21st April 2011, 07:02 PM
What should I do after passing 12th commerce?
I m from comerce stream n just pased my 12 wht shuld i do as my career
25th August 2011, 09:23 PM
you have lots of options to do after your 12th with commerce stream :
you can go for BBA You can do b.com you can do BCA after a graduation go for a job in folowing sectors : you can go for govt jobs you can do jobs in banks you can work on clerikal posts minimum eligibility |
25th August 2011, 10:27 PM
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What should i do after completing 12th with commerce ? Most of the student confuse after completing 12th class that what i do ahead. I advise you to choose any field by own interest not by parents or other interest. After completing 12th class you have many option available to improve your career. It is your career so decide any thing by self. You can do BBA, BCA, B.Com, CA...and many other. You can choose any one course by own interest. The BBA course is related to the business management so if you are interested in the business field then BBA is the best option for you. Many government/private college offer this program. After completing graduation degree you can do MBA course and also you can apply for the UPSC examination. The BCA course is totally related to the computer field. If you are interested in the computer field then BCA is the best option for you. After completing BCA course you can do MCA course which is a master degree course and equivalent to post graduate level degree. What is your aim to become in future. you not mention in the question. Now, finally depend on you in which field you are more interested. In which field your interest is more then you can take admission in that field. So many field available for you now decide by self in which field you want to go. Before choosing any field think twice on that.. Regards
~Mukul~ |
25th August 2011, 10:32 PM
You have lots of options to do after your 12th with commerce stream :
you can go for BBA B.com BCA After a graduation go for a job in folowing sectors : Govt jobs Banks Clerikal posts Thanks!! |
16th November 2011, 11:36 PM
you have lots of options to do after your 12th with commerce stream :
you can go for BBA You can do b.com you can do BCA after a graduation go for a job in folowing sectors : you can go for govt jobs you can do jobs in banks you can work on clerikal posts minimum eligibility |
30th May 2012, 12:05 AM
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professional corse like chartered accountant(ca) company secretary(cs) cost and work accountant) shakeel
10th January 2013, 07:56 PM
should I do after passing 12th commerce 1.bba 2.b.com 3.imba 4.bca various jobs are-------- 5.banks 6.clerical jobs 7.Govt jobs all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |