25th July 2011, 02:42 PM
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Which subjects I choose in 12th?

plz guide me what i have to do after 12th I mean which-2 subjects.............. i should choose???????????m plz reply...................

31st July 2011, 01:30 PM
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Default Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

it totally depends on your choice and the marks you got in different subjects.

if you are interested in maths and physics you should choose PCM

if you are intereted in social science you can choose arts

you can also choose commerce and medical field.

you should first decide what you are interested in and what you want to be in future
and then select the appropriate stream.

good luck
31st July 2011, 05:38 PM
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Default Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

I hope you have not decided about your future and career.First of all choose what you want to become i.e have your own aims and ambitions and later decide about which course to choose in your 12th. Depending upon your goals you can choose which course to join.

This stream usually takes you closer to the path of being an Engineer.
Through this stream you can attend a number of competitive exams like IIT JEE, AIEEE, BISAT, Amrutha Entrance test,VITEEE and other State Level entrance tests.If scored well in these competitive exams then you will have a chance to study in one of the best Institute's in India.

This group definitely has an advantage over other groups because it has got lot of career options compared to the medical and commerce stream students.There are even many other career options which you can choose for like CA, BBM, BBA, Aviation Courses, BHM, B.Sc..etc


Its a purely medical stream and students taking over this course have various career options like Doctor(in various streams),Pharmacist,Dentist,.etc
Through this stream you can attend a number of competitive exams like AFMC, AIPMT, AIIMS,.etc.All these medical entrance exam are conducted for taking up candidates into MBBS stream.You can even go through a number of other courses like BDS(Dental course), B.Pharmacy, B.Sc(Bio-technology) and other such courses.

There are even courses like Commerce through which you can choose B.com and later take up M.com.
31st July 2011, 05:55 PM
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Wink Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
plz guide me what i have to do after 12th I mean which-2 subjects.............. i should choose???????????m plz reply...................
Dear friend this is totally depend on you, in which subjects you are more interested............

This is decide only by you because read subject to you then any one how can determined...........

3 stream you have taken


This is very important for ENGINEERING.............


This is used for MEDICAL LINE


Which is used for simple courses.



Which is used for CA.............
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31st July 2011, 05:58 PM
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Default Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

it's basically depends on your interest.Now a days a demand for B.Tech rapidly comes down . but if you are interested in engineering choose M.P.C stream in 12th and work hard for AIEEE or PILANI . It's better to do Engineering in NIT's or IIT's otherwise it's waste to do engineering in local colleges. If you are interested in medicine then choose Bi.P.C in 12th . Now the demand for Chattered Accountant (C.A)is very high if you like maths too then you can go for M.E.C if i was in your position i'll definitely choose M.E.C to become C.A...
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31st July 2011, 06:00 PM
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Default Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

First you have to decide what you will become.

Then choose the course related to it in 12th.Better you can select 1st group(Biology,maths,physics,chemistry).Because,if you select that,then you can select any course in your college studies.
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31st July 2011, 06:02 PM
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Default Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

For your information you can choose any subject according to your intrest.

You have to choose any field in which you want to go and choose subject according to that field.there are various courses available in 12th you can choose any one.

If you are intrested in Engineering or Medical field you have to choose Science subject.For engineering you have to choose PCM and for Medical field you have to choose PCB subject.

If you want to go in business field then you have to choose commerce subject.this is best for business student.

If you are not intrested in these branch you can take Arts in 12th.
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31st July 2011, 06:04 PM
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Default Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

hi dear
In 12th there is different subject
that will choose for your choice
but i will give you details

If you want to move Science back ground then
you choose Physics,chemstry.
then if you go for medical line then choose Biology,mathas 4th optional

if you go for engineering then go for Math, IT as 4th optional..

if you go purely technical,then you go after 10th you go for Diploma.

option is your choose your self.........
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31st July 2011, 06:13 PM
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Default Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

hi, basically there are mainly two broad groups
2.commerce group

the subjects are mathematics, physics,chemistry,biology/computer.
If you choose biology you can do either engineering or medical branches and other degree branches too.
If you choose computer you can not get into medical field but can do other fields

Civil,mechanical,electrical,computer etc

MBBS,B.Pharm,nursing ,etc


the subjects are commerce, accountancy, economics/history,bussiness maths/computer
with commerce group you can do BBA,BA,BCOM, ETC
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31st July 2011, 06:23 PM
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Default Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

you choose your subject in which you are intersted.
there are lots of scope in the science stream.
you also go for b. sc
and also choose the way of engineering and if you are intersted then also choose the way of medical science...
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31st July 2011, 06:36 PM
Vikas Abhishek
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Default Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
plz guide me what i have to do after 12th I mean which-2 subjects.............. i should choose???????????m plz reply...................
Hi friend,you can choose three options to choose in your 12th.These are:-
1.You can choose PCM as your main combination in your 12th which stands for Physics,Chemistry and Mathematics.After choosing this combination,you will have the scope ofbecoming an engineer.
1.You can choose PCB,that is,Physics,Chemistry and Biology if you want to become a doctor in future.
3.You can go for commerce stream also which has many options too.
So,decide your aim in future and choose according to that.
Best of luck.
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31st July 2011, 06:59 PM
great man
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Smile Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

the soul is a great teacher...ask it to ur self rather then others...which stream you love most
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31st July 2011, 07:23 PM
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Default Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

Which subjects I choose in 12th?

I hope you have not decided about your future and career.First of all choose what you want to become i.e have your own aims and ambitions and later decide about which course to choose in your 12th. Depending upon your goals you can choose which course to join.

