13th March 2011, 12:48 PM
Syllabus for BBA CET in IP University?
please tell me what come's in BBA cet paper in ip univesity
13th March 2011, 04:03 PM
BBA 101: Principles of Management L-4 T/P-0 Credits-4 Objectives:
The course aims at providing fundamental knowledge and exposure to the concepts, theories and practices in the field of management. Course contents: Unit I lectures:- 14 Introduction: Concept, nature, process and significance of management; Managerial levels, skills, functions and roles; Management Vs. Administration; Coordination as essence of management; Development of management thought: classical, neo-classical, behavioral, systems and contingency approaches. Unit II lectures:- 14 Planning: Nature, scope and objectives of planning; Types of plans; Planning process; Business forecasting; MBO; Concept, types, process and techniques of decision-making; Bounded Rationality. Organising: Concept, nature, process and significance; Principles of an organization; Span of Control; Departmentation; Types of an organization; Authority-Responsibility; Delegation and Decentralization; Formal and Informal Organization. Unit III lectures:- 14 Staffing: Concept, Nature and Importance of Staffing. Motivating and Leading: Nature and Importance of motivation; Types of motivation; Theories of motivation-Maslow, Herzberg, X, Y and Z; Leadership – meaning and importance; Traits of a leader; Leadership Styles – Likert’s Systems of Management, Tannenbaum & Schmidt Model and Managerial Grid. Unit IV lectures:-6 Controlling: Nature and Scope of control; Types of Control; Control process; Control techniques – traditional and modern; Effective Control System. Text Books1. Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert Jr.;M a n a g e m e n t , Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003. 2. Gupta, C.B.; Management Concepts and Practices, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 2003. Reference Books 1.Koontz. O Donnel and Weirich-“Management”,Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company,New Delhi,2001. 2.R.K.Chopra-“Principles&Pracitices of Management”, Sun India Publication. 3.P.C.Tripathi and P.N.Reddy,” Principles&Pracitices of Management”,2nd edition,Tata McGrawHill. BBA GGS Indraprastha University BBA 103: Business Economics-I L-4 T-0 Credit-4 Objectives: The objective of this subject is to give understanding of the basic concepts and issues in business economics and their application in business decisions. Course Contents: Unit I lectures:-6 Introduction to Business Economics and Fundamental concepts Nature, Scope, Definitions of Business Economics, Difference Between Business Economic and Economics, Contribution and Application of Business Economics to Business. Micro Vs. Macro Economics. Opportunity Costs, Time Value of Money, Marginalism, Incrementalism, Market forces and Equilibrium, Risk, Return and Profits. Unit II lectures:-18 Consumer Behaviour and Demand Analysis Cardinal Utility Approach: Diminishing Marginal Utility, Law of Equi-Marginal Utility. Ordinal Utility Approach: Indifference Curves, Marginal Rate of Substitution, Budget Line and Consumer Equilibrium. Theory of Demand, Law of Demand, Movement along Vs. Shift in Demand Curve, Concept of Measurement of Elasticity of Demand, Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand, Income Elasticity of Demand, Cross Elasticity of Demand, Advertising Elasticity of Demand and Expectation Elasticity of Demand. Demand Forecasting: Need, Objectives and Methods (Brief) Unit III lectures:-6 Theory of Production Meaning and Concept of Production, Factors of Production and production function. Fixed and Variable Factors. Law of Variable Proportion (Short Run Production Analysis), Law of Returns to a Scale (Long Run Production Analysis) through the use of ISOQUANTS. Unit IV lectures:-10- Cost Analysis & Price Output Decisions Concept of Cost, Cost Function, Short Run Cost, Long Run Cost, Economies and Diseconomies of Scale. Explicit Cost and Implicit Cost, Private and Social Cost. Pricing Under Perfect Competition, Pricing Under Monopoly, Control of Monopoly, Price Discrimination, Pricing Under Monopolistic Competition, Pricing Under Oligopoly. Computer and it’s evolution Evolution of computer, Data, Instruction and Information, Characteristics of computers, Various fields of application of computers, Various fields of computer (Hardware, Software, Human ware and Firmware), Advantages and Limitations of computer, Block diagram of computer, Function