinarily be allowed by the Commission at a subsequent stage.

Column 5 : Sex
If you are Male, darken circle 1 and write 1 in the box; or
If you are Female, darken circle 2 and write 2 in the box;

Column 6 : Nationality

If you are an Indian national, darken circle 1 and write 1 in the box; or
If you are not an Indian national, darken circle 2 and write 2 in the box.

Column 7 : Name of the candidate
For filling up this column, first write in the boxes your full name (in English) in capital letters exactly as recorded in your Matriculation/High School/Secondary or equivalent examination certificate. Write a single letter in a box. Leave a box blank between any two parts of the name. Then darken the corresponding circle below each letter. Do not darken a circle below a blank box. Do not overshoot the boxes. Abbreviate name only if necessary. Do not use any prefix such as shri, Kum., Dr. etc with your name.
See sample filled up form in the brochure for guidance.

Column 8 : Date of Birth
Darken the appropriate circles for the day, month and year of your birth as recorded in your Matriculation/High School/Secondary or equivalent examination certificate. Then write in the boxes using numerals 01 to 31 for day; numerals 01 to 12 for month and the last two digits for the year of birth.
See sample filled up form in the brochure for guidance.

Column 9 : Father’s Name
Write your father’s name (in English) in capital letters. Write a single letter in each box. Leave a box blank between any two parts of the name. Do not use any prefix such as Shri, Dr. etc.

Column 10 : Address
Write your complete mailing address including your name in English capital letters or Hindi within the box provided for the purpose. Also write the PIN Code therein. Write with blue or black ball pen only. Do not write outside the box. Please note that this address will be photocopied as such in all letters to be sent to you and therefore, it should be very clearly and legibly written.
If you make any mistake in writing the address, cover the whole box with an exact sized white paper slip and rewrite your address on that.

Column 11 : Photograph
Paste firmly in the space provided your recent photograph of 4 cm. x 5 cm. size (preferably in Black & white). Do not staple the photograph. Photograph should neither be signed by you nor it should be got attested.

Column 12 : Space for CRF Stamp

Fee to be paid for the Indian Forest Service Examination is Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only). SC/ST and Physically Handicapped candidates are not required to pay any fee. No fee exemption is however available to OBC candidates and they are required to pay the prescribed full fee.

Fee is payable only through Central Recruitment Fee Stamp (Not postage stamps). No other mode of payment is acceptable. Obtain only one single CRF Stamp of Rs. 100/- denomination from the post office and paste it firmly within the box. After pasting the CRF Stamp on the form, get it cancelled from the post office of purchase in the space provided. Do not staple the CRF Stamp.

Side 2 of Application Form

Column 13 : (I) Are you residing in a remote area or abroad
If you are residing in a remote area specified in Para 6 of the Notice of the Examination or abroad, darken circle 1 against Yes and write 1 in the box; or
If you are not residing in a specified remote area/abroad, darken circle 2 against No and write 2 in the box.

N.B. : Candidates residing in a remote area specified in the Notice of the Examination or abroad are entitled to one week’s additional time for submission of application form.
(II) If yes, indicate area code :
Darken the appropriate circles for the area code as given below and then write the same code in the boxes.

Area Code Area Code
Assam 01 Sikkim 08
Meghalaya 02 Jammu & Kashmir 09
Arunachal Pradesh 03 Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh 10
Mizoram 04
Manipur 05 Andman & NicobarIsland 11
Nagaland 06 Lakshadweep 12
Tripura 07 Abroad 13

Column 14 : Examination Centre Code
Choose the Examination Centre from the list given below where you wish to appear and see its code. Darken the appropriate circles and then write the same code in the boxes. Do not indicate more than one centre.

List of Centres of Examination

Centre Code Centre Code Centre Code
Agartala 45 Gangtok 42 Panaji (Goa) 36
Ahmedabad Hyderabad 10 Patna 15
Aizawal 47 Imphal 44 Port Blair 37
Allahabad 02 Itanagar 48 Raipur 49
Bangalore 03 Jaipur 11 Ranchi 41
Bareilly 54 Jammu 34 Sambalpur 53
Bhopal 04 Jorhat 46 Shillong 16
Chandigarh 35 Kochi 24 Shimla 17
Chennai 12 Kohima 43 Srinagar 18
Cuttack 07 Kolkata 06 Thiruvananthapuram 19
Dehradun 14 Lucknow 26 Tirupati 50
Delhi 08 Madurai 40 Udaipur 52
Dharwar 39 Mumbai 05 Vishakhapatnam 51
Dispur 09 Nagpur 13

Column 15 : Educational Qualification Code

Codes prescribed for educational qualification are as follows : Code Educational qualification
01 If you have already passed the requisite qualifying Examination, with prescribed subject;
02 If you have appeared/appearing at the requisite qualifying Examination, with prescribed subject;
Choose the correct code applicable in your case and darken the appropriate circles. Write the same code in the boxes.
Note: For prescribed subjects see para 3 (iii) of Notice.

