25th February 2011, 10:29 PM
Syllabus for ISRO Scientist recruitment test for EC stream?
what is syllabus for ECE exam,
26th February 2011, 09:15 PM
Re: Syllabus for ISRO Scientist recruitment test for EC stream?
27th February 2011, 11:14 PM
Re: Syllabus for ISRO Scientist recruitment test for EC stream?
Questions in ISRO come from technical courses and some aptitude and some english and reasoning quesions. The reasoning questions are both verbal and non verbal.
28th February 2011, 07:13 PM
Re: Syllabus for ISRO Scientist recruitment test for EC stream?
some syllabus related Threads: * C# Certification Syllabus * Exam code for ISTQB foundation level exam * ISRO Scientist Enterance Test Syllabus * ISRO Electronics and CSE model questions * OCA 9i and OCP 9i Syllabus some questions related ISRO syllabus- ISRO SAMPLE TEST PAPER ON 15th JULY2006 AT DELHI Hi to all, . If sampling frequency doubles then a) Quantization noise decreases b) Quantization density decreases c) Quantization noise increases d) Quantization density increases 2. Two signals of 2GHz and 4GHz are frequency modulated on same carrier 10 GHz. Find the ratio of frequency deviation if band widths of both are equal. a) 1:2 b)2:1 c) 1:1 d) 1:4 3. Gray code of 111 is 4. 3X512+7X64+5X8+3 then value in binary form contains _______ number of 1?s. a) 7 b) 6 c) 9 d) none 5. The 2?s compliment of decimal number 19 in 8-bit system is a) 11101101 6) The high gain codes are a) Turbo codes b) BCH codes c) R-S codes 7) BCH codes are of the type________ a) Convolutional type b) c) 8) Time constant of LC circuit is a) L/R b) L/R2 c) RL 9) If R is doubled and C is halved then frequency of series RLC circuit is 10) The solution for the equation (D2+4) y=sin2x is 11) Laplace Transform of sin3x is 12) The Z-transform for the series is X [n] = { 7; n= -1 {5 n=0 { 1 n=1 {0 else 13) The magic Tee is a a) 4 port tee b) c) 14) The register which holds the address of the next instruction is a) Program counter b) c) 15) The antenna gain is given by...............? a 16) The satellite is in 630km orbit and transmitting at a frequency 5 MHz, when satellite is on your head the Doppler shift is-------- a) b) c) 0 d) 17) The impedance of a lossless transmission line is a) ?(L/C) 18) A 50?line with load impedance 100? the VSWR is 19) In a waveguide measurement, the forward power is 10mW, the reverse power is 1mW then VSWR is _____________ 20) Transmitted power is 100W, gain of the transmitter antenna is 30 dB and the path loss is 50 dB then received power is 21) When transmitted power is 100mW and the path loss 100 dBm then received power is a) -80 dBm 22) When a em wave is incident normally on a perfect conductor then a) Totally reflected b) partially reflected c) Totally transmitted d) none. 23) Zsc =100? Zoc =1? then Zo is a) 1? b) 10? c)___d)__ 24) When the operating wavelength of line is ?/4<?<?/2, the impedance is a) Capacitive b) inductive c) ____ D) none 25) The value of L if source is 50V AC of 10 KHz frequency and current is 7.96 A. a) ____ 26) The resonant frequency is 50MHz bandwidth 100 KHz then Q factor is a) ______ b)_______ c)?.. 27)The Q factor of a series RLC circuit is a)??b)?? 28) Q value of a parallel RLC circuit is ________ a)??b)?. 29) If the lines x+y+3=0, x-2y+7=0, 2x+ky+5=0 are required to be concurrent then the value of k is___ a) ___ b)?.. 30) The vectors i-2j+k, 2i+3j-k,R are the complete, then r is given by ______ 31) If a satellite revolving with angular velocity w and the velocity is v then Curl v is _______ a) w b) 2w c) w 2 d) ?.. 32) If each stage amplifier contains 10dB gain the figure of merit of 2-stages is Given by ?? 33) The maximum rate possible in kbps if F=15 and bandwidth is 4 KHz is??. 34) The maximum time allowed for each flip flop for a ripple counter of mod-1024 , if clock given to it is 1MHz is ??.. 35) The maximum time allowed time for each flip flop for a mod 10 synchronous counter if each flip flop delay is 25ns. a) 25 ns b) 50 ns c) 100 ns d) none 36) The high speed for CML gate is due to operating it in --------- region. a) non saturation 37)In a micro processor the wait states are inserted to a) make the processor to wait during DMA operation b) make the processor to wait during an interrupt processing c) make the processor wait during a power shutdown. d) interface the slow peripherals to the processor. 38) In a digital voltmeter the ADC?s used are of type 1. successive 2.flash type 3. Dual slope in ascending order of time is 1. a) 2,1,3 b) 1,2,3 c) 3,1,2 d) none 39) The number of NAND gates are required to implement A?B (XOR), assuming compliments not available ????. 