of different units of computer, Classification of computers i) On the basis of technology (Digital, Analog and Hybrid)ii) On the basis of processing speed and storage capacity (Micro, Mini, mainframe and Super),iii. On the basis of Purpose(General & Special) Different Generation of computers (I to V), Types of software (System and Application), Compiler and Interpreter, Generation of language (Machine Level, Assembly, High Level, 4GL) Data Representation: Different Number System (Decimal, Binary, Octal and hexadecimal) and their inter conversion (Fixed Point Only), Binary Arithmetic (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division) Unit II lectures:-8 Input and Output Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, Digitizer, Scanner, MICR, OCR, OMR, Light Pen, Touch Screen, Bar Code Reader, Voice Input Device, Monitor and it’s type (VGA, SVGA and XGA), Printer and it’s type (Impact and Non-Impact with example), Plotter Computer Memory: Primary Memory (ROM and it’s type – PROM, EPROM,EEPROM, RAM) Secondary memory- SASD, DASD Concept, Magnetic Disks – Floppy disks, Hard disks, Magnetic Tape, Optical disks – CD ROM and it’s type (CD ROM, CD ROM-R, CD ROM-EO, DVD ROM Flash Memory Unit III lectures:-10 Operating System Concept: Introduction to operating system; Function of OS, Types of operating systems, Booting Procedure, Start-up sequence, Details of basic system configuration, Important terms like Directory, File, Volume, Label, Drive name, etc. |
23rd March 2011, 05:17 PM
tell me
ip bba cet syllabus |
14th May 2011, 06:42 PM
The questions in CET for admission to BBA programs will comprise of question from
following sections. (i) English Language & Comprehension-(25%), (ii) General Awareness-(25%) (iii) Logical and Analytical Ability -(25%) (iv) Aptitude relating to the field of Management and for Communication Skills-(25%). |
14th May 2011, 08:42 PM
BBA 101: Principles of Management L-4 T/P-0 Credits-4 Objectives:
The course aims at providing fundamental knowledge and exposure to the concepts, theories and practices in the field of management. Course contents: Unit I lectures:- 14 Introduction: Concept, nature, process and significance of management; Managerial levels, skills, functions and roles; Management Vs. Administration; Coordination as essence of management; Development of management thought: classical, neo-classical, behavioral, systems and contingency approaches. Unit II lectures:- 14 Planning: Nature, scope and objectives of planning; Types of plans; Planning process; Business forecasting; MBO; Concept, types, process and techniques of decision-making; Bounded Rationality. Organising: Concept, nature, process and significance; Principles of an organization; Span of Control; Departmentation; Types of an organization; Authority-Responsibility; Delegation and Decentralization; Formal and Informal Organization. Unit III lectures:- 14 Staffing: Concept, Nature and Importance of Staffing. Motivating and Leading: Nature and Importance of motivation; Types of motivation; Theories of motivation-Maslow, Herzberg, X, Y and Z; Leadership – meaning and importance; Traits of a leader; Leadership Styles – Likert’s Systems of Management, Tannenbaum & Schmidt Model and Managerial Grid. Unit IV lectures:-6 Controlling: Nature and Scope of control; Types of Control; Control process; Control techniques – traditional and modern; Effective Control System. Text Books1. Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert Jr.;M a n a g e m e n t , Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003. 2. Gupta, C.B.; Management Concepts and Practices, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 2003. Reference Books 1.Koontz. O Donnel and Weirich-“Management”,Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company,New Delhi,2001. 2.R.K.Chopra-“Principles&Pracitices of Management”, Sun India Publication. 3.P.C.Tripathi and P.N.Reddy,” Principles&Pracitices of Management”,2nd edition,Tata McGrawHill. |
16th May 2011, 01:14 AM
GGSIU BBA CET:- is a common entrance test conducted by Indraprastha
University, Delhi to select students for various professional and technical courses. Important Dates Last Dates of Receipt CET Application:- 25 April 2011 CET exam Date:- 28 May 2011,10.30 to 1.00 PM The BBA CET question paper consist of following topics. English Language General Knowledge Numerical Abilities Logical reasoning It will be purely based on (10+2) level knowledge. |
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