Column 16:
(I) Whether claiming age relaxation
If you are claiming age relaxation, darken circle 1 for Yes and write 1 in the box; or If you are not claiming age relaxation, darken circle 2 for No and write 2 in the box.
(II) If Yes, indicate category code Fill up this Column only if your response to Column 16(I) is Yes. Darken the appropriate circles for category codes given below and then write the same code in the boxes.
Category - Codes for Claiming Age Relaxation
(Refer Para 3(ii) (b) of Commission’s Notice published in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar)

Code No. Category Extent of Age Relaxation Permissible
01. SC and ST 5 years
02 OBC 3 years
03 Blind, deaf-mute and Orthopaedically handicapped persons. 10 years
04 Blind, deaf-mute and Orthopaedically handicapped persons + SC/ST 15 years
05 Blind, deaf-mute and Orthopaedically handicapped persons + OBC 13 years
06 Defence Services Personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof. 3 years
07 Defence Services Personnel(as against Code No. 06) + SC/ST 8 years
08 Defence Services Personnel(as against Code No. 06) + OBC 6 years
09 Ex-Servicemen including Commissioned offices and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least five years Military Service as on 1st January, 2011 and have been released (i) on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year from 1st January, 2011) otherwise than by way of dismi-ssal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency;or (ii) on account of physical disability attributable to Military Service; or (iii) on invalidment. 5 years
10 Ex-Servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs (as against Code No. 09) + SC/ST 10 years
11 Ex-Servicemen including + OBC Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs (as against Code No. 09) 8 years
12 ECOs/SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment of five years of Military Service as on 1st January,2011 and whose assignment has been extended beyond five years and in whose case the Ministry of Defence issues a certificate that they can apply for civil employment and that they will be released on three months notice on selection from the date of receipt of offer of appointment. 5 years
13 ECOs/SSCOs (as againstCode No. 12) + SC/ST 10 years
14 ECOs/SSCOs (as againstCode No. 12) + OBC 8 years
15 Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 1st January, 1980 to 31st December, 1989 5 years
16 Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of J & K (as against Code No. 15) + SC/ST 10 years
17 Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of J & K (as against Code No. 15) + OBC 8 years

(I) Optional subject
Choose any two optional subject from the list given below and see their codes. Darken the appropriate circles and then write the same code in the boxes.

(II) No. of attempts already made?
Write the number of attempts already made by you in the Indian Forest Services Examination in the boxes and darken the appropriate circles. If no attempt has been made by you earlier, darken circles 00 and write ‘00’ in the boxes.

Columns 21 and 22 :
Candidates appearing for the Indian Forest Services Examination 2011 are not required to fill any of these columns. They should, therefore, leave these Columns blank.

Column 23 : Declaration
The candidate must read the declaration carefully before signing. In Sub-para (i), the candidate must fill up the Examination Notice number viz. 06/2011 and date of publication of Notice in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar viz., 05.02.2011 in the spaces provided before the asterisk marks.

Column 24 : Signature of candidate
Make your usual signature in blue or black ball pen within the box provided. Your signature must not overflow or touch the border of the box provided. Do not merely write your name in capital letters in place of signature. Unsigned applications will be rejected.
Also write the place and date of signing the form in the spaces provided for the purpose.

Verify the following before mailing the application
1. That you have used the application form purchased from the designated Head Post Offices/Post Offices only.

2. That you have filled in all the relevant columns of the application form by blackening the appropriate circles and also writing the corresponding code(s) in boxes. It may be carefully checked that there is no variation between the entries made by you by darkening the circles and those written in the accompanying boxes.

3. That you have pasted your recent photograph preferably in black & white (unsigned and unattested) in column 11 of the application form.

4. That in case you are required to pay fee, you have affixed a Central Recruitment Fee Stamp of Rs. 100/- denomination in column 12 of the application form and have got it cancelled from the Post Office.

5. That you have signed in column 24 of the application form.

6. That only one application form and one acknowledgement card is being mailed in the envelope supplied to you with the Brochure and no other enclosure is attached therewith.

7. That you have written the name of examination viz., "Indian Forest Service Examination, 2011" on the envelope meant for despatch of application form and acknowledgement card. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES

Special instructions to Candidates for Conventional type of papers

Articles permitted inside Examination Hall
Battery-operated pocket calculators of “non-programmable” type only,
mathematical/engineering/drawing instruments, including a flat rule divided on the edges into inches and tens of an inch and into centimeters and millimeters, a slide rule, set squares, a protractor and a pair of compasses, pencils, coloured pencils, mapping pens, eraser, T-square and drawing board for use wherever necessary. Candidates are not allowed to bring with them any “Tables or Charts” for use in the Examination Hall.

Mobile phones, pagers or any other communication devices are not allowed inside the premises where the examination is being conducted. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future examinations.
Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned item including mobile phones/pagers to the venue of the examination, as arrangement for safekeeping can not be assured.

