15th June 2012, 07:21 PM
What is the syllabus covered in P.E? Model question papers?
What are the syallabus covered in PE 2012
can I have any model question paper |
15th September 2013, 01:53 PM
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Copyright © www.examrace.com UGC NET Physical Education Syllabus 2012 Code No: 47 Subject: Physical Education Note: There will be two question papers. UGC NET Physical Education Paper II will cover 50 Multiple Choice Questions (Multiple choice, Matching type, True and False, Assert-Reasoning type) carrying 100 marks and UGC NET Paper III will have two Parts-A and B. Part-A will have 10 short essay type questions (300 words) carrying 16 marks each. There will be one question from each unit with internal choice from the same unit. Total marks will be 160. Part-B will be compulsory and questions will be set from Unit-I to Unit-X. The candidate will attempt one question from Part-B (800 words) carrying 40 marks. Total marks of Paper III will be 200. UGC NET Physical Education Paper II and Paper III (Part A & B) Unit-I Introduction to and definition, aim and objectives of Physical Education and other terms-health education and recreation. Philosophies of Education as applied to Physical Education-Idealism, Naturalism, Realism, Pragmatism, Existentialism, Humanism. Biological basis of physical activity-benefits of exercise, growth and exercise, exercise. And well-being sex and age characteristics of adolescent, body types. Psychological basis of Physical Education-Play and Play theories, general principles of growth and development, Principles of motor-skill acquisition, transfer of training effects. Sociological basis of Physical Education-socialization process, social nature of men and physical activity, sports as cultural heritage of mankind, customs, traditions and sport, competition and cooperation. Physical Education in ancient Greece, Rome and Contemporary Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. Olympic Movement-Historical development of Ancient and Modern Olympic Games. Physical Education in India. Unit-II Physiology of Muscular activity, Neurotransmission and Movement mechanism. Physiology of respiration. Physiology of blood circulation. Factors influencing performance in sports. Bioenergetics and recovery process. Athletic injuries-their management and rehabilitation. Therapeutic modalities. Ergogenic aids and doping. Unit-III Joints and their movements-planes and axes. Kinetics, Kinematics-linear and angular, levers. Laws of motion, principles of equilibrium and force, spin and elasticity. Posture, Postural deformities and their correction. Muscular analysis of Motor movement. Mechanical analysis of various sports activities. Mechanical analysis of fundamental movements- (running, jumping, throwing, pulling and pushing). Massage manipulation and therapeutic exercises. Unit-IV Learning process-theories and laws of learning. Motivation, theories and dynamics of motivation in sports. Psychological factors affecting sports performance-viz. stress, anxiety, tension and aggression. Personality, its dimensions, theories, personality and performance. Individual differences and their impact on skill learning and performance. Group dynamics, team cohesion and leadership in sports. Sociometrics, economics and politics in sports. Media and sports. Unit-V Development of teacher education in Physical Education. Professional courses in Sports and Physical Education in India. Professional Ethics. Qualities and Qualifications of Physical Educational Personnel. Principles of curriculum planning. Course content for academic and professional courses. Age characteristics of pupils and selection of activities. Construction of class and school Physical Education time table. Unit-VI Health-Guiding principles of health and health education. Nutrition and dietary manipulations. Health-related fitness, obesity and its management. Environmental and occupational hazards and first aid. Communicable diseases-their preventive and therapeutic aspect. School health programme and personal hygiene. Theories and principles of recreation. Recreation programme for various categories of people. Unit-VII Characteristics and principles of sports training. Training load and periodization. Training methods and specific training programme for development of various motor qualities. Technical and Tactical preparation for sports. Short-term and long-term training plans. Sports talent identification-process and procedures. Preparing for competition- (build up competitions, main competition, competition frequency, psychological preparation). Rules of Games and Sports and their interpretations. Unit-VIII