2nd July 2010, 05:11 PM
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What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

i am studying in 12th & please guide me what i have to do for achieving my goal

21st August 2011, 07:59 PM
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Default Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

if you are in First year then you have to more conscious because it's more turf than the 10th,
but you did not say about your stream , arts/science/commerce ,
then i may help you better,

but still ,
you collect the reference books, go through them and make your notes, that ll be the best help for exam,
and if you are a science stream student , then you have to more conscious
because along with your exam , you also have to appear the entrance exam if you like to be go through it,

just think it's the starting of your future..

Good luck for your bright future.. ~~`
21st August 2011, 08:44 PM
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Thumbs up Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

Originally Posted by saurabhtyagi1992 View Post
i am studying in 12th & please guide me what i have to do for achieving my goal

Hi..... Saurabhhttp://entrance-exam.net/forum/images/icons/icon7.gif

This a very crucial time for u... first of all u need to be specific which stream have u taken - 1.Science 2.commerce 3.arts,,
well if u have taken Science,, U can go into various fields,, engineering is the first option everyone opt for,,, but u can also go for BSc. There is one more option that is B.S ( bachelor of science ) in IISc( Indian Institute of Science Bangalore). If u have any interest in Space ,, U can look for IIST( Indian Institute of space and technology- kerela). There are various entrance exams u can take a look into http://engg.entrancecorner.com/admission-area/exams-details.html
For commerce u need to have a very good aggregate in ur 12th to get into a good college, no need to take any entrance but just apply fast, u can search various colleges or universities which provides such degree.
Talking about "Arts" , again , its a creative field,, if u have a great interest in drawing, sketching, if u feel yourself a creative person , its never too late no matter what ur stream is in 12th, u can just take a seat in Animation and Multimedia (BSc ) - Toonskool NMIT Bangalore, Bits Mesra, Arena animation , Manipal University. This one has a long Future Scope in India, U just Need to show some good Sketches(portfolio) at the time of admission.
Good Luck for ur fututre ,,,, be happy,,, have faith n believe in what u can do
21st August 2011, 08:58 PM
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Default Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

Originally Posted by saurabhtyagi1992 View Post
i am studying in 12th & please guide me what i have to do for achieving my goal
hello...u can achieve ny goal by following a SWOT analysis i.e your STRENGHTS...WEAKNESS..OPPOTUNITIES...THREATS....ha ve a over view for nythng that u do...ask youself "why am i studying this subject ?"....there are many coaching classes dat will giv u study time table...etc..etc...but dat is donkeywork....learn any subject from practical point of view...develop interest in it....if u can do this than NO-ONE can stop u from achieving your GOALS.....i know12th std is important and u have to get good marks..but remember marks without knowledge is like man without a soul.......njoy learning..be knowledge oriented....be innovative and experimental..don;t be afraid to try something new....and last thing "do wat u love and love wat u do"!!!!

have a great day

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21st August 2011, 09:06 PM
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Default Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

Dear friend,
My friend first you tell me what's your goal .
If you are talking about the 12 Board then I can
help you to score good marks .If you want to score
good marks then you will have to follow this daily routine.
1]Do regular study what ever you learn from school,
coaching class go through once .
2]Distribute equal time to all subjects.
3]Allot more time in which you feel weak.
4]Make a time table.
5]Do hard work.
Thank you.
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21st August 2011, 09:35 PM
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Default Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

dear friend.

12th is the base of the all carrier in which you want to make carrier.

here you have not mention in which field you want to make you carrier.

but whatever carrier you will choose i would like to say that you fully

concentrate on the syllabus of the 12th & have very good command on

the subject that you will study in the

12th class.this very critical time for the students.in 11th & 12th many

students get diverts in bad thing & bad habits so i want to say do not divert

your mind else where than study .because it will spoil you carrier.so apart

from your study and syllabus you should give special attention in spoken english.
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21st August 2011, 09:45 PM
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Default Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

u can follow mainly following points
* main thing is to concentrate maximum of your time for your studies.
* keep your goal and always be in a target to achieve it.
* always think hard work u will be doing will make u closer to achieve success.
* also finally get fullfledged knowledge which will play key role for u finding job in future.
* also get maximum flexibility to speak english fluently from now itself.
* all success will be yours
hope ull have gud future
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21st August 2011, 10:13 PM
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Thumbs up Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

Originally Posted by saurabhtyagi1992 View Post
i am studying in 12th & please guide me what i have to do for achieving my goal
nothing to do saurab just understand ur sbject's concept and study you could achieve more than ur goal.
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21st August 2011, 10:55 PM
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Default Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

You did not mention which course you are doing after 12th class and what is your goal.
First of all it is important to set your goal and proceed accordingly.
If you want to become engineer, you should give IIT JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT etc. By this you will be able to get admission to top technical institutes over the country. But these are very tough exams. So you should join a coaching for their preparation.
If you want to become doctor, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. are the entrance exams.
You should just perform well throughout. You should not have any backlog.
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22nd August 2011, 12:14 AM
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Default Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