Tables to be supplied by UPSC
If it is considered necessary for answering the questions set in any paper, the Commission may supply any of the following for reference purpose only:-

(i) Mathematical/Physical, Chemical and Engineering Tables (including Logarithmic Tables);

(ii) Steam Table (including Mollier Diagrams for Temperature up to 800 C and Pressure up to 500 Kgf/Cm);

(iii) National Building Code of India 1970 or 1983 Group 2 Part VI;

(iv) Any other special articles as may be necessary for the candidates to answer the questions set in the question paper.

After conclusion of the examination, return the above items to the Invigilator.
Answers to be written in own hand
Write the answers in your own hand in ink. Pencil may be used for maps, mathematical drawings or rough work.

Check Answer Book
The candidate must write his roll number (and not his name) only in the space provided for the purpose on every answer book used by him. Before writing in the answer book, please see that it is complete. In case there are any missing pages, it should be got replaced.

Do not tear out any pages from the Answer Book. If you use more than one Answer Book, indicate on the cover of first Answer Book the total number of Answer Books used. Do not leave any blank, unused spaces between answers. If such spaces are left, score them out.

Answers in excess of prescribed number will be ignored
The candidate must attempt questions strictly in accordance with the directions given on each question paper. If questions are attempted in excess of the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining answers will be ignored.

Questions relating to graph/ récis should be attempted only on graph/ récis sheets to be supplied on demand by the Invigilators. All loose sheets such as récis sheet, drawing papers, graph sheets etc. whether used or not, should be placed inside the answer books and fastened along with the additional answer book(s), if any. Candidates who fail to observe this instruction will be penalized.
Do not write your roll number on these sheets.

Unfair means strictly prohibited
Do not copy from the papers of any other candidate nor allow your papers to be copied nor give nor attempt to give nor obtain nor attempt to obtain irregular assistance of any description. It will be responsibility to every candidate to ensure that his answers are not copied by another candidate. Failure to do so will invite penalty, as may be awarded by the Commission for adoption of unfair means.

Conduct in Examination Hall
Do not misbehave in any manner or create disorderly scene in the examination hall or harass or bodily harm the staff deployed for the conduct of examination. You will be severely penalized if you attempt to do so.

Please read carefully and abide by the instructions printed on the Question Paper and on the Answer Book supplied in the Examination Hall.

Preliminary examinations
The prelims are held around May-June.It has objective ie multiple choice questions. There are two papers (duration of each being 2 hrs).

a) General studies
b) Optional subject

The prelims are held around May-June.It has objective ie multiple choice questions. There are two papers (duration of each being 2 hrs). a) General studies and b)Optional subject: you can choose from Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Agriculture, Maths, Phy, Chem, Stats etc. Important: It is not compulsory to choose the same subjects of your graduation. The results are declared in July-August and the successful candidates are called for the main examinations. PS. The prelims score has no bearing for determining the final merit list for the services.

2. Main examination
The main written examination usually takes place in Oct-Nov, it comprises of 9 papers in all (a lot more strenuous than CAT!) Duration of each paper is 3 hrs. Language: one of the Indian languages, English, Essay GK and Current Affairs: 2 papers on general studies Optionals: papers from two subjects that fall in optional-1 and two papers from optional-2 (a choice of subjects is listed by the UPSC in the prospectus) Candidates who are successful in the main examinations are eligible for an interview which plays a crucial part in the selection.

The main written examination usually takes place in Oct-Nov, it comprises of 9 papers in all (a lot more strenuous than CAT!) Duration of each paper is 3 hrs. Language: one of the Indian languages, English, Essay GK and Current Affairs: 2 papers on general studies Optionals: papers from two subjects that fall in optional-1 and two papers from optional-2 (a choice of subjects is listed by the UPSC in the prospectus) Candidates who are successful in the main examinations are eligible for an interview which plays a crucial part in the selection.

3. The Interview
The interview calls are sent in March-April of the following year and they take place in the month of April-May. The Board of interviewers look for a well-adjusted personality with the social traits, integrity and qualities of leadership . PS. The number of candidates called for the interview is normally twice the number of vacancies.

The interview calls are sent in March-April of the following year and they take place in the month of April-May. The Board of interviewers look for a well-adjusted personality with the social traits, integrity and qualities of leadership . PS. The number of candidates called for the interview is normally twice the number of vacancies.

Here is a list of subjects for IAS/UPSC exams. Under each subject is provided reources regarding the subject that includes prelims and mains IAS syllabus as well as question papers, strategy and suggested readings for the subject. The IAS Syllabus and other services like the IPS and Income Tax is the same.