Nature, scope and type of research. Formulation and selection of research problem. Sampling-process and techniques. Methods of research. Data collection-tools and techniques. Statistical techniques of data analysis-measures of central tendency and variability, correlation, normal probability curve, t-test and f-tests, chi-square, z-test. Hypothesis-formulation, types and testing. Writing research report. Unit-IX Concept of UGC NET Test, measurement and evaluation. Principles of measurement and evaluation Construction and classification of UGC NET Tests. Criteria of test evaluation. Concepts and assessment of physical fitness, motor fitness, motor ability and motor educability. Skill test for Badminton, Basket ball, Hockey, Lawn-tennis, Soccer, Volley ball. Testing psychological variables-competitive anxiety, aggression, team cohesion, motivation, self-concept. Anthropometric measurements and body composition. Unit-X Concept and principles of management. Organization and functions of sports bodies. Intramurals and Extramurals. Management of infrastructure, equipments, finance and personnel. Methods and Techniques of teaching. Principles of planning Physical Education lessons. Pupil-teacher interaction and relationship. Concept of techniques of supervision. 33) Define Physical Education. Bring out its relevance in contemporary social life?Model Question Paper,Open Course:- Physical Education V Semester B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Programme) Examination 2011 PHYSICAL, HEALTH AND LIFESKILLS EDUCATION Time: 3 Hours Max. Grade Points.25 Instructions 1. Answer all questions in part A. This contains four bunches of four objective type questions. For each bunch, grade A will be awarded if all questions are correct, B for 3, C for 2, D for1 and E for 0. 2. Answer any 5 questions from part B ,any 4 from part C and any 2 from part D PART A (weight 1 each) I 1) _________________ is a component of health related physical fitness. A) Speed B) Strength C) Body Composition D) Agility 2) __________________ is the ability of the muscle to perform movements with large amplitude A) Agility B)Flexibility C) Balance D) Power 3.) Which is the longest bone in the human body? Ulna B) Femur C) Tibia D) Humerus 4.) What is the term for ability of the human being to change or alter direction quickly, effectively, accurately and efficiently during physical activity? A) Flexibility B) Agility C) Speed D) Balance 11. What is lateral curvature (sideward deviation) of the spine? A) Kyphosis B) Scoliosis C) Lordosis D) None of these 6.) What is the total number of bones in the human body? A) 226 B) 216 C) 206 D) 236 7.) What is the normal heart rate of a human being? A) 82 beats per minute B) 72 beats per minute C) 62 beats per minute D) 52 beats per minute Name the agency for international anti-doping. A) IADA B) WADA C) AWDA D) NADA 111 Nerve cells are called A) Axons B) Neurons C) Nucleus D) None of these 10.) What are the main sources of energy for all activities? A) Carbo hydrates B) Proteins C) Fats D) Minerals 11.) Night blindness is due to the deficiency of which vitamin? A) Vitamin K B) Vitamin C C) Vitamin B D) Vitamin A 12) Cardio Pulmonary resuscitation ( CPR) is the First Aid given for A) Snake bite B) Spinal Injury C) Sprain D) Drowning IV 13) Which blood cells provide immunity to our body A) RBC B) WBC C) Platelets D) None of these 14) Which is the term for the amount of blood coming out of the heart during its single contraction ? A) Vital Capacity B) Stroke Volume C) Second Wind D) Tidal Volume 15) Which of the following provides maximum carbo hydrates ? A) Oil B ) Milk C) Cereals D)Meat 16) Which blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide? A) Red blood cells B) White Blood cells C) Red and white blood cells D) None of these PART B (Weight one each) Write short notes on any 5 of the following 17) First Aid 18) Balanced Diet 19) Yoga 20) Joints 21) Fracture 22) Somato Type 23) Vital Capacity 24) Warming up PART C ( Weight Two each) Answer any 4 questions 25) What are the health benefits of physical activities? 26) Write down the activities for developing physical fitness? 27) What are the effects of exercises on muscular systems? 28) What are hypo kinetic diseases? Discuss the role of exercises in reducing obesity? 29) What is sprain and strain? What are the causes of sprain and strain? 30) Discuss sports as an agent for international understanding. PART D (Weight Four each) Answer any 2 questions 31) What is physical fitness? What are the types of physical fitness? What are the components of physical fitness? 32) Define Health. Elucidate the dimensions of health and its determinants. |