13th January 2017, 04:06 PM
What is the eligibility criteria required to apply for PCS J exam? How much should I score to qualify PCS J exam?
Respected Sir, I want to know what is the eligibility criteria required to apply for PCS J exam? How much should I score to qualify PCS J exam? Please answer as soon as possible.
16th January 2017, 07:35 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria required to apply for PCS J exam? How much should I score to qualify PCS J exam?
PCS J stands for Punjab Civil Services (Judicial). This examination is conducted by Punjab Public Service Commission.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA => Candidate must have passed law graduate from a recognized University/Institute. => The candidate should be between 21 to 37 years. => The age relaxation is given to reserved category candidate. QUALIFYING MARKS FOR PCS J => General = 279 => SC = 255 => ST = 230 => OBC = 279 |
6th May 2017, 05:27 AM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria required to apply for PCS J exam? How much should I score to qualify PCS J exam?
Am a BA Economics student. Actually at now, I am knowing about PCS J. I wish to do that. As a Economics student how could it possible to me