Part A - UPSC Preliminary Examination - Optional Subjects
General Studies
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Indian History
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Political Science
Public Administration

Part B - UPSC Main Examination - Optional Subjects
General Studies
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Indian History
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Political Science
Public Administration

good luck
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3rd March 2011, 03:51 PM
kapila Chaudhary
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Default Re: Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

**********UPSC IAS EXAMINATION************
  • You need to give UPSC EXAMs for IAS which are conducted every year.
  • Civil Services (Prel) Exam, 2011

    Date of Notification: 19.02.2011
    Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 21.03.2011
    Date of Exam: 12.06.2011
Eligibility Criteria for IAS :
1.Age limit

21 years must be completed on 1st August of the year, which a candidate is appearing. Maximum 30 for general category, 33 for OBCs and 35 for SCs/STs . Ex-servicemen will get 5 more years exemption from the prescribed age limit The date of birth accepted by the Commission is that entered in the Matriculation or Secondary School Leaving Certificate or in a certificate recognized by an Indian University as equivalent to Matriculation or in an extract from a Register of Matriculates maintained by a University, which extract must be certified by the proper authority of the University or in the Higher Secondary or an equivalent examination certificate.

2. Educational Qualifications :

Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physcs, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Enginerring or an equivalent qualification.

3. Number of Attempts
Four attempts for open, seven for OBCs and no limit for SCs/STs. If a person appears in the Preliminary Examination or even one paper is counted as an attempt.

4. Restrictions on applying for the examination:
A candidate who is appointed to the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Foreign Service on the results of an earlier examination and continues to be a member of that service will not be eligible to compete at this examination.
  • Apply online by using the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in
  • Apply offline by purchasing the application form from designated post offices throughout the country.
For complete details go to http://www.upsc.gov.in

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4th March 2011, 01:02 PM
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Default Re: Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

Can a b com graduate student apply for IAS exam???plz reply as soon as possible as i really want to apply but i really dont knw wheather b com is enough for eligibility...please rep, i will be delited...thanks
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10th March 2011, 02:36 PM
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Default Re: Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

sir is there any optional subject code coulm which has to be filled by the candidate in the application form for civil services preliminary examination.....please rep ,i will be very thankful to u
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11th March 2011, 09:29 PM
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Process for Writing Civils

you have to wait for notification..

after getting the notification you have to buy the application form as mentioned in the notification about nodal centers


fill the application form as per rules.

next you have to post them and wait for hall ticket

you will write first exam in feb i.e. CSAT

next if you clear that exam you'll get an invitation for next stage i.e. MAINS

if you clear that too then you'll get a call letter to attend for Interview.

that's all this process for exam

after getting result you'll come to know whether you performed good or bad.

Miniimum qualification for CIVILS is

you should have a degree

you should have age of 21years

that's all

Fee structure it is very minimum

of 400 rupees or so..

for any further info. click on to this links



all the best

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15th March 2011, 07:24 PM
Somesh Goenka
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Smile Re: Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

Originally Posted by pankajkumar913 View Post
Dear Friends

I want to know, what is the process for appearing in IAS exams, from where i can get the application forms,what is the minimum qualifications, fees structure, stages of examinations ?
I will give you all the information you want.

For IAS, you have to appear for the Civil Service examinations conducted by the UPSC. The UPSC conducts the CSAT or the Civil Service Aptitude Test each year for the selection of IPS and IAS officers on behalf of the central Government of India.

Eligibility Conditions:

Age Limits:

Candidate must be minimum 21 years of age as on 1st August of the year of the exam.
Upper age limit is 30 years(relaxation as per extent govt. rule).

Educational Qualifications:

Candidate must have achieved a graduation from any field but from a recognized university.
Final year students who will be appearing for the final exams can also apply.

Maximum Attempts:

For general:4
For OBC:7
For SC/ST:no Limit.

Availability of forms:

Forms can be obtained in 2 methods:

1.Offline Forms:

Can be purchased from the designated Head Post offices across the country. Cost of form is Rs.30/-.
No fee for Women, SC/ST and physically handicapped candidates.

2.Online Forms:

Online forms are available at:


The procedure is simple and fast and you can find the same at the above website. I recommend you to fill it online as time is less.

Important Dates:

*Last date of submission of form:21.03.2011
*Date of Prelim Exams:12.06.2011
*Date of Main Exams:29.10.2011

Attached is the notification for your reference.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Civil Service 2011.pdf(346.2 KB, 87 views)
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20th March 2011, 11:57 AM
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Default Re: Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

kya IAS or IFS ka form ek condidate bhar sakta h kya
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9th May 2011, 02:42 PM
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Default Re: Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

For IAS, one need to go through a civil services exam conducted by UPSC.

The selection procedure will be by
-CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test)
-Civil Services Main examination

For the academic year 2011, IAS exam is going to be conducted on 12-06-2011.

The eligibility for IAS exam is as follows

Academic qualification :
-One should have completed graduation from a recognized university.

Age criteria :
-One should be in the age group of 21-30 years to be eligible for the exam.
-Relaxation is there in upper age limit for the candidates of OBC and SC/ST

One can apply for the IAS exam both in online mode and offline mode.