This stream usually takes you closer to the path of being an Engineer.
Through this stream you can attend a number of competitive exams like IIT JEE, AIEEE, BISAT, Amrutha Entrance test,VITEEE and other State Level entrance tests.If scored well in these competitive exams then you will have a chance to study in one of the best Institute's in India.

This group definitely has an advantage over other groups because it has got lot of career options compared to the medical and commerce stream students.There are even many other career options which you can choose for like CA, BBM, BBA, Aviation Courses, BHM, B.Sc..etc


Its a purely medical stream and students taking over this course have various career options like Doctor(in various streams),Pharmacist,Dentist,.etc
Through this stream you can attend a number of competitive exams like AFMC, AIPMT, AIIMS,.etc.All these medical entrance exam are conducted for taking up candidates into MBBS stream.You can even go through a number of other courses like BDS(Dental course), B.Pharmacy, B.Sc(Bio-technology) and other such courses.

There are even courses like Commerce through which you can choose B.com and later take up M.com.

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31st July 2011, 07:48 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

Hi friend,

Choosing a subject in 12th std will affect your future so you must first

choose your career. You must decide what you will be in future. If you want

to become a scientist or engineer or any department belonging to science

choose pure science or PCM(physics chemistry maths with biology or

computer science). If you want your career to be in arts or management side

or accountancy you can choose commerce stream as your group in 11th.
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31st July 2011, 07:51 PM
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Default Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

hello dear

see, you have not mention the stream which you want to take in 12th.

you can take




in the science stream you can choose given below subjects

Physics, Chem,Math combination.

Physics, Chem,biology combination.

Physics, Chem,geography combination.


all the best.......
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31st July 2011, 08:22 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
plz guide me what i have to do after 12th I mean which-2 subjects.............. i should choose???????????m plz reply...................
Class 12 is a place from where your career will start. So select the subject/stream in class 12 carefully because one wrong decision can change your whole life forever.

If you are interested to go in Engineering line in future then you should select MATHEMATICS subject.

If you want to be a medical student then you should take BIOLOGY subject in 12.

If you want to make your career in banking sector then you should select COMMERCE stream/subject in class 12.

If you go in civil line then you should select ARTS in your class 12.

So think care fully and then make your decision care fully........

ALL THE BEST...........
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31st July 2011, 08:44 PM
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Default Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

Which subjects I choose in 12th?

I hope you have not decided about your future and career.First of all choose what you want to become i.e have your own aims and ambitions and later decide about which course to choose in your 12th. Depending upon your goals you can choose which course to join.

This stream usually takes you closer to the path of being an Engineer.
Through this stream you can attend a number of competitive exams like IIT JEE, AIEEE, BISAT, Amrutha Entrance test,VITEEE and other State Level entrance tests.If scored well in these competitive exams then you will have a chance to study in one of the best Institute's in India.

This group definitely has an advantage over other groups because it has got lot of career options compared to the medical and commerce stream students.There are even many other career options which you can choose for like CA, BBM, BBA, Aviation Courses, BHM, B.Sc..etc


Its a purely medical stream and students taking over this course have various career options like Doctor(in various streams),Pharmacist,Dentist,.etc
Through this stream you can attend a number of competitive exams like AFMC, AIPMT, AIIMS,.etc.All these medical entrance exam are conducted for taking up candidates into MBBS stream.You can even go through a number of other courses like BDS(Dental course), B.Pharmacy, B.Sc(Bio-technology) and other such courses.

There are even courses like Commerce through which you can choose B.com and later take up M.com.

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31st July 2011, 08:45 PM
amisha rath
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Default Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

hey friend

generally many students confuse about this point

there are various streams
1.science group
b.maths bio


3. biotechnology

if you are interested in technology then do engineering
if you are interested in medical fields then bio
if want to be in business/management
then commerce

you can also choose arts then mass media communication
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31st July 2011, 08:59 PM
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Smile Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

The subject you choose in 12th its totally depend on your interest.

if you are interested in doing maths,physics and chemistry and want to become an engineer than it is better to choose science+maths

if you are interested in bio,chemistry,physics and want to become a doctor than it is better to choose science + bio

and if you are interested in any other stream like for charted accountant you should take commerce

and for going in IAS RAS you should join arts but it is not fully necessary you can prepare for admistrative services with any other stream also.

hope you understand and choose a right stream for yourself.
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31st July 2011, 09:07 PM
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Default Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
plz guide me what i have to do after 12th I mean which-2 subjects.............. i should choose???????????m plz reply...................
it all depend upon you and your marks......

your marks will decide that you are best in what .....

and first of all select your aim and move toward it......

then choose the stream.....

Best of Luck....
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9th February 2012, 04:45 PM
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Default Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

Dear friend this is totally depend on you, in which subjects you are more interested............

This is decide only by you because read subject to you then any one how can determined...........

3 stream you have taken


This is very important for ENGINEERING.............


This is used for MEDICAL LINE


Which is used for simple courses.


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11th February 2012, 07:38 PM
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Default Re: Which subjects I choose in 12th?

it is good.gnerally if we take commerce in 11 class it is mathmetical subject.if any one take mathmaticswith commmerce ,it wiil good understanding for student.student can develop their mathmetical skill.it has nany future aspects.
these future aspects are it is good for higher education.if anyone take mathmatics &commerce it will good for study in BCA(bachelor of computer application) & MCA(master of commputer application).it is also good for BSTAT & BMATH& it will help for BCOM(bachellor of comarce) just like as accountancy honouers.thats all
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