27th November 2010, 08:36 PM
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Is there any exam in US/UK similar to India's Civil Service exam?

in India we have UPSC which conduct civil service examination. In foreign countries is there exist any civil service examination. particularly in USA and UK. If they are conducting then how to get those latest dates of examination and their syllabus.

29th November 2010, 01:52 PM
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Default Re: Is there any exam in US/UK similar to India's Civil Service exam?

Actually civil service is every where,but you can not appear for other countries examination because you are not a citizen of that country.

If you have a valid citizenship or you are a resident of that country then only you can apply for that.

all the best.
10th June 2014, 12:00 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is there any exam in US/UK similar to India's Civil Service exam?

what type of examination is conducted in U.K. for entry into British Civil Services and when are the scheduled for ?
2nd January 2023, 10:39 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is there any exam in US/UK similar to India's Civil Service exam?

IN US AND UK AND OTHER 1ST WORLD COUNTRIES THEY DO NOT HAVE ANY SYSTEM WHERE YOU HAVE NEVER WORKED ON THE GROUND LEVEL OR HAVE NO PRIOR WORK EXPERIENCE IN POLICING AND THEY WILL MAKE YOU THE HEAD OF THE POLICE SERVICE OR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES. Everyone has to start their career as a cadet or what you call a constable (4 yrs of training for year 12th pass and policing combined gives a diploma in criminal law and policing then they become a sworn police officer or graduate with 6 months of training after which they are given a diploma in criminal law and policing. Then they go through 1 yr of probation then they become a sworn police officer. After which they prove their ability and leadership skills to climb the ladder. They have plenty of internal training programs where they have to enroll and participate and then work in a similar role to get a hand on experience. There are plenty of work performance assessments on which your work record gets marked and promotions are granted. A police officer in these first-world countries is chosen on strict photometric parameters so that they can perform to the best of their ability to serve society and make sense of the hard tax paid salary which is nearly half a crore per year in Indian currency. One single complaint from the public or law suite and your career could be over. They are meant to serve the public at all costs. I believe that rather than hiring IAS OR IPS India should only allow internal police staff to be promoted to these ranks or else it sound like a joke to me someone who never did the police or had ground-level policing experience is being given the responsibility of an IAS AND IPS. This is the reason why being an IAS AND IPS in India are more of a social show-off than its real purpose to support the real need of your police team to support them with the required resources and look after their mental and health wellbeing so that the entire police force can work as a team with each other rather than working under each other.
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