As online mode, one can apply using the given link

As offline mode one can get the application forms from the designated offices and have to submit before the last date.
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9th May 2011, 02:59 PM
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Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?
The Examination Consist of Three stages Namely

The Application forms are available in Two Modes : Online or Offline

Online :

Online Application Forms are available In :


Offline :

The Application forms are Available in Various Designated Post offices across the
country.Cost of Application Form Rs. 30/-

Minimum Qualification :

The candidate should have completed Bachelor's degree from a recognized

University.And The Candidate should have minimum 21 yrs of age and maximum

30 yrs for General candidates,33 yrs for OBC,35 for SC/ST candidates.

More details,Visit the official website : www.upsc.gov.in
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9th May 2011, 03:20 PM
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Default Re: Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

Eligibility criteria for IAS exam:
Education qualification:
Candidate should have minimum graduation degree with any discipline from a recognized university.
Age eligibility:
For General category age should be between 21 to 30 years
For OBC category age should be between 21 to 33 years
For SC/ST category only minimum age is required i.e 21 years

If you fulfill with above mention criteria,then you can apply for IAS exam.
You can fill the application form by online,by clicking here (application will be displayed till the date mentioned in the notification of Civil exams) or you can buy the application from head post office in your town by paying Rs.30.

If you require any information,then see this attachment.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf cs2011_eng.pdf(346.2 KB, 100 views)
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9th May 2011, 04:23 PM
Senior Member++++
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

UPSC conducts civil service exam and after selection candidates are alloted different cadres like IAS, IPS, IRS, IFS, IIS etc.

Graduation in any field.

21-30 yrs. 5 yr relaxation for SC/ST.

4 for general
6 for OBC
no limit for SC/ST

You can take coaching for this exam, best coaching is available in delhi:

RAU IAS study circle
Khan Study Group
Vajiram Acadmey
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19th July 2011, 11:40 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

which subject is tobe taken for graduation according toIAS exam?
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25th July 2011, 01:03 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

Originally Posted by Taurus47 View Post

Process of appearing for IAS exam
Date of Notification - 19/Feb/2011

Last Date for Receipt of Applications - 21/Mar/2011

Date of Exam - 12/June/2011.

So, if you are interested to apply for civil services examination, then please apply for this exams before 21st/March/2011.

After completing this dates, You can not apply for IAS 2011 Examinations.

all the best--Eligibility Criteria For IAS

(i) Age limits :

21-30 years as on 1.7.2011. (Upper age limit relaxable for SCs/STs, OBCs and certain other categories as specified in Para 3(ii) of Notice).

(ii) Educational Qualifications :

Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physcs, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Enginerring or an equivalent qualification (Para 3(iii) of Notice).

(iii) No. of permissible attempts :

Four (Seven attemps of OBCs and no limit for SCs/STs (Para 3 (iv) of Notice)

(iv) Fee :

Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only)
(No fee for SCs/STs/Physically disabled only)

--Instructions to candidates for filling up the Application Form for the Indian Forest Service Examination, 2011.

Side 1 of Application Form

-Column 1 : Examination for which applying
Darken the circle against "IFS", in the box pertaining to Name of examination, write IFS starting from the first box on the left. Also write 2011 in the boxes meant for year of examination.
-Column 2 : Fee

--If you have paid the requisite fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only), darken circle 1 and write 1 in the box; or
--If you have not paid the fee and are claiming fee remission as SC, ST or Physically Handicapped, darken circle 2 and write 2 in the box.

--N.B. : Fee is payable only in the form of Central Recruitment Fee Stamp, as per instructions against Column 12.

--Column 3 :
(I) Whether Physically Handicapped?

--If you are not a physically handicapped person, darken circle 1 for No and write 1 in the box; or
If you are a physically handicapped person, darken circle 2 for yes and write 2 in the box.

(II) If yes, indicate category

Fill up this Column only if your answer to Column 3(I) is yes.
--If you are Orthopaedically handicapped, darken circle 1 and write 1 in the box; or
--If you are Blind, darken circle 2 and write 2 in the box; or
--If you are Deaf-Mute, darken circle 3 and write 3 in the box.

Column 4 : Community
If you belong to SC, darken circle 1 and write 1 in the box; or
If you belong to ST, darken circle 2 and write 2 in the box; or
If you belong to OBC, darken circle 3 and write 3 in the box; or
If you belong to General Category (Others), darken circle 4 and write 4 in the box.

Note 1 : Candidates belonging to OBCs but comming in the Creamy Layer and thus not being entitled to OBC reservation should indicate their community as "General Category (Others) Code No. 4".
Note 2 : Candidates belonging to neither SC, ST, nor OBC communities should write Code No. 4 (General Category) against the Column for Community and not leave it blank.
Note 3 : No change in the community status indicated by a candidate in his/her application form for the Examination will ordinarily be allowed by the Commission at a subsequent stage.

Column 5 : Sex
If you are Male, darken circle 1 and write 1 in the box; or
If you are Female, darken circle 2 and write 2 in the box;

Column 6 : Nationality

If you are an Indian national, darken circle 1 and write 1 in the box; or
If you are not an Indian national, darken circle 2 and write 2 in the box.