40) The resolution for a DAC is given by 0.4% then no. of bits of DAC is a) 8- bits 41) The chip capacity is 256 bits, then the no. of chips required to build 1024 B memory Is???. 1. a) 32 b) 16 c) 15) 42) Which of the following are correct? 1. A flip-flop is used to store 1-bit of information 2. Race around condition occurs in JK flip flop when both the inputs are 1 3. Master slave flip flop is used to store 2 bits of information 4. A transparent latch consists of a D- flip flop a) 1, 2,3 b) 1,3,4 (ANS) c)1,2,4 d) 2,3,4 43) The bit rate of a QPSK compared to BPSK is a)half b) double c) same 44) There are 5 red balls and 5 black balls in a box. The probability to select 2 balls one after other without reputing is, a) 2/9 b) 1/90 c) 11/90 d) none 45) The rms voltage is obtained by multiplying peak by a factor a) 1/?2 46) H(s)=S/(S+a) is a transfer function of ______ a) LPF b) Notch c) BPF d) HPF 47) Resistance of a 2 parallel resistors is 12? and the effective resistance when one resistor broke is 18? then the value of resistance in another is_________ 48)The output of a phase modulator when input applied is integrating signal is a)FM b) AM c) PM d) none 49) For a transformer the losses which vary with load are a) core losses b) copper losses c) Hysterises losses d) none. 50) The waves which cannot be transmitted in waveguide are a) TE b) TEM c) TM d) none 51) Duplexer is a a) circulatory only b)only transmitter filter c) only receiver filter d) both transmitter and receiver filter 52) ?(t) represents impulse then ?( ?(t) cos 2t )dot with limits 0 to infinity is a) 1, b) -1 c) infinity d ) 0 53) ?1/(x?(x2-a2)) dx is A)cosec2x ================================================== ======== Discipline : Computer Science Total no of questions: 80 Duration: 90 minutes Marking: +3 for correct answer -1 for wrong Total sections : 1 Mode : Offcampus Discipline Wise Questions Questions on PASCAL code Networking Binary Tree Stack & Queue concept GateS (AND OR NAND NOR XOR...) Full adder / subtrecter ckt Data structure basics C funda Page fault and other computer architech. fundamentals Internet basics Sin Cosine waves based questions I attended the ISRO test on 8th aug it was of GATE pattern mostly of Handa book. 80 ques--- Some of the ques i remember....hope it would be useful... 1. The root directory of disk should be placed at_____ --->at a fixed location on the system disk. 2. DNS is basically used to ____ ----->i wrote --to have a hierarchical structure. 3.one more ques on DNS 4. abt TCP and UDP 5. TCP's which layer is there for the OSI's first three layers. 6. Multiprocessing models have--- a)symmetric b)unsymmetric models c)none of the above d) both 7. BCDhave binary nos in a)bis b) bytes c)nibble 8. Top-down parser .... a) leftmost derivation b)rightmost derivation c)leftmost derivation in reverse d)rightmost derivation in reverse 9.Loop which avoids check at every iteration a)loop controlling b) loop jamming 10.one tree was given and some expressions were there and we have to find the correct postfix exprn 11.abt logic gates 12.worst case of Shell sort 13.sine wave can be split into a)set of sine waves b)set of sine waves with phase zero 14.full binary tree with n vertices has how many leaf nodes somethng like this... 15.complete graph with n vertices and somethng 16.in a cyclic graph with n vertices how many minimum edges a)n b)n/2... 1.The minimum number of edges in a connected cyclic graph on n vertices is a) n-1 b) n c) n+1 d)none of these 2.A full binary tree with n non leaf nodes contains a) n nodes b) log n nodes c)2n-1 nodes d)2n nodes 3.The time complexity of shell sort a) O(n) b) O(log n) c) O(n 1.2 ) d)O(n2) 4.The time taken to insert an element after an element pointed by some pointer a) O(1) b) O(log n) c) O(n) d) O(nlogn) 5. what is the name given to the first generation computer? a) Binary language b)Machine language c)Assembly language 6.The root directory of a disk should be placed a) at a fixed address in main memory b) at a fixed location on disk c) anywhere on disk. 7.A top down parser generates a) right most derivation b) left most derivation c) right most derivation in reverse d) left most derivation in reverse 8.what is the name of the OS that reads and reacts in terms of actual time? a)batch system b)time sharing c)real time 9.FDDI is a a)ring network b)star network c)mesh network 10.Computer memory consists of a)ROM b)PROM c)RAM d)all the above |
13th March 2014, 09:08 PM
Re: Syllabus for ISRO Scientist recruitment test for EC stream?
can u plz mail the syllabus for BE001 Scientist/Engineer SC - Electronics
here is my email id [email protected] |
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