6th February 2010, 01:11 PM
what books one shall follow for IES exam?
Plz tell me the mechanical engineering books that are hlepful for IES exam? also what book one shall follow for the GENERAL ABILITY test?
7th February 2010, 04:35 PM
ies exams dont require technical knowledge .. you can refer your basic mechanical books
7th February 2010, 04:50 PM
visit this link http://www.madeeasypublications.org/ it gives you the details of all books for IES exam best of luck |
8th February 2010, 05:10 PM
Dear deeply go through your all mechanical subjects and prepare you gk along with good comm skill .i think this is sufficient.then try to solve previous question papers like me. .thanks and regards. .
9th February 2010, 03:33 AM
threeauthors.com/...exams/upsc-exams-booklists-ies-exam.asp - these are a few sites which can give you entire information on the books that you require to follow for the IES exam ... good luck pal and all the best and regarding the GK/general ability books , you can consult arihant publications books as they are one of the leading booksellers in these fields and have cover a major part of gk in most of the exams... good luck dear take care byeee |
25th February 2010, 11:47 AM
there are lots of book availiable in market for perperation of IES exams, you can get it from market, you can find lots of best authors book.
12th July 2010, 04:54 PM
It is better for you to go to the following website to know the best books for the preparation IES exam.
There some other books such as Pratiyogita Darpan and the books of Competetion Success,these books will be quite help for you for the preparation of the IES exam. Solve the previous year papers also ,and go through the interview question . |
13th July 2010, 12:28 PM
SUBJECT and AUTHOR Engg. Thermodynamics PK Nag IC Engine ML Mathur and RP Sharma Gas Turbine and Propulsive Systems PR Khajuria & SP Dubey Fluid Mechanics Modi & Seth RK Bansal Compressible Flow SM Yahya Heat and Mass Transfer JP Hollman RC Sachdeva Refrigeration and Air Conditioning CP Arora Domkundwar Fluid Machinery Jagdish Lal RK Bansal Theory of Machines RS Khurmi Malik & Ghosh Mechanical Vibration Grover Machine Design Shigley VB Bhandari Material Science WD Callister IP Singh Production Engg. Kalpkjian Schmid Amitabh Ghosh & AK Malik Industrial Engg. O P Khanna Buffa & Sarin Operations Research Kanti Swarup Strength of Materials Gere & Timoshenko BC unamia Sadhu Singh |
20th July 2010, 10:26 PM
you can refer the following ooks apart from these you must refer the general knowledge books available in the ,market for the preparation of upsc exam
Amitabh Ghosh & AK Malik Industrial Engg. O P Khanna Buffa & Sarin Operations Research Kanti Swarup Strength of Materials Gere & Timoshenko BC unamia Sadhu Singh Reply With Quote |
21st July 2010, 02:23 PM
list of the useful books for the ies exam are as follow PR Khajuria & SP Dubey Fluid Mechanics Modi & Seth RK Bansal Compressible Flow SM Yahya Heat and Mass Transfer JP Hollman RC Sachdeva Refrigeration and Air Conditioning CP Arora Domkundwar Fluid Machinery Jagdish Lal RK Bansal Theory of Machines RS Khurmi Malik & Ghosh Mechanical Vibration Grover Machine Design Shigley VB Bhandari Material Science WD Callister |
6th August 2010, 09:21 PM
dear friend,
Here i am giving you the popularly recommended books for preparation of IES exam. As you have not mentioned particularly which engineering stream you want to appear, i am giving you books for three major engineering branches. Please have a look at the attachment below. Good luck! |
9th August 2010, 10:05 PM
yes,correspondence courses from coaching institutes are available.
though little tough,you can get through. some books by authors are given: 1.Engg. Thermodynamics by PK Nag 2.IC Engine byML Mathur and RP Sharma 3.Gas Turbine and Propulsive Systems by PR Khajuria & SP Dubey 4. Fluid Mechanics by Modi & Seth RK Bansal |
12th August 2010, 08:34 PM
Dear frnd,
you have to folloe your text books of branch. then you can practice with books published by foolowing publication.. HANDA PUB . GK PUB. etc. for aptitude question you can follow books of RS AGGRAWAL,GR BARRON. ALL THE BEST. |
31st August 2010, 06:41 PM
for ies books you can visit the website...
http://www.threeauthors.com/...exams...s-ies-exam.asp good luck !! |
17th March 2011, 08:22 AM
Recommended Books for IES
Books for IES Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering - Network Analysis: Van Valkenburg - Network and Systems: D. Roy Choudhary - Integrated Electronics: Jacob Milman & C. Halkias, Millman & Grabel - Integrated Circuits: K.R. Botkar - Op. Amps & Linear Integrated Circuit: Gayakwad - Digital Logic & Computer Design: Moris Mano - Signals and System: Oppehum, Willsky & Nacob - Automatic Control System: Benjamin C. Kuo - Control System Engineering: Nagrath & Gopal - Principle of Communication System: Taub & Schilling - Communication System: A. Bruu Carlson - Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems: Jardon & Balmain, JD Kraus Books for IES Electrical Engineering - Network Analysis: Van Valkenburg - Electromagnetic: Willain H. Hayt - Electrical Machinery: PS Bhimra - Electrical Machines: Nagrath & Kothari - Power System Engineering: Nagrath & Kothari - Electric Power Systems: CL Wadhwa - Automatic Control System: Benjamin C. Kuo - Control System Engineering: Nagrath & Gopal - Electrical & Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation: AK Sawhney - Integrated Electronics: Milman & Halkias, Millma & Grobel - Digital Logic & Computer Design: Morris Mano - Power Electronics: PS Bhimra Books for IES Civil Engineering - Strength of Materials: Gere & Temoshenko, B C Punamia - Structural Analysis: Negi, S Ramamurtham, C K Vang - Concrete Structures: Punamia & Jain, H J Shah - Steel Structures: Duggal - Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering: Ranjan & Rao, Venkat Ramaiha, S K Garg - Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics: Modi & Seth, R K Bansal, Subramanyam - Hydrology: Subramanyam - Irrigation: S K Garg - Highway Engineering: Khanna & Jasto, Kadiyali Books for IES Mechanical Engineering - Enginnering Thermodynamics: PK Nag - IC Engine: ML Mathur and RP Sharma - Gas Turbine and Propulsive Systems: PR Khajuria & SP Dubey - Fluid Mechanics: Modi & Seth, RK Bansal - Compressible Flow: SM Yahya - Heat and Mass Transfer: JP Hollman, RC Sachdeva - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: CP Arora, Domkundwar - Fluid Machinery: Jagdish Lal, RK Bansal - Theory of Machines: RS Khurmi, Malik & Ghosh - Mechanical Vibration: Grover - Machine Design: Shigley, VB Bhandari - Material Science: WD Callister, IP Singh - Production Engineering: Kalpkjian Schmid, Amitabh Ghosh & AK Malik - Industrial Engineering: O P Khanna, Buffa & Sarin - Operations Research: Kanti Swarup |
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