Column 7 : Name of the candidate
For filling up this column, first write in the boxes your full name (in English) in capital letters exactly as recorded in your Matriculation/High School/Secondary or equivalent examination certificate. Write a single letter in a box. Leave a box blank between any two parts of the name. Then darken the corresponding circle below each letter. Do not darken a circle below a blank box. Do not overshoot the boxes. Abbreviate name only if necessary. Do not use any prefix such as shri, Kum., Dr. etc with your name.
See sample filled up form in the brochure for guidance.

Column 8 : Date of Birth
Darken the appropriate circles for the day, month and year of your birth as recorded in your Matriculation/High School/Secondary or equivalent examination certificate. Then write in the boxes using numerals 01 to 31 for day; numerals 01 to 12 for month and the last two digits for the year of birth.
See sample filled up form in the brochure for guidance.

Column 9 : Father’s Name
Write your father’s name (in English) in capital letters. Write a single letter in each box. Leave a box blank between any two parts of the name. Do not use any prefix such as Shri, Dr. etc.

Column 10 : Address
Write your complete mailing address including your name in English capital letters or Hindi within the box provided for the purpose. Also write the PIN Code therein. Write with blue or black ball pen only. Do not write outside the box. Please note that this address will be photocopied as such in all letters to be sent to you and therefore, it should be very clearly and legibly written.
If you make any mistake in writing the address, cover the whole box with an exact sized white paper slip and rewrite your address on that.

Column 11 : Photograph
Paste firmly in the space provided your recent photograph of 4 cm. x 5 cm. size (preferably in Black & white). Do not staple the photograph. Photograph should neither be signed by you nor it should be got attested.

Column 12 : Space for CRF Stamp

Fee to be paid for the Indian Forest Service Examination is Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only). SC/ST and Physically Handicapped candidates are not required to pay any fee. No fee exemption is however available to OBC candidates and they are required to pay the prescribed full fee.

Fee is payable only through Central Recruitment Fee Stamp (Not postage stamps). No other mode of payment is acceptable. Obtain only one single CRF Stamp of Rs. 100/- denomination from the post office and paste it firmly within the box. After pasting the CRF Stamp on the form, get it cancelled from the post office of purchase in the space provided. Do not staple the CRF Stamp.

Side 2 of Application Form

Column 13 : (I) Are you residing in a remote area or abroad
If you are residing in a remote area specified in Para 6 of the Notice of the Examination or abroad, darken circle 1 against Yes and write 1 in the box; or
If you are not residing in a specified remote area/abroad, darken circle 2 against No and write 2 in the box.

N.B. : Candidates residing in a remote area specified in the Notice of the Examination or abroad are entitled to one week’s additional time for submission of application form.
(II) If yes, indicate area code :
Darken the appropriate circles for the area code as given below and then write the same code in the boxes.

Area Code Area Code
Assam 01 Sikkim 08
Meghalaya 02 Jammu & Kashmir 09
Arunachal Pradesh 03 Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh 10
Mizoram 04
Manipur 05 Andman & NicobarIsland 11
Nagaland 06 Lakshadweep 12
Tripura 07 Abroad 13

Column 14 : Examination Centre Code
Choose the Examination Centre from the list given below where you wish to appear and see its code. Darken the appropriate circles and then write the same code in the boxes. Do not indicate more than one centre.

List of Centres of Examination

Centre Code Centre Code Centre Code
Agartala 45 Gangtok 42 Panaji (Goa) 36
Ahmedabad Hyderabad 10 Patna 15
Aizawal 47 Imphal 44 Port Blair 37
Allahabad 02 Itanagar 48 Raipur 49
Bangalore 03 Jaipur 11 Ranchi 41
Bareilly 54 Jammu 34 Sambalpur 53
Bhopal 04 Jorhat 46 Shillong 16
Chandigarh 35 Kochi 24 Shimla 17
Chennai 12 Kohima 43 Srinagar 18
Cuttack 07 Kolkata 06 Thiruvananthapuram 19
Dehradun 14 Lucknow 26 Tirupati 50
Delhi 08 Madurai 40 Udaipur 52
Dharwar 39 Mumbai 05 Vishakhapatnam 51
Dispur 09 Nagpur 13

Column 15 : Educational Qualification Code

Codes prescribed for educational qualification are as follows : Code Educational qualification
01 If you have already passed the requisite qualifying Examination, with prescribed subject;
02 If you have appeared/appearing at the requisite qualifying Examination, with prescribed subject;
Choose the correct code applicable in your case and darken the appropriate circles. Write the same code in the boxes.
Note: For prescribed subjects see para 3 (iii) of Notice.

