14th August 2010, 11:28 PM
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Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

Dear sir

I have applied for Engineering combined service examination(TNPSC) for that i need Textile Engineering objective type question papers(solved). If possible also send the study material for the same.

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15th August 2010, 07:11 AM
Sushant Roy
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

HI friend

I didnt get the textile engineering paper but i got the general science and general knowledge paper. Please refer to this attachments.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf gr-1-2001.pdf(68.2 KB, 1158 views)
File Type: doc tnpsc general.doc(38.5 KB, 820 views)
15th August 2010, 08:58 PM
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

Originally Posted by send4saro View Post
dear sir

i have applied for engineering combined service examination(tnpsc) for that i need textile engineering objective type question papers(solved). If possible also send the study material for the same.
kindly send the study material quick as possible

24th August 2010, 12:23 AM
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

i have applied for engineering combined service examination(tnpsc) for that i need textile engineering objective type question papers(solved). If possible also send the study material to make success in TNPSC EXAM.
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22nd October 2010, 01:44 PM
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

have applied for engineering combined service examination(tnpsc) for that i need textile engineering objective type question papers(solved). If possible also send the study material to make success in TNPSC EXAM.
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21st November 2010, 03:09 PM
kishor biswas
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

i am kishor biswas i need solve papper of textilex eng previous 10 years solvation papper
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6th February 2011, 02:47 PM
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

im eshwari frm davangere i need some placement papers of textile engineering
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13th May 2011, 06:47 PM
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

the above documents have not to be download,so please arrange to send me
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21st September 2011, 10:28 PM
kumarvikas 131
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

Originally Posted by SUNDAR RAJ View Post
have applied for engineering combined service examination(tnpsc) for that i need textile engineering objective type question papers(solved). If possible also send the study material to make success in TNPSC EXAM.
thanks & regard
vikas kumar
[email protected]
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22nd October 2011, 06:05 AM
Anshul Raheja
Join Date: Oct 2011
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Wink Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

Originally Posted by send4saro View Post
Dear sir

I have applied for Engineering combined service examination(TNPSC) for that i need Textile Engineering objective type question papers(solved). If possible also send the study material for the same.
please............................................ .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..............................................
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7th March 2012, 07:07 PM
Join Date: Sep 2011
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

anybody can plz send me textile question paper for bank exam ..@ [email protected] or suggest me any book or magazine for textile question ...
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8th August 2012, 10:44 PM
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

sir hmko bhi tex engg objective type question papers (solved) and study material de de
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8th August 2012, 10:46 PM
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

give me study material for textile engg
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9th August 2012, 04:39 PM
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

What is the procedure for change of college in 3rd sem
Under snq qouta
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24th January 2013, 10:00 PM
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

Engineering objective
type question papers
(solved) and study
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25th September 2013, 03:22 PM
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 2
Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

Originally Posted by send4saro View Post
Dear sir

I have applied for Engineering combined service examination(TNPSC) for that i need Textile Engineering objective type question papers(solved). If possible also send the study material for the same.
i applied govt jobs
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25th September 2013, 03:31 PM
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 2
Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

Originally Posted by send4saro View Post
Dear sir

I have applied for Engineering combined service examination(TNPSC) for that i need Textile Engineering objective type question papers(solved). If possible also send the study material for the same.
Originally Posted by birla View Post
kindly send the study material quick as possible

i applied govt job
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18th October 2013, 02:30 AM
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

sir i am a b.tech student in govt.clg of enggineering & textile technology berhapore. i have need last 13 yr solve paper of gate. u kindly send in my mail as soon as possible. my ail address [email protected]

jayanta singha mahapatra
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6th November 2013, 10:19 PM
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

sir i am a b.tech student in govt.clg of enggineering & textile technology Bhubaneswar. i have need last 13 yr solve paper of Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material u kindly send in my mail as soon as possible. my ail address [email protected]

Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/newreply.php?do=postreply&t=34647#ixzz2jsgGi3g6
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5th December 2013, 09:11 PM
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

sir i am a b.tech student in govt.clg of enggineering & textile technology Bhubaneswar. i have need last 13 yr solve paper of Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material u kindly send in my mail as soon as possible. my ail address [email protected]
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5th December 2013, 09:42 PM
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

sir i am a b.tech student in govt.clg of enggineering & textile technology Bhubaneswar. i have need last 13 yr solve paper of Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material u kindly send in my mail as soon as possible. my mail address [email protected]
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5th December 2013, 09:47 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 9
Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

sir i am a b.tech student in govt.clg of enggineering & textile technology Bhubaneswar. i have need last 13 yr solve paper of Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material u kindly send in my mail as soon as possible. my mail address [email protected]
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13th January 2014, 11:26 PM
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Engineering objective
type question papers
(solved) and study
i am a b.tech student in govt.clg of enggineering & textile technology Bhubaneswar. i have need last 13 yr solve paper of Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material u kindly send in my mail as soon as possible. my ail address [email protected]
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15th January 2014, 10:32 PM
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Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

(Answer ALL questions)
76. The tensile strength of polynosic fibre is
1. 3 to 3.5 gmsldenier
3. to gmsldenier
77. In viscose solution preparation xanthation
process takes normally from
1. 10 minutes
60 to 180 minutes
3. 5 hours
4. 24 hours
78. The temperature of molten polymer in nylon
The tenacity range of acrylic fibre in
gmsldenier is
1. to 1.2
The modern false twist texturizing machines
can impart false twist in to moving yarn a t
the rate of
1. six million RPM
2. 1 2 million RPM
3. only 30,000 RPM
4. RPM only
66 manufacture is around
79. In acrylic fibre manufacture, the polymer
concentration ranges from
83. High bulk yarns are produced from
1. relaxed fibres
2. unrelaxed fibres
3. a blend of relaxed and unrelaxed fibres
84. The cord fabrics used in conveying belt
applications approximately weigh
4. 70 to 8 0 %
80. The work factor of viscose staple fibre is
85. The cotton cloth construction normally
applied in V-belts in and
____________Download From www.JbigDeaL.com Powered By © JbigDeaL____________
86. The standard
parachute cloth in
1. 2 to 3
2. 7 to 10
3. 25 to 30
4. 50 to 100
strength of nylon
width is
91. Knitted fabric width is expressed as
1. Total number of needles x wales per
2. Total number of needles wales per
3. Total number of needles - wales per
87. The number of twistslmetre involved in high
stretch yarns is around
1. 100
2. 2500
3. 500
4. 250
88. An unbalanced structure in weft knitting
process is
1. Polka rib
2. Royal rib
3. Eight lock
4. Derby rib
89. In Jacquard knitting the maximum design
width of intermediate Jacquard is
1. 48 wales
2. 24 wales
3. 144 wales
4. 182 wales
4. Wales per inch Total no. of needles
92. According to law which of the
following relations is correct in weft knitting?
where S = Stitch density
is constant
= Stitch length
93. In purl knitting machine the two needle beds
are set a t
90. The normal cut of the
non-Jacquard knitting
machine is around
1. 24
2. 48
3. 72
4. 88
-320From tricot knitting machine the fabric
comes off the machine a t an angle of
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____________Download From www.JbigDeaL.com Powered By © JbigDeaL____________
95. The width of Raschel machines varies from
1. 480 to 600 cm
2. 200 to 350 cm
3. to 1500 cm
150 t o 200 cm
96. In the dielectric phenomenon of fibres water
is considered to be
1. Induced dipole
2. Permanent dipole
3. Temporary dipole
4. An ordinary molecule
97. The percentage amorphous region in wool
fibre is around
98. Higher the bi-refringence of a fibre
1. higher will be the orientation
2. lower will be the orientation
3. higher will be the amorphous portions
4. higher will be the crystallinity
99. The optical orientation factor of an isotropic
fibre is
101. The best synthetic fibre for good elastic
recovery is
1. Polyester
2. Nylon
3. Acrylic
4. Polypropylene
102. The % absorption moisture regain of nylon
6.6 at 65% R.H. and 20°C is
1. 4.1
2. 2.1
3. 8.0
4. 0.4
103. The chemical potential of a solute in an ideal
solution may be expressed as
104. The reactive dyeing process for 100 % cotton
garment involves duration of dyeing as
1. 1 to 2 hours
2. 2 to hours
3. 3 to 4 hours
4. 5 to 6 hours
105. The interfibrillary swelling takes place in
1. water solution
acid and strong alkali solution
3. water and weak alkali solution
4. alkali solution
100. With increase in relative humidity, the
106. The heat of for cotton fibre is
strength of wool fibre
1. increases
2. decreases
3. first increases and then decreases
4. does not change
1. 17.9
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107. The simple test for mercerization of cotton is
1. Examining under sunlight
2. Examining under U.V. light
3. Examining through microscope
4. Examining through infra-red light
108. The cross-section of cotton fibre changes due
111. The top roller of two bowl calender used for
calendering process is made of
1. hard plastic
2. hard steel
3. soft paper
4. wood
112. Which one of the following fibres is not used
to mercerization from
1. Flat shape to oval shape
2. Bean shape to round shape
3. Round shape to elliptical shape
4. Elliptical shape to bean shape
for the production of
1. Viscose rayon
2. Glass
3. Polyester
4. Silk
109. The removal of sericine results in a weight
113. The stelometer is made of CRL system by
1. step synchronous motor
loss of silk by 2. damping device
1. 40 to 75 %
2. 70 to 90 %
3. 2 0 t o 2 5 %
110. The california bearing ratio resistance in
textiles is expressed as
1. CBR resistance = failure load crosssectional
2. CBR resistance = cross-sectional area
3. cam drive
4. beam design
114. For 3 % trash in mixing the cleaning
efficiency expected in is
1. 65 %
2. 35 %
3. 80 %
4. 25 %
I n single yarn tensile strength test, higher
failure load
1. lower the strength
will result
3. CBR resistance = failure load x crosssectional
4. CBR resistance = cross-sectional area -
failure load
2. no change in strength
'3. higher the strength
4. no change in extension
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15th January 2014, 10:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Textile Engineering objective type question papers (solved) and study material