Hello friend , you dont specify your goal. But i generally specify your question. After 12th you do lot of options are available. They are b.tech/be, bba, bca, bsc, b.com, ba, ca, cs and many more. Do whichever do you interested. All the best
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22nd August 2011, 02:34 AM
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Default Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

Hii dear,
You haven't maintain your stream in your post . So it is really hard to say anything .Because different streams have different destinations .
But one thing I can say to you that 12th is more tougher than 10th , so be serious and work hard.
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22nd August 2011, 02:53 AM
Snehamay ganguly
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Default Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

dear friend,
You are in 12th standard now... Which is the most critical time.. It is the time to think about your future career..
You can say 12th is the base, depending on the base you have to build your future career..
So, it is the high time to think, to select a fix gaol..
My suggestion will be to go for a field in which you have more interest, and in which field you can excel yourself..
It is a decision making time my friend..
So, concern about your future, and go for a particular path with full of your determination..Work harder and you will definitely get success in that field..

All the very best...
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22nd August 2011, 03:15 AM
neha dehankar
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Default Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

just focus on your studies. and make your basic concepts clear.. go through the cbse books to clear your concepts..
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22nd August 2011, 07:23 AM
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Smile Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

Originally Posted by saurabhtyagi1992 View Post
i am studying in 12th & please guide me what i have to do for achieving my goal

u dint mention ur goal..anyway..if u are from science stream then u have t work extremely hard and study a lot in order to crack the top engineering entrance exams..
better to join a coaching as they will guide u in terms of books as well as they will give u tips and shortcuts by which u can solve the questions much faster than others..

all the best..
hope this helps..
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22nd August 2011, 03:49 PM
amaan khan ak
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Default Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

Originally Posted by saurabhtyagi1992 View Post
i am studying in 12th & please guide me what i have to do for achieving my goal
You dont give the information about your subject but i'll give you the information about all subjects.
If u have science subject in 12th then you have many good option for engineering after 12th.Engineering is the best option for the future.There is so much scope for engineering.
If u have commerce subject in 12th then u can do BCA OR BBA.Its your unterest.
BBA is a becholor degree of business adminstration.After BBA you can also do MBA as the master degree .
BCA is also a very good option and there is so much scope in computer field.

If you have arts subjects in 12th then you can do B.A after you can do preperation for competation exams.

so all the best
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2nd September 2011, 01:00 AM
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Default Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

hi friend,

to achieve goal in 12th , you should be very sincere and confident about your goal

firstly, study the concepts very well and make them clear then go for solving problems

you should do hard work

all the best....
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5th November 2011, 01:08 AM
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Thumbs up Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

Some important aspects which play a vital role in your career are:




If you are true with all these, then it is impossible for you to miss any goal of yours.

Firstly you have to be determined to achieve your goal. Think about it day and night. Dream of it. Eat it. Live it.

And maintain your will power with your determination.

Secondly Honesty is the best policy. Never try to fool anyone. You can never hide anything from your own self. You cannot fool yourself.

So do your work , and so that you have a clear soul.

And lastly, Hard work. You cannot ever get to any goal, in comfort, or easily. You have to sweat for it.

Hope you follow these, and see difference in your performance.

All the Best.
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6th November 2011, 04:22 AM
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Default Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

pleas mention the subject you take in the 12th class
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28th December 2011, 10:21 PM
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Arrow Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?


As you have said that presently you are studying in class 12th, and so want to achieve your goal..I am assuming it to be giving your best in the upcoming board exams.

I am enlisting a few very important tips which would definitely help you get along nicely with your studies :

1. THINK BIG : This would keep you motivated. It would be acting as a fuel ans so you would definitely be working hard to achieve those big things which you are thinking.

2. WORK HARD : Always remember Hard work pays back. So it is never a waste. You would surely see the reflections of your hard work in your performance.

3. STAY FOCUSED : Always be aware about your dreams and goals. You cannot afford to get them out of your mind even for a minute. It would constantly keep you motivated in order to make you achieve what you desire.

4. HAVE FAITH : Both in yourself and GOD. You are the creator of our own destiny. So have faith and believe in yourself and also the almighty. He is the ruler of all.

5. DON'T WASTE TIME : It is the most limited resource that man has. So utilize it as profitably as you can. It would determine what your future would be. The more wisely you spend or utilize your time, the better you would make out of it.

I am also uploading a few files which have other motivational articles in them. Please download them and read for your benefit.

Hope this helps

All the best.

Attached Files
File Type: pdf suretipsforstayingmotivated.pdf(50.8 KB, 160 views)
File Type: pdf 1845_Coaching_final_Ch1.pdf(143.4 KB, 108 views)
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16th March 2012, 12:02 AM
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Default Re: What should I do in 12th to achieve the goal?

12th is the base of the all carrier in which you want to make carrier.

here you have not mention in which field you want to make you carrier.

but whatever carrier you will choose i would like to say that you fully

concentrate on the syllabus of the 12th & have very good command on

the subject that you will study in the

12th class.this very critical time for the students.in 11th & 12th many

students get diverts in bad thing & bad habits so i want to say do not divert

your mind else where than study

Good luck............
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