Andhra Pradesh State Syllabus, Mathematics IIB (Co-ordinate Geometry And Calculus), Intermediate Model Exam Papers


The paper on Mathematics IIB is a paper based on the concepts of co ordinate geometry and calculus and one has to master the application part of these concepts. The paper is a part of Intermediate Model Exam Papers from Andhra Pradesh State board. The paper is a long paper based on the numerical from the given topics and is a tough paper to attempt.

Paper pattern:

The paper on Mathematics IIB is one with a variety of question pattern. There are three section in the paper, section A, section B and section C. In section A there are short type questions which one needs to attempt compulsorily and each question is of 2 marks. In the section B one needs to answer any five from the seven questions and each question is worth five marks. In the final section one needs to attempt a little elaborate questions and it is of seven marks each. In this section one needs to attempt five out of seven questions.

Maximum marks and time allotted:

The paper on Mathematics IIB is a three hours paper and has a maximum attainable marks of 75 marks.

Frequently asked questions:

The paper on Mathematics IIB is based on co- ordinate geometry and calculus. There are a variety of questions and one need to have a good practice with the numerical based paper. Some of the commonly asked topics are finding the value of a constant in a given equation of a circle with a given radius, finding the equation of sphere that passes through a given co- ordinate, finding the eccentricity of an eclipse, statement of Simpson’s rule for integration, solving of integrations based on various rules, and other mathematical related questions.

Recommended Books:

Differential Equations - Schaum Series (Frank Ayres) by N.M. Kapur

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4 Responses to “Andhra Pradesh State Syllabus, Mathematics IIB (Co-ordinate Geometry And Calculus), Intermediate Model Exam Papers”

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