8th November 2011, 03:40 PM
Syllabus of MCA 1st semester? What is the exam pattern?
i want to know the syallubs of mca 1st samester and paper style
8th November 2011, 05:50 PM
Detail syllabus as follows: Computer Organisation & Architecture Data and number representation- binary-complement representation, BCD-ASCII, conversion of numbers from one Number system to the other, (r-1)’s & r’s complement representation, binary arithmetic. Structure of a digital machine (VON-Neumann architecture), Logic gates, basic logic operations, truth tables, Boolean expression, simplification. Combination circuits, adders, multiplexer, Sequential circuits, Registers. ROM, PROM, EPROM and dynamic RAM, Digital Components, bus structure- Address bus, Data bus & DMA controller. Karnaugh Map, Coder, Decoder, Counter – Asynchronous & Synchronous. Flip Flops – RS, JK, and D &T. Basic Computer Organisation & Design, Micro-programmed Control. Data representation, Register transfer & micro-operations, Central processing unit, Pipeline & vector processing, Computer arithmetic. Input - output organisation, Memory organisation, Microprocessors (8085), Personal Computing. CPU architecture, instruction format, addressing mode, stacks and handling of interrupts. Assembly language – Elementary problems. Books: 1.Computer System Architecture, Morris Mano, PHI 2.Computer Organization, Hamacher, MGH 3. Computer Architecture, Carter, Schaum Outline Series, TMH 4.System Architecture, Buad, VIKAS 5.The Fundamentals of Computer Organization, Raja Rao, Scitech 6.Computer Organization & Design, Pal Chowdhury, PHI Business Systems and Applications Use of computers for managerial applications Technology issues and data and information processing in organisations Introduction to Information Systems, shift in Information system thinking, latest trends in Information Technology Computer Based Information Systems- office automation systems, decision making and MIS, transaction processing systems, decision support system, Group Decision Support, Executive Information systems, DSS generator Overview on: - 1) Artificial Intelligence based systems, end user computing, distributed data processing, Knowledge Management, Business system. 2) Deciding on IS architecture, IT leadership & IS strategic planning, IS strategy and effects of IT on competition 3) ERP, re-engineering work processes for IT applications, Business Process Redesign COURSE STRUCTURE FOR MCA 8 Knowledge engineering and data warehouse. Books: 1.Management Information System, O’Brien, TMH,5 th Ed. 2. Management Information System, Kelkar,PHI 3. Management Information System, Jawadekar, TMH 4.Business Information Systems, Munish Kumar,VIKAS 5.ERP:Concepts & Practice, Garg,2 nd Ed, PHI 6.Businss Application in Computer, M.M.Oka,EPH 7. Management Information System,M.M.Oka,EPH Computer Programming with C Overview of C Constants, variables & data types Operators and expressions Managing input and output operators Decision-making and branching/Looping. Arrays, handling of character Strings. User-defined functions Structures and unions Pointers, file management in C Dynamic memory allocations in relation to array (Use malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free() ) Overview of Pre-processor statements. Program through Command Line Arguments 1.Programming with C, Gottfried, TMH 2.C The Complete Reference, Schildt, TMH 3.Practical C Programming,3 rd Ed,Oualline,SPD/O’REILLY 4.A First Course in programming with C, Jeyapoovan, VIKAS 5.The C answer Book, Tondo,2 nd Ed, PHI 6.C Programming Made Easy, Raja Ram, SCITECH 7.Projects Using C, Varalaxmi,SCITECH 8.Mastering Algorithms With C,Loudan, SPD/O’REILLY Discrete Mathematical Structure Set Theory foundation mapping (bijective, surjective, injective), Relations-equivalence, Poset, Lattice Mathematical induction, Propositional logic, Logical equivalence. Permutation and combinations. Generating functions, Recurrence relations. Concepts of Graph Theory, sub-graphs, cyclic graphs. Trees, spanning trees, binary trees. Algorithms- Kruskal’s , Prim’s , Dijkstra’s , Flyod’s ,Warshall’s, DFS, BFS. Isomorphism, Homomorphism of Graphs. COURSE STRUCTURE FOR MCA 9 Finite automata – Construction & Conversion of NFA, DFA, State minimization, Mealy M/C, Moore M/C. Definition Of Grammars – Type 0,1,2,3. Fuzzy sets – basic properties Books: 1.Theory of Computer Science, Mishra & Chandrasekharan, PHI 2.Discrete Mathematics for Comp. Scientists & Mathematicians, Mott, Kandel & Baker, PHI 3.Discrete Mathematical Structure, C.L.Liu,TMH 4.Discrete Mathematical Structure, G.S.RAO,New Age International 5.Discrete Mathematics With Applications, Rosen, TMH, 5 th Ed 6. Discrete Mathematics, Ash & Ash, MH. 7. Discrete Mathematical Structure, Somasundaram, PHI 8. Discrete Mathematical Structure, Dubey, EXCEL BOOKS 9. Discrete Mathematics, Iyenger, VIKAS 10.Discrete Structure and Graph Theory, Bhisma Rao,Scitech 11.Invitation to Graph Theory,Arumugam,Scitech 12. Discrete Structure and Graph Theory,S.K.S Rathore,EPH Business English and Communication This should cover general and technical writing, oral communications and listening skills: letter writing, technical report writing, and business communication. Expression: Practical communication skill development, business presentation with multimedia, speaking skill, prepared speech, extempore speech Reading skill: comprehension test Writing: precise, technical/business letter, organisation of writing material, poster presentation, writing technical document, preparing software user manual, preparing project documentation. Books: 1.Business Correspondence & Report Writing, Sharma, TMH 2.Business Communication Strategies, Monipally, TMH 3.English for Technical communication,Laxminarayanan,Scitech 4. Business Communication, Kaul,PHI 5.Communication Skill for Effective Mgmt., Ghanekar,EPH ALL THE BEST |
8th November 2011, 06:29 PM
dear friend,
![]() Eligibility criteria for MCA 1) Nationality :- You must have to be an Indian. 2) Educational Qualification :- 1.>You should have a graduation Degree from a recognized University taking Computer in back round. 2.>Academic marks depend Upon the College.If you want to take admission in a good college you should maintain a good academic marks. 3.)Age Eligibility:- Your age should be minimum 21 years. For the Syllabus See the Attachment. best of luck |
22nd September 2012, 07:48 PM
Hello Friend,
The syllabus of MCA 1st Semester is: 1. Computer Organisation and Architecture 2. Programming in C 3. Business Systems and Applications 4. Discrete Mathematical Structure 5. Business English and Communication GOOD LUCK. |
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