(Answer ALL questions)
76. The tensile strength of polynosic fibre is
1. 3 to 3.5 gmsldenier
3. to gmsldenier
77. In viscose solution preparation xanthation
process takes normally from
1. 10 minutes
60 to 180 minutes
3. 5 hours
4. 24 hours
78. The temperature of molten polymer in nylon
The tenacity range of acrylic fibre in
gmsldenier is
1. to 1.2
The modern false twist texturizing machines
can impart false twist in to moving yarn a t
the rate of
1. six million RPM
2. 1 2 million RPM
3. only 30,000 RPM
4. RPM only
66 manufacture is around
79. In acrylic fibre manufacture, the polymer
concentration ranges from
83. High bulk yarns are produced from
1. relaxed fibres
2. unrelaxed fibres
3. a blend of relaxed and unrelaxed fibres
84. The cord fabrics used in conveying belt
applications approximately weigh
4. 70 to 8 0 %
80. The work factor of viscose staple fibre is
85. The cotton cloth construction normally
applied in V-belts in and
____________Download From www.JbigDeaL.com Powered By © JbigDeaL____________
86. The standard
parachute cloth in
1. 2 to 3
2. 7 to 10
3. 25 to 30
4. 50 to 100
strength of nylon
width is
91. Knitted fabric width is expressed as
1. Total number of needles x wales per
2. Total number of needles wales per
3. Total number of needles - wales per
87. The number of twistslmetre involved in high
stretch yarns is around
1. 100
2. 2500
3. 500
4. 250
88. An unbalanced structure in weft knitting
process is
1. Polka rib
2. Royal rib
3. Eight lock
4. Derby rib
89. In Jacquard knitting the maximum design
width of intermediate Jacquard is
1. 48 wales
2. 24 wales
3. 144 wales
4. 182 wales
4. Wales per inch Total no. of needles
92. According to law which of the
following relations is correct in weft knitting?
where S = Stitch density
is constant
= Stitch length
93. In purl knitting machine the two needle beds
are set a t
90. The normal cut of the
non-Jacquard knitting
machine is around
1. 24
2. 48
3. 72
4. 88
-320From tricot knitting machine the fabric
comes off the machine a t an angle of
____________Download From www.JbigDeaL.com Powered By © JbigDeaL____________
____________Download From www.JbigDeaL.com Powered By © JbigDeaL____________
95. The width of Raschel machines varies from
1. 480 to 600 cm
2. 200 to 350 cm
3. to 1500 cm
150 t o 200 cm
96. In the dielectric phenomenon of fibres water
is considered to be
1. Induced dipole
2. Permanent dipole
3. Temporary dipole
4. An ordinary molecule
97. The percentage amorphous region in wool
fibre is around
98. Higher the bi-refringence of a fibre
1. higher will be the orientation
2. lower will be the orientation
3. higher will be the amorphous portions
4. higher will be the crystallinity
99. The optical orientation factor of an isotropic
fibre is
101. The best synthetic fibre for good elastic
recovery is
1. Polyester
2. Nylon
3. Acrylic
4. Polypropylene
102. The % absorption moisture regain of nylon
6.6 at 65% R.H. and 20°C is
1. 4.1
2. 2.1
3. 8.0
4. 0.4
103. The chemical potential of a solute in an ideal
solution may be expressed as
104. The reactive dyeing process for 100 % cotton
garment involves duration of dyeing as
1. 1 to 2 hours
2. 2 to hours
3. 3 to 4 hours
4. 5 to 6 hours
105. The interfibrillary swelling takes place in
1. water solution
acid and strong alkali solution
3. water and weak alkali solution
4. alkali solution
100. With increase in relative humidity, the
106. The heat of for cotton fibre is
strength of wool fibre
1. increases
2. decreases
3. first increases and then decreases
4. does not change
1. 17.9
____________Download From www.JbigDeaL.com Powered By © JbigDeaL____________
107. The simple test for mercerization of cotton is
1. Examining under sunlight
2. Examining under U.V. light
3. Examining through microscope
4. Examining through infra-red light
108. The cross-section of cotton fibre changes due
111. The top roller of two bowl calender used for
calendering process is made of
1. hard plastic
2. hard steel
3. soft paper
4. wood
112. Which one of the following fibres is not used
to mercerization from
1. Flat shape to oval shape
2. Bean shape to round shape
3. Round shape to elliptical shape
4. Elliptical shape to bean shape
for the production of
1. Viscose rayon
2. Glass
3. Polyester
4. Silk
109. The removal of sericine results in a weight
113. The stelometer is made of CRL system by
1. step synchronous motor
loss of silk by 2. damping device
1. 40 to 75 %
2. 70 to 90 %
3. 2 0 t o 2 5 %
110. The california bearing ratio resistance in
textiles is expressed as
1. CBR resistance = failure load crosssectional
2. CBR resistance = cross-sectional area
3. cam drive
4. beam design
114. For 3 % trash in mixing the cleaning
efficiency expected in is
1. 65 %
2. 35 %
3. 80 %
4. 25 %
I n single yarn tensile strength test, higher
failure load
1. lower the strength
will result
3. CBR resistance = failure load x crosssectional
4. CBR resistance = cross-sectional area -
failure load
2. no change in strength
'3. higher the strength
4. no change in extension
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