3rd September 2010, 12:16 PM
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Projects related on Mathematics which provide Scholarships for BSc. Mathematics

i am doing B.Sc. in mathmatics.i am in 2 year. i want to know that is there any project related to mathematics which provide me scholarship?if yes,then please sand the details on my e-mail .

5th September 2010, 08:08 AM
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Default Re: Projects related on Mathematics which provide Scholarships for BSc. Mathematics


Undergraduate programmes in Mathematics


G100 BSc Math: BSc (3 year full time)

G101 BSc/Math 4: (4 year sandwich)

G103 MMath/M: MMath (4 year full time)

G104 MMath/M5 MMath (5 year sandwich)

These single subject degree programmes provide a broad study of the important areas of mathematics.

The aim in the first two years of these programmes is to give students a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of mathematics and develop their analytical capabilities through a balanced study of pure mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics and mathematical modelling. Since the great majority of mathematical models describing physical applications cannot be solved analytically, numerical methods of solution are introduced and implemented using the University’s extensive computing facilities.

As the programmes progress the number of optional modules increase. In the final year, in particular, students can choose from a very wide range of optional modules and construct a programme that reflects their particular interests and career aspirations. Students attaining a sufficiently high standard have the opportunity to apply their mathematical expertise by undertaking a final year individual project normally related to the research area of a member of staff.

Students have the opportunity to incorporate a one-year placement into the academic degree (sandwich programmes), which should particularly appeal to those interested in careers in business, commerce, computing and applied research.

A small number of places are available annually, on a competitive basis, for students to spend the first semester of their final year at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, USA.

The four year full-time programme leads to a degree of MMath and is primarily designed for students to study certain mathematical topics to a rather deeper level, particularly topics which are related to research interests of members of staff. Students admitted to the BSc programme and attaining a sufficiently high standard may be invited to transfer to the MMath programme during the first two years of their study.

Merit based scholarships are available for both the BSc and MMath programmes.

Personal tutors are assigned to each student to provide help and guidance throughout their entire studies.

good luck.
24th September 2010, 02:03 AM
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Default Re: Projects related on Mathematics which provide Scholarships for BSc. Mathematics

scholarship will be provided to you only after completed your graduation with a good percentage and apply for a scholarship for the higher studies.making a good project helps you only to get good academic records .so try your best.
29th October 2010, 07:19 PM
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Default Re: Projects related on Mathematics which provide Scholarships for BSc. Mathematics

Hello friend,
Projects done during graduation will help u for better placement.. and about scholarship...If u have done a very good project ..for example during your intern ..then that may help u for scholarship as well as for further scholarship.i.e the company/organisation for which are u working may sponser for ur studies.
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19th January 2011, 08:29 PM
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Default Re: Projects related on Mathematics which provide Scholarships for BSc. Mathematics

After you degree what type of job you can do?
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25th June 2011, 06:53 PM
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Default Re: Projects related on Mathematics which provide Scholarships for BSc. Mathematics

i am doing B.Sc. in mathmatics.i have already completed 1 year. i want to know that is there any project related to mathematics which provide me scholarship? if yes,then please send the details on my e-mail .
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26th August 2011, 11:24 PM
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Default Re: Projects related on Mathematics which provide Scholarships for BSc. Mathematics

i'm am doing B.Sc. in mathmatics.i have already completed 1 year. i want to know that is there any project related to mathematics which provide me scholarship? if yes,then please send the details on my e-mail
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2nd February 2012, 08:41 PM
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Default Re: Projects related on Mathematics which provide Scholarships for BSc. Mathematics

i am doing my degree in BSc mathematics. can you please suggest me a suitable topic for my project work ?
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10th July 2012, 07:44 PM
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Default Re: Projects related on Mathematics which provide Scholarships for BSc. Mathematics

helo sir as i am pursuing BSC maths(h) i want to know if i can get to know about any project please tell me
i want to know it please.....
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25th July 2012, 12:06 PM
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Default Re: Projects related on Mathematics which provide Scholarships for BSc. Mathematics

i am doing B.Sc. in mathmatics.i have completed my graduation. i want to know that is there any project related to mathematics which provide me scholarship?if yes,then please sand the details on my [email protected]
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16th August 2012, 10:50 PM
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Default Re: Projects related on Mathematics which provide Scholarships for BSc. Mathematics

I need project topics on mathematics for B.sc.Ed
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19th December 2012, 02:35 PM
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Default Re: Projects related on Mathematics which provide Scholarships for BSc. Mathematics

i am in bsc second year i want to do mathematics as a major subject for third year send me the details colleges or etc on my e-mail address
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11th January 2013, 02:30 PM
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Default Re: Projects related on Mathematics which provide Scholarships for BSc. Mathematics

I am doing my degree in Bsc mathematics, can u please suggest a suitable topic for my project work.
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19th January 2013, 09:03 PM
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 1
Default Re: Projects related on Mathematics which provide Scholarships for BSc. Mathematics

email me a project topics on B.Sc mathematics for final year student
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14th October 2013, 01:39 AM
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Default Re: Projects related on Mathematics which provide Scholarships for BSc. Mathematics

Project Topics in maths
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