Column 16:
(I) Whether claiming age relaxation
If you are claiming age relaxation, darken circle 1 for Yes and write 1 in the box; or If you are not claiming age relaxation, darken circle 2 for No and write 2 in the box.
(II) If Yes, indicate category code Fill up this Column only if your response to Column 16(I) is Yes. Darken the appropriate circles for category codes given below and then write the same code in the boxes.
Category - Codes for Claiming Age Relaxation
(Refer Para 3(ii) (b) of Commission’s Notice published in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar)

Code No. Category Extent of Age Relaxation Permissible
01. SC and ST 5 years
02 OBC 3 years
03 Blind, deaf-mute and Orthopaedically handicapped persons. 10 years
04 Blind, deaf-mute and Orthopaedically handicapped persons + SC/ST 15 years
05 Blind, deaf-mute and Orthopaedically handicapped persons + OBC 13 years
06 Defence Services Personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof. 3 years
07 Defence Services Personnel(as against Code No. 06) + SC/ST 8 years
08 Defence Services Personnel(as against Code No. 06) + OBC 6 years
09 Ex-Servicemen including Commissioned offices and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least five years Military Service as on 1st January, 2011 and have been released (i) on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year from 1st January, 2011) otherwise than by way of dismi-ssal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency;or (ii) on account of physical disability attributable to Military Service; or (iii) on invalidment. 5 years
10 Ex-Servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs (as against Code No. 09) + SC/ST 10 years
11 Ex-Servicemen including + OBC Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs (as against Code No. 09) 8 years
12 ECOs/SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment of five years of Military Service as on 1st January,2011 and whose assignment has been extended beyond five years and in whose case the Ministry of Defence issues a certificate that they can apply for civil employment and that they will be released on three months notice on selection from the date of receipt of offer of appointment. 5 years
13 ECOs/SSCOs (as againstCode No. 12) + SC/ST 10 years
14 ECOs/SSCOs (as againstCode No. 12) + OBC 8 years
15 Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 1st January, 1980 to 31st December, 1989 5 years
16 Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of J & K (as against Code No. 15) + SC/ST 10 years
17 Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of J & K (as against Code No. 15) + OBC 8 years

(I) Optional subject
Choose any two optional subject from the list given below and see their codes. Darken the appropriate circles and then write the same code in the boxes.

(II) No. of attempts already made?
Write the number of attempts already made by you in the Indian Forest Services Examination in the boxes and darken the appropriate circles. If no attempt has been made by you earlier, darken circles 00 and write ‘00’ in the boxes.

Columns 21 and 22 :
Candidates appearing for the Indian Forest Services Examination 2011 are not required to fill any of these columns. They should, therefore, leave these Columns blank.

Column 23 : Declaration
The candidate must read the declaration carefully before signing. In Sub-para (i), the candidate must fill up the Examination Notice number viz. 06/2011 and date of publication of Notice in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar viz., 05.02.2011 in the spaces provided before the asterisk marks.

Column 24 : Signature of candidate
Make your usual signature in blue or black ball pen within the box provided. Your signature must not overflow or touch the border of the box provided. Do not merely write your name in capital letters in place of signature. Unsigned applications will be rejected.
Also write the place and date of signing the form in the spaces provided for the purpose.

Verify the following before mailing the application
1. That you have used the application form purchased from the designated Head Post Offices/Post Offices only.

2. That you have filled in all the relevant columns of the application form by blackening the appropriate circles and also writing the corresponding code(s) in boxes. It may be carefully checked that there is no variation between the entries made by you by darkening the circles and those written in the accompanying boxes.

3. That you have pasted your recent photograph preferably in black & white (unsigned and unattested) in column 11 of the application form.

4. That in case you are required to pay fee, you have affixed a Central Recruitment Fee Stamp of Rs. 100/- denomination in column 12 of the application form and have got it cancelled from the Post Office.

5. That you have signed in column 24 of the application form.

6. That only one application form and one acknowledgement card is being mailed in the envelope supplied to you with the Brochure and no other enclosure is attached therewith.

7. That you have written the name of examination viz., "Indian Forest Service Examination, 2011" on the envelope meant for despatch of application form and acknowledgement card. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES

Special instructions to Candidates for Conventional type of papers

Articles permitted inside Examination Hall
Battery-operated pocket calculators of “non-programmable” type only,
mathematical/engineering/drawing instruments, including a flat rule divided on the edges into inches and tens of an inch and into centimeters and millimeters, a slide rule, set squares, a protractor and a pair of compasses, pencils, coloured pencils, mapping pens, eraser, T-square and drawing board for use wherever necessary. Candidates are not allowed to bring with them any “Tables or Charts” for use in the Examination Hall.

Mobile phones, pagers or any other communication devices are not allowed inside the premises where the examination is being conducted. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future examinations.
Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned item including mobile phones/pagers to the venue of the examination, as arrangement for safekeeping can not be assured.

Tables to be supplied by UPSC
If it is considered necessary for answering the questions set in any paper, the Commission may supply any of the following for reference purpose only:-

(i) Mathematical/Physical, Chemical and Engineering Tables (including Logarithmic Tables);

(ii) Steam Table (including Mollier Diagrams for Temperature up to 800 C and Pressure up to 500 Kgf/Cm);

(iii) National Building Code of India 1970 or 1983 Group 2 Part VI;

(iv) Any other special articles as may be necessary for the candidates to answer the questions set in the question paper.

After conclusion of the examination, return the above items to the Invigilator.
Answers to be written in own hand
Write the answers in your own hand in ink. Pencil may be used for maps, mathematical drawings or rough work.

Check Answer Book
The candidate must write his roll number (and not his name) only in the space provided for the purpose on every answer book used by him. Before writing in the answer book, please see that it is complete. In case there are any missing pages, it should be got replaced.

Do not tear out any pages from the Answer Book. If you use more than one Answer Book, indicate on the cover of first Answer Book the total number of Answer Books used. Do not leave any blank, unused spaces between answers. If such spaces are left, score them out.

Answers in excess of prescribed number will be ignored
The candidate must attempt questions strictly in accordance with the directions given on each question paper. If questions are attempted in excess of the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining answers will be ignored.

Questions relating to graph/ récis should be attempted only on graph/ récis sheets to be supplied on demand by the Invigilators. All loose sheets such as récis sheet, drawing papers, graph sheets etc. whether used or not, should be placed inside the answer books and fastened along with the additional answer book(s), if any. Candidates who fail to observe this instruction will be penalized.
Do not write your roll number on these sheets.

Unfair means strictly prohibited
Do not copy from the papers of any other candidate nor allow your papers to be copied nor give nor attempt to give nor obtain nor attempt to obtain irregular assistance of any description. It will be responsibility to every candidate to ensure that his answers are not copied by another candidate. Failure to do so will invite penalty, as may be awarded by the Commission for adoption of unfair means.

Conduct in Examination Hall
Do not misbehave in any manner or create disorderly scene in the examination hall or harass or bodily harm the staff deployed for the conduct of examination. You will be severely penalized if you attempt to do so.

Please read carefully and abide by the instructions printed on the Question Paper and on the Answer Book supplied in the Examination Hall.

Preliminary examinations
The prelims are held around May-June.It has objective ie multiple choice questions. There are two papers (duration of each being 2 hrs).

a) General studies
b) Optional subject

The prelims are held around May-June.It has objective ie multiple choice questions. There are two papers (duration of each being 2 hrs). a) General studies and b)Optional subject: you can choose from Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Agriculture, Maths, Phy, Chem, Stats etc. Important: It is not compulsory to choose the same subjects of your graduation. The results are declared in July-August and the successful candidates are called for the main examinations. PS. The prelims score has no bearing for determining the final merit list for the services.

2. Main examination
The main written examination usually takes place in Oct-Nov, it comprises of 9 papers in all (a lot more strenuous than CAT!) Duration of each paper is 3 hrs. Language: one of the Indian languages, English, Essay GK and Current Affairs: 2 papers on general studies Optionals: papers from two subjects that fall in optional-1 and two papers from optional-2 (a choice of subjects is listed by the UPSC in the prospectus) Candidates who are successful in the main examinations are eligible for an interview which plays a crucial part in the selection.

The main written examination usually takes place in Oct-Nov, it comprises of 9 papers in all (a lot more strenuous than CAT!) Duration of each paper is 3 hrs. Language: one of the Indian languages, English, Essay GK and Current Affairs: 2 papers on general studies Optionals: papers from two subjects that fall in optional-1 and two papers from optional-2 (a choice of subjects is listed by the UPSC in the prospectus) Candidates who are successful in the main examinations are eligible for an interview which plays a crucial part in the selection.

3. The Interview
The interview calls are sent in March-April of the following year and they take place in the month of April-May. The Board of interviewers look for a well-adjusted personality with the social traits, integrity and qualities of leadership . PS. The number of candidates called for the interview is normally twice the number of vacancies.

The interview calls are sent in March-April of the following year and they take place in the month of April-May. The Board of interviewers look for a well-adjusted personality with the social traits, integrity and qualities of leadership . PS. The number of candidates called for the interview is normally twice the number of vacancies.

Here is a list of subjects for IAS/UPSC exams. Under each subject is provided reources regarding the subject that includes prelims and mains IAS syllabus as well as question papers, strategy and suggested readings for the subject. The IAS Syllabus and other services like the IPS and Income Tax is the same.

Part A - UPSC Preliminary Examination - Optional Subjects
General Studies
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Indian History
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Political Science
Public Administration

Part B - UPSC Main Examination - Optional Subjects
General Studies
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Indian History
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Political Science
Public Administration

good luck

: can u tell me that how many subjects we have to choose in Optional n in mains.
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8th January 2013, 12:50 PM
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 89
Default Re: Process of appearing for IAS exam? From where to buy the application forms? Minimum qualification, fee structure for IAS exam?

hiiiii,firstly for IAS exam you should be at least an graduate in any stream from recognized university.secondly your age for general should be 21 to 30 years and there is relaxation of age for sc,st.obc and PH. `application forms are released in the month of jan-feb you can check it from `upsc site www.upsc.gov and when they are available you can collect from post office or you can fill the form online also. `fee structure for filling form is only 100rs and there is relaxation of fees for female candidates.
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