14th September 2012, 03:49 PM
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 1

What is the date of announcement of results of B.A program?

Hi Sir/Ma'm

This is Singha doing BA program from the this University.
please guide me that where we can find the result for this year 2012, Exam held on March 2012.

please rply as soon as possible

13th August 2016, 09:21 PM
Senior Member+
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 723
Default Re: What is the date of announcement of results of B.A program?

As you want to know date of announcement of result of B.A program here i telling you the same-

DATE OF RESULT: First or second weak of May


1.You go the official site of University

2.You click on the “ Results” in official site of your University

3.Then a new page will open

4.After that fill all the information such as -
Year / semester
Available college
Roll number
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