19th February 2012, 10:47 PM
What should I do for better performance in Civil Services while in 1st year?
Dear sir, now i m in 1st year doing b.e. sir, what should i do now, for better performence in civil services that can select with 4th year .
19th February 2012, 11:54 PM
It is good that even as you are in the first year of BE, you have your vision on Civil Services Exam. Such target setting is good for career progression.
This is what you have to do: Subscribe to a couple of competition related magazines and go through them very carefully. Try to solve the model papers given therein. Obtain some popular guides from the bookstores and go through them seriously during your spare time. Try to get mastery over English (both written and spoken) during the course of your degree, by conversing with your colleagues in English. Even if it is broken English, don't mind. Practice brings perfection. In the third and fourth year, pay digilent attention to your papers and focus more on those subjects which will be part of the Civil Services Exam. Download the question papers available in the UPSC website and try to solve them. Your faculty members will be able to help and even encourage you. You may form a small group with like minded boys and girls who plan to appear for the exam and exchange notes frequently. If any of your seniors got through the exam, you can get in touch with them. They will be more than willing to give you very useful tips. Finally, when you are in the final year, keep a watchful eye for the UPSC advt and apply even before you sit for the final year exam. This has two fold advantages: one, you dont lose one year and second, your memory is fresh with your subjects. After finishing your degree exam, you can avail the time interval upto the Civil Services Exam by joining a good coaching institute All the best. |
20th February 2012, 01:27 PM
Its a good decision to start preparing for Civil Services Examination from the 1st year of your BE course.
Many of the candidates will start preparation in the final year of Graduation course and due to that they can't complete the syllabus in time and which will result in not getting through the exam. You did not mention the stream that you have gone through in your BE course. I suggest you to decide upon the optional subjects now itself for civil services main examination in accordance with your stream in Graduation. Know the syllabus for those choesn optional subjects and start preparing for the same from the 1st year of your BE course. Allocate some 3-4 hours of your time in a day to prepare for civil services exam. The competition for civils exam is very high. The selection procedure to be placed in civil services is by -CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test) -Civil Services Main Examination -Interview Try to appear for this exam in the final year of your BE course. As you have enough time and you are going to start preparation for the exam well in advance, try to get complete knowledge or in depth knowledge of various aspects in your syllabus. Practice questions from various model question papers and previous year question papers. Its better to join in coaching institute for this exam which will make your preparation so easy. Simultaneously, don't ignore your academics. Because, if you have backlogs after completion of B.Tech course, then you are not eligible to take up this exam. |
20th February 2012, 02:03 PM
To start preparation for Civil Service examination is a very good decision as you are getting sufficient time for preparation before sitting for the Exam.
Civil Service Examination conducted by UPSC every year for recruitment to the top administrative post in various Dept. of Govt. of India. The eligible candidate must be an Indian National having either appear for the final graduation degree exam or pass in any discipline from a recognised University within the age of 21 to 30 years. There is upper age relaxation for OBC candidate up to 3 years and for SC/ST/PH candidate up to 5 years. The selection is through three phases:- CSAT-Civil Service Aptitude Test-Preliminary exam comprises of all objective typequestions. Civil Service Main Exam for those who has qualified in CSAT and comprises of all subjective type questions for the prescribed syllabus as provided. The final selection is through personal Interview for those qualified in Main exam. So prepare for Civil Service exam as per the syllabus along with your regular education to complete Graduation Degree. At least 3 to 4 hours should be given for preparation of Civil Service exam along with your regular study. Try to solve the previous year's questions of CSAT as once you have overcome preliminary exam then Main exam will be prepared from the optional subject as per your interest and suitability. If possible you can attend any good coaching institution for Civil Service. For further information you may log on to official website of UPSC i.e. www.upsc.gov.in |
20th February 2012, 04:01 PM
Dear aspirant,
First of all set and choose your subjects for the mains exam of civil services, then make a habit of some esteemed news papers and magazines such as Times of India, The Hindu, Yojna, Competition Success Review, Pratiyogita Darpan etc. these types of newspaper and magazines will surely help you in the long run, and try to read the experiences of past years toppers and successful candidates, and be update with the important changes in our economy and world, I hope it will help you. Best of Luck. |
20th February 2012, 07:14 PM
Civil srvices exam will be held is three stages which are:
Stage I: Preliminary examination - This is qualifying test held in May/June every year. Notification for this is published in December/January. Results are published in the first half of August. Stage II: Main examination - This is the main test, held in October/November every year. Results are usually published in the second week of March. Stage III: Personality Test (Interview) - It is the final test and is held in April/May every year. Final results are usually announced a few days before the next preliminary examination. In the first stage you have to prepare for General english, reasoning and some of the current affairs. In the second stage you have to prepare for the optional subject which you are choosen. And if you selected in the first two stages then you will be call for interview in which you must prepare for the personality test. |